Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Objective Legend: The Unknown ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"I assume you have no other ideas," Sibaru hissed softly behind her to Kai, watching as Rufus came into her eyesight and made a half circle walking around her and him, soon disappearing later on, then reappearing.

"I'm thinking…I'm thinking! Can't rush these things," Kai murmured back, eyeing Rufus as he came into sight.

"Um…one minor point…We sort of need to rush this!"

"Hey, at the moment I can't think as fast okay!"

"Well excuse me, mister I Know It All. I didn't think that you wanted us to be dead!" Sibaru sneered harshly.

"I don't want us to be dead, thank-you very much. This wasn't even supposed to happen! Keovu was to get rid of him for us."

"Oh, so I suppose Keovu is the one who wishes us to be dead."

"No he doesn't! This is just a simple mistake in the plan-"

"A simple mistake?!?! Uhhhh…Heeelllloooo!!! We're about to get killed here! My arm hurts like hell just to add in!"

"Okay, so it isn't a `simple mistake'. It ain't my fault, so don't go blaming me."

"You should have never tried getting a hold of me then."

"Now, would you rather die unknowing the fact, or would you rather try to run off to stay alive?!"


"My point exactly."

"I love how you two are slowly thinking this out," Rufus interrupted, "Pardon me for cutting in; I just need to finish my job." He stopped directly in front of Kai, preparing to fire at him. Kai tilt his head back so he was able to whisper something in Sibaru's ear, "Even if he shoots me, stay behind me at all times. You can grab the my third gun in my back pocket and have an easier advantage to answer back." His head moved back into the previous position, looking straight into the barrel of Rufus' gun. Both he and Sibaru closed their eyes as Rufus cocked the gun. For a wound in the shoulder, Rufus still had the energy.

Just before Rufus was about to shoot, Keovu burst out the side door, throwing the two beat up Turks against the wall on the opposite side. Seeing the issue going on, Keovu walked up to Rufus, not at all to happy. Others followed him: Mariku, Athrin, and Yuffie. Once Yuffie laid eyes on the ShinRa President, she instantly went into a tempered mood. "So this is where the fucking president ran off to," Keovu raged, storming as he came up to Rufus.

"Ugh! Let me at the stupid dork to kick his arse!" Yuffie enraged, trying to get a closer shot at Rufus with her shuriken that was in her hand, though Athrin had forced her not to.

"Yuffie, remember this was Keovu's part. Heh, not ours," Athrin whispered with a small laugh. Yuffie just turned around to face him and sent him a devilish look. However, Athrin didn't budge.

Keovu glanced between Rufus, Kai, and Sibaru, noticing the wounds and all. "Will ya do something already, Keovu! Can't you see we need help!?!" Kai shouted to Keovu after awhile. "She needs fucking assistance!!!!"

"Yeah…yeah…hold your horses, Kai. Geez, can't a guy notice the issue for a sec to plan something out now a days?" Keovu called back with a good emotion of sarcasm. He stood between Kai and Rufus to prevent him from getting shot. "Now as for you…seems as though someone got lucky with a gun. I'll just finish the job for them. Don't worry. It won't hurt…much." He showed an evil grin as he drew his gun into an attacking stance.

"Too many people for one issue, I'll have to continue this another time. Till then I hope you improve your skills, you're very bad at them," Rufus answered. He seemed to suddenly disappear after the last word, which shocked the rest.

"?!?!?!?!" Yuffie grunted. One thing she hated about Rufus was that when a group of people gets together and goes against him, he seems to chicken out all the time. "That little son of a-"

"Yuffie!! Don't finish that!" snapped Vincent as he ran into the scene. The rest of what was left of the group followed him.

"A little late don't ya think?" Yuffie recalled.

"Irvine had a little emotion problem in the building," Cloud answered carelessly. Irvine looked as innocent as he could get.

"We have the two now," Keovu remarked, changing the subject. Mariku stood rather in the open; Kai helped Sibaru up. Cloud first looked at Mariku and scanned him.

"He would make four of you," he mumbled. He moved over to Sibaru and Kai, and scanned Sibaru. Raising his voice, he asked, "She's the second one he had?" Kai nodded. Cloud noticed the wound on Sibaru's left arm. "And she got hurt how?" he continued.

"Rufus shot her. He aimed for her chest, I could tell, but she moved and the bullet hit her in the arm instead," Kai answered. He motioned for Athrin to come take Sibaru. Athrin got up to them and took Kai's place. Drops of blood from Sibaru's arm began to drip onto Athrin's shirt and stained it. Kai stretched and walked a few steps off, before walking back to the group.

"Kai, you were supposed to make sure she didn't get hurt. Not let her," Keovu teased, coming up behind Kai and holding him in a buddy-like stance. "Can't have ya do the job if you let others get hurt."

