Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still the same.
Thanks for the reviews, sorry for the wait. I just got a beta for New Family so I've been doing a rewrite with her help.
Chapter 21
Wufei kissed him gently and then froze.
“Um, Harry?”
“How's your magic lately?” That got his attention and his eyes shot open. Harry turned to look where Wufei was staring and his mouth fell open in shock.
“Oops?” They stared around the bedroom in shock. Yep, Harry thought, still don't have a good grip or any real control over it.
“Think anyone will notice?” He blushed as Wufei shot him a look of pure disbelief.
“If they're blind there might be a slim chance.” Wufei commented, still looking around the room. What had once been a nice, simple but large blue bedroom was now anything but. The walls looked like they'd been subjected to a child's idea of painting, various colours were splashed randomly across them. The carpet had been replaced with what looked like grass and the furniture had sprouted legs and was wandering around. The bed was the only thing that remained untouched, although there were climbing roses clinging to the canopy supports.
“My magic is officially out of control.” Harry groaned, burying his head in Wufei's chest.
“Can you undo it?”
“I didn't even know I'd done it! I can't consciously get a good enough grip. Hopefully it will go away in a bit.” Harry couldn't stop staring at the disaster his magic had made of the room.
“It could have been a lot worse.”
“Worse?” Wufei looked at him in disbelief.
“I blew Uncle Vernon's sister up once and I think I accidentally apparated when Dudley and his gang were chasing me so yeah, could have been worse.”
“Well, until it fixes itself or you manage to do it we better not let anyone in here but us pilots. This would raise a lot of questions.” Harry grinned.
“No, really?” Wufei playfully swatted the back of his head, glad that his room had taken Harry's mind off his reaction or lack there of to their previous activities.
“So, what shall we do for the next four hours until I return you to the slave driver?” Wufei nibbled his ear and Harry laughed.
“Nasih's started setting me work to do, so we could do that.” Harry pointed to a pile of books on his wandering desk.
“You want me to brave the disaster to get them?”
“Good point. Maybe we could just cuddle for a while?” Harry tilted his head back so he could see Fei's face.
“Good idea.” They took a few minutes to get comfortable and then relaxed, enjoying the time in each other's presence.
Harry held his wand in his hand, relearning the feel of the smooth wood. He smiled; it had been so long since he'd been able to hold it. Fei had left that morning for an emergency mission, leaving Harry alone with the Maganacs for the first time since his `accident'. Taking a deep breath he pointed his wand at the book he wanted.
“Wingardium Leviosa.” The book trembled slightly and then jerked but didn't float. Forcing himself to relax Harry tried again, this time with more spectacular results. He stared up at the ceiling where his book was now stuck.
“Brilliant.” He sighed in frustration. Harry looked up at an amused hoot.
“It's not funny Hedwig.” The owl flew over to sit awkwardly on his sheets, in easy reach of his hand. Harry began stroking her feathers, allowing the familiar motion to relax him further. He had nearly dozed off when she lightly nipped his fingers.
“What's wrong girl?” He followed her gaze up to the book and then back to his wand.
“You think I should try again huh?” She hooted and nipped his fingers again.
“Okay, here goes.” He pointed his wand and this time the book floated gently towards him, landing within reach on the bed. Harry grinned; all he had to do was completely relax. Picking the next book in the pile he continued to practise. Now he just had to figure out how to return his room to normal before Rashid showed up to carry him downstairs for lunch.
“Hey Trowa, welcome back.” Harry grinned at the quiet pilot who smiled back.
“It's good to hear you talking again.” Trowa sat on the chair opposite the couch Harry was lying on.
“Any more progress?”
“No. Is Quatre with you?” Trowa shook his head.
“I've sort of got a bit of control over my you-know-what.” Harry said, lifting his sleeve enough for his wand holster to be visible.
“The others?”
“Can't see it. You can because you know about it, neat huh?” Trowa nodded.
“Nasih has me slaving away at books again and Juri at the physiotherapy so I'm not bored anymore. I've been thinking about sending a note to some of the tutors Remus suggested, maybe they could help with my control problems and I don't want to get too out of practise.”
