Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still the same.
Glad everyone has liked the cliffhangers. Don't worry, I won't kill Wufei, besides the gun was pointed at Harry when it went off, remember? This is not a Harry is all powerful fic but he is fairly powerful, after all he has to beat Riddle.
Chapter 7
“NO!” Three voices screamed. Heero pulled the trigger.
Harry reacted instinctively. His wand flew into his hand from the holster hidden on his arm. Without even thinking he cast the most powerful shield charm he had ever cast, all before Heero's finger had even finished pulling the trigger. What he wouldn't realise until much later was that he hadn't uttered a word the entire time.
“What the hell?!” The pilots stared in shock, as the bullet never hit Harry, a Harry whose emerald eyes blazed with anger and pure power.
“Please tell me you guys are seeing this.” Quatre nodded, too shocked to do anything else.
“I won't let you kill him Heero.” Harry's voice sent shivers down their spines, not that they'd admit it. It was a cold hiss, so different from what they were used too.
“Harry?” Wufei had pushed himself up in the bed, trying to see what exactly was going on. How was Harry still standing? The perfect soldier never missed. He froze as Harry turned to him, a flash of fear passing through him.
Harry turned to Wufei, hearing the disbelief in his voice. He flinched as he saw the brief flash of fear in the other teens eyes, he didn't want Wufei to be afraid of him. Harry fought to bring his temper under control.
“Accio gun.” He put his hand out and Heero's gun flew into it. Threat removed, at least temporarily, he moved to kneel beside the bed. As Harry relaxed the aura of power faded, leaving the Harry they all knew. He put his hand out, hesitating to touch Wufei, not wanting to see him pull back. As if sensing that Wufei extended his own hand, grasping Harry's.
“How?” Harry smiled sadly.
“Does it matter? Please don't hate me.” Harry hung his head.
“I don't hate you. How badly was I hurt, really?” That got everyone's attention.
“What little I remember indicates I was a lot worse off than Harry has said.”
“You were pretty close to dead. Your leg was a mangled wreck, your wrist broken. You had a severe concussion, several deep lacerations on your chest, some bad cuts on your face plus severe bruising and lots of smaller cuts. You'd lost a lot of blood by the time you got here.”
“There's no way.”
“You healed me somehow.” Harry nodded, still not looking at any of them. Suddenly his head shot up and he stared towards the front of the house.
“Shit! They've found us.” He was on his feet in a second and was off down the hall.
“Quatre stay with Fei.” Duo took off after him, the other two following. They caught up at the door.
“I threw up some emergency perimeter wards, I wasn't sure they'd work though. I think it's safe to say someone spilled.” He stepped back, letting Heero peer outside.
“OZ. We need to go.”
“How? Without risking a lot of civilian casualties.”
“I think I can get us out of the house but wherever we end up there are some people who will be able to track us so there has to be transportation nearby.”
“We have a jeep stashed for emergencies.”
“Where? Can you show me on a map?” Duo grabbed a map, indicating the location.
“Grab your gear.” Harry pointed his wand at the door, putting every locking charm he could think of on it before bolting back to the bedroom.
“We're leaving now, the soldiers are outside.” The two watched as Harry looked around before grabbing a paperweight off of Wufei's desk. The others came in just in time to watch as Harry did something to it with his wand, muttering under his breath. They stared as it glowed blue for a few seconds.
“Hope this works. Everyone needs to be touching it.”
“What did you do?”
“Made a highly illegal portkey and I really don't want to get caught with it so please?”
“If it's illegal how do you know how to do it?”
“Read it in a book, hope I got it right. Get ready, three, two one.” With the familiar tug behind the navel the five pilots and one wizard vanished just as the OZ soldiers burst into the room.
For once in his life Harry was the only person to still be standing when they landed. He winced as Wufei groaned in pain. While the pilots got to their feet he searched for the jeep.
“Over there.” Trowa pointed it out.
“We need to hurry, I don't know how long it'll take for someone to notice what I did and track us.” Duo and Trowa held Wufei up between them as the hurried to the jeep. Heero jumped into the drivers seat with Duo beside him. The other four squished into the back and they were off. Harry collapsed against the seat, breathing hard. He'd used a lot of complicated spells in a short time and was paying for it.
“Are you alright?”
“Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're the one with the injuries.” Wufei grimaced.
“It's painful but I can handle it. You are too pale.”
“Tired, I did too much.”
“Sleep, we'll wake you when we stop.” Harry nodded and let himself relax into sleep, trusting Wufei to keep his word.
“Harry. We're there. Come on wake up.” Harry groaned but obediently opened his eyes.
“Safehouse. Come on, we've already got Wufei settled.” Harry nodded and climbed stiffly from the jeep, following Quatre into the house, well it looked more like a cottage to him. He could feel everyone watching him as he staggered in, still partially asleep.
“Questions can wait till tomorrow Hee-chan, we're all tired.” Duo firmly dragged his lover off to the room he'd claimed.
“You're in the back upstairs bedroom with Wufei.” Quatre told him before the lovebirds left to get sleep. Harry headed up the stairs and down the hall. He hesitated in the doorway, watching Wufei as he settled himself more comfortably on the small bed.
“You planning to come in?”
“I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“Why would I want you to do that?” Harry shrugged, refusing to look at him.
“Harry, come here.” He slowly walked over and was shocked when Wufei pulled him down to sit on the bed.
“You are my friend, no matter what you can do. You saved my life twice doing whatever it is you can do. You are not sleeping on the couch or anywhere else but that bed.”
“You sure?”
“I trust you Harry. No matter what the others think I know you won't hurt us.”
“I could, I nearly did.”
“Heero?” Harry nodded.
“He shot at you, it would have been self-defence. Go to sleep Harry, we'll talk more in the morning when we're more awake.” He squeezed Harry's hand before letting him go.”
Short I know. I'm nor 100% happy with it but it's been rewritten three times and this seems to be as good as it gets. Glad this has led to a certain author wanting to work on one of my favourite stories, Storm Child.