"Do you want me to hurt you?" Kai played along. "Then get the hell off of me!" Keovu jerked back. Obviously, he just got Kai mad.

"Fuck…someone's unhappy."

"So are we going to get her some help, or what?" Zell cutted in, "Can anyone see that she lost a virtual amount already through the time we wasted?"

"He has a fact. I'm going to get her to the airship," Athrin agreed. He carefully began to walk away. But he and Sibaru didn't go very far, for one of the group members interrupted them.

"Er…may I point something out before you start leaving?" Irvine started. "She won't be able to climb the rope ladder because of her wound…Meaning we won't be able to get her aboard the ship."

"Then someone will just have to carry her, now won't we?" Squall sternly remarked, half ready to smack Irvine.

"Well, then let me do the honors to-" Irvine began, before being cut off.

"How `bout not, Irv. I'll do that part. I don't think we would appreciate it if you did it," Keovu answered with a laugh. He then added in, "Besides, it'll keep Kai off my back because of a small `mistake'. Hehe"

The group began to depart from the alley. Cloud, Vincent, Yuffie, Squall, and Kai all went ahead of the group by a few yards. Athrin stayed in the back with Sibaru, keeping their pace a little slower then the ones ahead. Keovu walked along with them, to make sure that they were okay and that Irvine would back off of Sibaru, knowing him. After a while of pushing Irvine away, Irvine moved up with Zell and decided to chat with him. It was quiet for a while, just nothing but muttering from ahead and footsteps, as well as a gust wind whistling through the trees. Soon a song was softly hummed. Sibaru looked around to see Keovu humming it. His eyes were kept straight as he continued humming.

Keovu saw at the corner of his eye that Sibaru was giving him her attention. He stopped humming and looked at her with a smile; a smile that was relaxing. Rather embarrassed, Sibaru looked away. There was something about him that made her feel different. Athrin noticed as well, giving a small smirk. "So how old are you, Sibaru?" Keovu asked out of plain curiosity.

"Fourteen, why?" Sibaru answered.

"Heh, no reason. Just wanted to know."

"What about you?"

"Sixteen…old enough to drive, so you might say," Keovu replied with a smile. "Ol' Ath here is about nineteen or so, am I correct?"

"Yes…surprisingly, Keovu remembered my age," Athrin joked.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!" Keovu blurred out, rather somewhat upset about it.

"I'm just saying that you, for once, remembered something," Athrin continued, almost laughing rather out loud then to himself. Not even Sibaru could resist laughing at this. Both her and Athrin's laughs could slightly be heard from where Vincent, Cloud, and them were. Cloud was curious enough to actually call back, "What's so funny back there?" Amidst the laughing and grunting, there was no answer. So Cloud just ignored and continued his way asking the people he was with, "Am I missing something?" Squall shrugged in response.

Back to where Sibaru, Athrin, and Keovu were together, it continued:

"What! So you're saying my memory is as good as a damn bug?" Keovu yelled back to Athrin.

"No…I think he's only saying that your brain is about the size of a pea," Sibaru joined in.

"Hey not you too!" he retaliated. All Athrin could do was laugh so hard that he had to stop to get control of himself.

"Keovu, come take Sibaru. I need to cool off," Athrin remarked, having signs of laughter escape him. Keovu just glared at him, soon taking Sibaru and literally picking her up over his shoulder, grinning because he knew what could happen next.

"Hey! Put me down!!!" Sibaru demanded. "GOD DAMN IT, KEOVU! PUT ME DOWN!"

"Meh, you deserve it. And no I won't put you down…or at least now anyways," Keovu answered, smiling. During this commotion, Athrin went up ahead, and left the two to argue, laughing to himself along the way. Sibaru went to hit him, but Keovu had her good arm blocked and she couldn't hit him with the arm that was shot, so it was rather hard to even try to free her good hand. And every time she went to kick Keovu, he always acted as if he was going to tip her over and let her fall. "Have you had enough, Siby?" he asked with a laugh.

"Don't call me Siby! If you want to call my name, call it right!…and…and… Put me down!" Sibaru continued. "Put me down now!!"

"eh, no."

"Put me down!"

"Fine then," Keovu answered slyly. He placed her down and Sibaru began to walk off ahead. Without a moment of notice, Keovu rushed to her and picked her up once more, holding her as if she were a small child. "But you didn't say how long," he added, seeing her face expression when he got her. Sibaru could see in his face that he was enjoying this moment a lot, while she was not. "Now, let me point out a factor there Siby…" Keovu started, hearing a groan from Sibaru when he said `Siby', but during his next sentence, Keovu was quieter, "You can either have me helping you…or you could have that pervert Irvine over there help. And if I were you I would choose me, just to be safe."

"How about I choose neither," Sibaru answered back.

"Aw, someone's shy," he retaliated.

"Oh shut up!" she yelled back at him. They continued their walk to the airship.