Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Painful Miracles ❯ Training begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Training begins

Cloud waited, leaning on his sword, and speaking with Rufus' youngest son James. James looked a lot like girl with his shoulder length blond hair, and his girly blue eyes. The crunch of gravel beneath Dante's heavy, flame patterned boots, brought the boys to notice her presence.

"About time!" Cloud laughed.

"Hi Dante" James waved, a deep blush on his pale cheeks.

"Hi James.." Dante waved back, knowing the small boy had a crush on her. She had no interest in him however. Her sights were on his tumble-weed haired older brother, Heery. But Heery had gone to Rocket Town on business for his father, and wasn't due to return for a week. Rufus' other son was also blond, and identical to James, only a few years older, and the middle child. His name was Masao. Dante wasn't sure, nor did she really care where he was.

James hopped up onto the arena wall to watch Cloud and Dante train, as the two fighters took a fighting stance.

"Ready for an ass wopin' dad?" Dante yelled.

"You dare kiss your mother with that mouth?" Cloud joked. Dante raised her blade, and ran at her father. Sparks flew as the two opposing blades met with a loud clang of metal. .:She's getting better, better watch myself:. Cloud made a mental note, as Dante raised her blade over her head for a strike. Cloud took his opening and kicked her hard in the stomach.

.:That's gonna bruise!:. Dante thought, slightly winded. But she soon retaliated with a blast of thunder bolts. Sparks of electric energy crackled in the air as a roll of thunder hit their eardrums. Cloud crumpled to the ground, using his sword for support and breathing hard. James clapped as Dante walked to her father and extended a hand to help the old man up.

"Getting a little rusty, old man" Dante laughed.

Cloud took her hand, but didn't let her pull him up, instead he pulled her down and put a foot on her chest.

" What do I always say?" Cloud smirked.

"Never let your guard down to an enemy" Dante sighed in defeat. "and?" Cloud added a little more pressure to Dante's chest.

"Never extend a hand to an enemy." She added, bringing her foot to meet Cloud's supporting one, and knocking him to the ground. Now she stood above him, smirking.

"You neglect to remember that mom taught me martial arts" But, before Cloud could mutter a protest, Tifa stomped out.

"Dante, watch the bar, your father and I have business to attend to." Tifa a little less than demanded.

Dante sighed a "fine".

"Need help?" Came James' annoying 12 year old voice.

" Go home James" Tifa ordered as Dante walked into the bar. Her mother was upset about something, Dante could tell as she walked into the bar.


"What's up?" Cloud asked as James left for his own home.

Tifa took a deep breath, the replied, "Aeris called. She needs to speak with us. She said to meet her at the old church in sector 7"

Cloud searched Tifa's brown eyes for an answer. "Is it about...?"

"Yes. It's about Dante, Sakura, and Icarus." Tifa answered befor Cloud could finish his question. Tifa's bottom lip quivered with unshed tears, and Cloud pulled her to him, and rubbed her back. He wanted to tell her it was okay, and everything would be fine, but he couldn't muster the lie. It just sat on his tongue. He knew why Tifa was crying, and it made him want to cry to, but he had to be strong for Tifa.

The three girls were in danger from ShinRa, and themselves.