Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Seven Minutes in Heaven ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world’s many coincidental mysteries.

July 1, 2004
Seven Minutes in Heaven: Prologue
by Ina-chan

A dark dingy place. I never imagined that a day would actually come when I would see myself in a situation like this. I mean, we're talking about ME here. Nontheless... here I am, Kakeru Manabe, trapped in a mysterious abyss with nothing to see but darkness. Darkness swallows all light and goes on and on and on for eternity... And I, Kakeru Manabe, am all alone in this godforsaken place. Alone and forgotten with no one and nothing to depend on but my superior wits and unyielding will to survi---

"Manabe, come out of the broom closet."

Okay... so I'm not in an abyss. I'm not forgotten... but I am alone."Technically". AND it's still a dark godforsaken place. And yes... okay... sure... "Technically", I could come out of the closet whenever I want. But just because I can get out doesn't necessarily mean that I'm NOT trapped. There are lots of many logical reasons to how a person, who can come out of a closet within the realms of his own free will, can still be trapped.

Like how, you ask? Well, for one thing... say that if I open that door and I step out of the broom closet, something will happen so that will change the world as we know it? Like a meteor falling from space and landing on me the exact moment I open that door and move away from the spot that I am currently standing on. Fate can be a very sadistic bi-atch. Specially when she's PMS-ing...

Bullshit? I am not a bull and most certainly not shi--- OKAY! OKAY! Sorry, my bad. Maintain a PG-13 rating in this fic.

What do you mean you don't believe me?!?! Did I do something to break your trust... ah... well, there's a perfectly good explanation for that... but that's just... well... the class trip was just an over exaggeration... I WAS NOT!!! Well okay, maybe I was partially responsible for that, but my point is... OKAY! OKAY! You made your point!

But I'm not lying this time! We are talking about serious shi---OOOT here! If I open that door and step out of this room, it will mean indescribable pain and suffering. God-if-you-really-there-please-take-me-right-now-and-someone-take-the-shotg un-from-the-shed-and-shoot-me-to-put-me-out-of-my-misery-type of pain. That's SERIOUS bodily harm.

I could die.

Ha, ha...laugh it up, why don't you? Well, it's obvious that nothing I say will convince you, short of showing you.

'Then show me?' ARE YOU NUTS? Call me what you want, sticks and stones... Liar? Sure... Coward? Pftth, whatever... A two faced son of a biatch who still hasn't returned the 20,000 yen that he borrowed last semes... HEEEEEY! That was already paid for... next week... If you force me to come out, then it will be my blood in your hands. DO YOU HEAR ME? It will be MY blood staining YOUR hands!

How did it start? You already know how it started! It started three days ago, with that fire that wrecked the gardening club's greenhouse. No one was hurt, but it ruined the shed with all the garden tools, and the green house is deemed useless until it's repaired. Though it will be repaired eventually, and the tools will be replaced... it just won't happen until probably next year. Definitely not before the winter season seeps in. Though it's a pity that all the plants and seedlings that survived the fire will need to find a new home or go to waste.

I mean, really... if you think about it, it's not MY fault.

"Manabe, come out of the broom closet... NOW"

Geez... I don't understand why he ended up getting mad at me for!

"Are you calm now?"

If ever, I should be the one who's mad for being treated like this.

"I'm always calm."

I mean, really. If you think about it... it's really HIS fault.

"Calm enough to promise not to hurt me?"

He's the one who wanted to help out his precious Tooru Honda and her garden club.


He's the one who suggested to start a fundraiser to get everyone interested in pitching in to help out.

"Manabe... Come out of the broom closet..."

I mean, come on? It's so obvious that everyone is helping out because his highness wanted to help out. No one in the school really cares about a club who plays with dirt and water. No one was going to bite if I didn't propose that prize. If this was someone's fault... it's him. It's HIM... it's all HIS FAULT!

"I don't hear that promise."

Besides, what's the big deal. It's all for a good cause.

"We can do this the easy way, with you coming out of that room willingly...."

Practically the whole school is garnering support. It's obvious that we are going to raise more than enough funds from the fundraiser. The garden club gets their shed, their tools, their greenhouse, and don't need to close. Heck, they can probably even buy more seedlings for next year. Tooru Honda and her friends will be happy. Some lucky girl... or guy... (heh, knowing his fanclub)... will be extremely happy. It's all going be a perfect happy ending. I don't understand why he's making such a big deal!

"...or the hard way, with me breaking down the door and you coming out of that room willingly anyway..."

EVERYONE will be happy. It's a win-win situation. All for the simple price of a Prince giving away one teeny tiny little...

"Beeeeeh... wrong answer Yun-yun. That doesn't sound like a---"



End of prologue.
To be continued...
Author's squawk:

I couldn't resist. Chapter 94 made me hungry for more Student Council stuff. So when this idea popped into my head, despite the fact that I have a million other fics to finish... I needed to write this! I even already have the ending plotted out. I just need the motivation to sit still on my chair long enough to type the images in my head. ^_^. Well, I hope people don't compare this to "Seven Days", cause this is going to be completely different. Though, it seems like it's going to be another Yuki torture fic, ne? ^_^. I'm so mean to Yuki. But then again, you are often rather very cruel to the people you love. ^_^.

Anywayz... side note, for you guys who don't knew what "Seven Minutes in Heaven" is. If you didn't grow up in the west, you probably don't know. I didn't know it either, until Merrow explained to me. It's one of the dares for "spin the bottle".

If the bottle points at you, you have the option of spending "seven minutes in heaven" with a boy/girl (hopefully of your dreams) inside a dark closet. Heh-heh.

As for Tooru and the garden club... I believe it was mentioned in passing in one of the student council storyline chapters that she was coerced into joining. She was just originally helping out by watering the plants, and she ended up becoming a member. I thought it was really cute, that there is a part of Yuki that ended up rubbing on her. ^_^.

Ah well... comments, and criticisms to

And Happy Canada Day! ^_^.
