Fan Fiction ❯ Inner Darkness ❯ Dark Steps ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Fear I am the little kitsune and I bring you even more ~lightning flashes ~ DARK POETRY! Mwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahha cough, cough ~ falls over. ~ OW! Anyways, thanks for reviewing all I got for you is one sorry that's all I can come up with right now, Hehehe anyways on with the story thingy.
Disclaimer: I own nothing I wish I did then KH2 would come out sooner, Hehehe can't wait for that. On with the stuff.
With each step I take, the light from my heart fades a little more and I fall a more into darkness. Heartless swarm around me. I pay no mind. The steps leading to the darkness seem never ending. The light is almost gone. Nothing can save me from the darkness, I will be lost forever. It's what I deserve. I attacked my friends and betrayed them for the darkness. I was lured into the darkness. Forgetting the light. I'll be trapped forever on these dark steps forever. I hear my name called. I continue to walk I fell my self-falling. Falling into darkness. A bright light shone and it envelops me. My eyes open, everything is fuzzy. My vision clears I see Sora and Kairi. I look around and smile. We're on our island. We're free of the darkness. We're here, safe from the darkness. Together again.
THAT'S ALL! That's all ya get Hehehe so go review I love hearin' from ya. Please review.