“I can give you some more computer lessons and Duo could resume lock picking when he returns.” Harry grinned; he was finally getting his life back, even if he couldn't walk.
Harry held his arm out as Hedwig flew through the window, a not attached to her leg.
“Any problems girl?” She gave a negative hoot and sat still so he could remove the various messages. He grinned as he read the first one, one affirmative so far.
“Hey Harry! What's the smile for?” Duo threw himself down on the bed, being careful not to bounce too much.
“I sent the notes for magic tutors, Hedwig just got back with the replies. One yes so far.”
“Great!” Duo grabbed some of the papers and they went through them together.
“Hello Mr. Yuy, my name is Armando. I must admit your note has peaked my curiosity.” Harry studied the man in front of him, Duo keeping a silent watch, knife hidden in his hand in case the man proved to be a threat. Armando was tall, about six foot four inches and had shoulder length dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. He was well tanned and impeccably dressed.
“Thank you for coming. As you can see I am not able to walk so I find it hard to attend school. I am looking for several tutors to finish my magical education and an old friend suggested you. He'd heard of you by your reputation.” Harry stuck to the story Duo had suggested; he wanted to form an opinion of the man before swearing him to secrecy and revealing himself.
“You must have sustained a horrific injury for magic to have been unable to fully heal you.” Armando commented, frowning. There were very few things that could do that. Harry simply nodded.
“How far have you gotten?”
“I've completed the equivalent of six years by the European standard.”
“So one year's worth left and then an apprenticeship?”
“How many lessons a week were you thinking?”
“Three with you for DADA and potions. Two for Charms and Transfigurations and one for the others.”
“That's' doable. Wages and would I be expected to stay here or commute?”
“There is a room available if you want it but I have to warn you, the rest of the household is muggle and only five people know about us. Wages are negotiable.”
“Looks like you have yourself a tutor.” They shook on it.
“Now I need a Wizard's Oath that you will never speak of what you are about to learn. You can decide not to take the job once you've heard me out but it must be kept secret, lives depend on this.”
“That went well.” Duo commented, finally putting his knife away. Of the five interviewed after Armando only one had refused the job, before he had learned Harry's true identity.
“Got to admit, it was fun watching them react to finding out they'll be teaching THE Harry Potter.” Duo grinned.
“Glad you found it so amusing.” Harry said, putting the various resumes away.
“With all five of them living here we can keep an eye on them at least. That Deven guy gives me the creeps.”
“Be glad you've never met Snape then.” Harry smiled, sure Deven was creepy but he had nothing on Snape and he was a Master at Charms so Harry could put up with it.
“Come on Harry, hold it for a little longer.” Harry threw a death glare at Asad who was sitting against the wall, watching as Harry struggled to hold himself up on the bars. He really didn't feel like concentrating today, Wufei and Heero were four days overdue and Armando had made him swallow a positively horrid potion with his last five meals to help deal with the dark magic residue in his system. They still hadn't found a reason for it but Harry still had the nagging sense that he should be remembering something. Although the potion did seem to have had at least a slight affect, he'd felt a vague sensation when Juri had done the usual tests that morning, hence the extra long session on the bars, trying to get his legs to respond.
Harry collapsed into Juri's waiting arms as a commotion from out the front broke his concentration. He nodded at Asad who left to see what was going on even as he drew a throwing knife. Wufei, Trowa and Heero had managed to gang up on him, even though they had seen him at different times and managed to get him to carry at least a throwing blade at all times, just in case someone managed to breach security. Calls for a doctor had him resheathing the blade even as Juri hurried him back to his room before running towards whatever emergency it was.
Harry tried to study as he waited but gave up after half an hour. He stared out the window from the couch that had been placed in front of it for exactly that purpose. Unfortunately his room faced the side of the house and not the front so he had no idea what was going on. It was nearly three hours before Asad slipped into his room, looking pale.
“Asad? What's wrong?” Harry couldn't keep the worry from his voice.
“Quatre and Trowa, its bad.” Harry paled and collapsed back against the couch. First Wufei and Heero are missing and now tow more friends badly hurt. Was Duo next?