Fan Fiction ❯ Inner Darkness ❯ Inner Darkness and through the darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hiya peoples it me the little kitsune bringing you some poetry. Ok I'm deeply afraid my mom found out I was an authoress. She said I should put up my poetry. But most of the poetry I write ain't anime or any thing else related anyways I got two poems for you that are video game related and its kingdom hearts related anyways on with the stuff. Anyways I haven't beaten the game so this is what I think happened so please bear with me and don't tell me the ending k? Thanks.



Disclaimer: I don't own kingdom hearts if I did Riku would show up more and wouldn't have turned bad. And he would help Sora fight the heartless. But I don't so he didn't. Aw man on with the stuff.



Inner Darkness


The light within his heart was fading. He was falling into darkness. The light in his eyes was fading. His mind was wandering. His body wasn't his anymore. Ansem had taken control. He had lost everything. But his heart was still there. A light shown through the deepest darkness. It banished the darkness from within him. He opened his eyes. Sora and Kairi smiled. He smiled back. He did it. He banished the darkness from within his heart.


And that was from Riku's view more or less. Next up another one of Riku's fight with the darkness. Sorta. Please review.





Through The Darkness


Traveling through the darkness. Don't lose your way in the darkness. Or you may lose your heart. But don't be afraid. If you lose your self in the darkness. Just look for the light in your heart. Don't be afraid of it for it will guide you through the darkness and toward the light. Toward the exit where your friend are waiting to take you home. Inside of the light.




So what do you think? Please review thanks see ya when I see ya.