Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Release Me ❯ Lost and Found ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Chapter 7~
Sanyu looked around confused in the hallway she was standing in after she had ran from Akito's anger. Tears sprouted in her eyes at her realization. She was lost and so like any other child she began to cry. She looked up from crying hearing the approaching footsteps. She looked up at the possessor of the heavy hand that fell on her head. It was Ayame.
Ayame: What ever is the matter with you, Sanyu-chan?
She quickly clung to him and once again began to cry.
Sanyu: WAHHH! I-I g-got-t l-l-lost!! And it was really scary!!
Ayame: There, there my dear child you're fine.
He picked her up and headed back . They came in Hatori's house with a cheery Ayame and a teary-eyed Sanyu. Hatori and Shigure stared at Ayame with an accusing look in their eyes.
Hatori: Ayame, what did you do to her?
Ayame: Hatori! How could you accuse me of such a thing?!?
Sanyu got dropped onto the ground when Ayame's flailed his arms in protest. All went quiet. Sanyu looked surprised but slowly her eyes filled with tears. Ayame stared at the Sanyu on the floor with confusion. Shigure was sweat dropping at the scene and Hatori had an irritated look on his face. Once Sanyu started crying Shigure immediately got up to calm her. Ayame began apologizing profusely to Sanyu for his clumsiness. Sanyu eventually quieted and gave a cheerful smile to them all.
Shigure: Well, I believe Sanyu-chan and I have to go. We need to get you ready for school.
Sanyu: Oh yeah! Let's go Gure-nii! School, school!
Both walked out the door. A little later they arrived at the school and Shigure was speaking with the teacher about Sanyu and she wandered outside to the front and sat herself down. She was playing with the flowers surrounding her when a shadow cast over her. Fearfully she looked up and there was the man she most feared standing two feet in front of her. A cruel sneer was on his face. Fear shook her body and wanted to run but found her legs unable to move.
Father: Oh look. It's going back to school. Don't worry though; you'll be back home soon. Don't bother making friends cause you won't have time to. Remember that mutt.
He turned back to his car and took off but not before getting a good punch to her stomach in. Sanyu coughed violently at the sudden attack and gasped for breath. He sneered before taking off. Eventually regaining her breath back she sat up and closed her eyes to help dull the aching pain in her abdomen. Shigure came out twenty minutes later after the exchange and was oblivious to the whole thing. Shigure stared at Sanyu confused when she desperately clung to the end of his kimono and refused to meet his eyes.
Upon arriving home Sanyu immediately began to go up the stairs.
Sanyu: Gure-nii… I'm sleepy. I'm going to go take a nap.
Shigure: Sanyu-chan, is something wrong?
Sanyu: No, right now, everything is perfect.
She ran up the steps into Tohru's room. She curled up into the covers and slowly began to drift off to sleep but keeping a weary eye on the door before everything faded and became dark and her father's words echoed in her mind.
Tohru and Kyo returned home a little later and was about to head up when Tohru was stopped by Shigure.
Shigure: Gomen my beautiful flower but the little pup is sleeping in your room. I think something happened today but she isn't talking.
Tohru: I hope Sanyu-chan is okay.
Kyo: I wonder what's up. I'll go check on her, okay? You go start dinner or whatever.
Kyo quietly creped upstairs and Tohru still worried went into the kitchen. Shigure followed after her to bug her about that night's menu. Kyo silently creped up to Tohru's room to see Sanyu wrapped up underneath the covers in a ball. He walked to the edge of the bed and kneeled down next to her and began petting her head calming her from her restless sleep. Slowly she began to wake up and sleepily she stared at Kyo while rubbing the sleep from her eyes
Sanyu: Kon ban wa Kyo-nii. Is nee-chan home too?
Kyo: Yeah Tohru is home. Come on munchkin lets go downstairs.
Sanyu sleepily climbed out of bed and grabbed Kyo's hand and they went downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen Kyo angrily stood there at having Shigure discover his role in the play. Sanyu drifted away from Kyo to Shigure as Kyo stole the script and Tohru gave chase.
Shigure: So how are you now after your little nap pup?
Sanyu: I'm fine. Hehe just sleepy.
Rubbing her eyes she rested her head on Shigure's shoulder.
Sanyu: I can stay here forever right?
Shigure: Of course my little pup.
Sanyu: Gure-nii…
Shigure: Yes, Sanyu-chan?
Sanyu: The pot is bubbling.
Shigure released Sanyu and ran to the hallway to call Tohru. Soon enough Tohru rushed in and turned off the boiling pot. She turned to Shigure and Sanyu with two trays.
Tohru: Shigure-san, Sanyu-chan, could you go set the table please? I'm going to go get Kyo-kun and Yuki-kun.
Sanyu: Hai!!! Hehe come on Gure-nii!
She quickly took one of the trays and made her way to the living room with Shigure close behind.
Sanyu: Ne-ne Gure-nii do you think I can go see nee-chan after school? They're close so I can just walk over.
Shigure: That's fine with me. You can surprise her too.
Sanyu: Okay! Hehe I'll do it when I start school.
Shigure: Oh, I think Aaya is going to the school on that day. You can go with him okay?
Sanyu: Okay! Yay!!! I get to go with Aaya-nii-san.
Yuki and Tohru came in and Kyo came in a little later and they all ate dinner together happily. Sanyu soon after went back upstairs and crawled underneath the covers. Her father's words coming back. She quietly whimpered to the empty darkness before curling underneath the covers trying to block out the voice of her laughing father.
AN: Ok there I'm done chap 7!!!! Yeah!!! Sorry I haven't been updating though this is the longest story I've written ^^ anyways I'll try putting out other stories soon. Hehe I love sanyu soo much!!!