Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Seven Minutes in Heaven ❯ 00:01 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world’s many coincidental mysteries. 

July 4, 2004
Seven Minutes in Heaven: 00:01
by Ina-chan

Hai, Haaaaaiiiiii!!! Kimi was there when it happened. Kimi personally thinks that it was a wonderful idea! Just because the Gardening club doesn't take home trophies or awards, it's just as important as the baseball team, or the judo club, or the soccer club... The Gardening club is responsible for making sure that the plants in the school are all beautiful and healthy. Really, the gardening club don't get the attention that they deserve.

Hmmmmmm? Tooru Honda? Oh... Kimi's heard of her. Of course, everyone has. Anyone connected to Yun-yun becomes an automatic celebrity in this school. Not that Kimi needs anything to be popular. After all, Kimi is so sweet and adorable, everybody can't help but love her... don't you think? <giggle><giggle><heart>

Though Honda-san's pretty popular on her own, even without Yun-yun being good friends with her. She has so many interesting friends! Uotani-san the yankee, Hanajima-san the denpa lady, Yun-yun's cousin... and she even made good friends with Heiji Takamura-kun.

Ah, Takamura-kun, you ask? He's in my class and he is also the president of the Gardening club. He's such a sweet sweet boy. He really is. And he has such good taste in women. And he's also very strong willed and determined to achieve his goal. Kimi respects that in a man. He asked Kimi to go karaoke several times. Actually, almost everyday. Kimi was very impressed by his persistence and was even tempted to indulge him too. But... it's... well... Kimi is an important member of the Student Council. Kimi can't abandon the civic duty entrusted to her by Kaibara High. And being of service to Yun-yun is first priority to everything else! <heart>

Well... okay. Kimi isn't telling the whole truth. But this is a secret, okay? Just between you and Kimi... What Kimi thinks of Takamura-kun... well, he can be bland and boring sometimes. Okay, all the time. And he spaces out a lot... and his left eye does this little blinking twitch every twenty seconds (I counted). And he when he talks. My GOSH, when he talks... it's like raining indoors! On top of that, he's a super-plant-otaku-freak! It really is very super freaky how he likes plants... And he talks to the school plants every day too! It must be working since the plants seem to all thriving. Ah well, at least he found something that would enjoy listening to him (or being around him) when he talks. But even though he's like that, he's a very very sweet boy. And very strong willed and determined with a good taste in women. Kimi really wants to help him to be happy... so if you know anybody looking for a boyfriend who likes sweet boys like Takamura-kun, let me know, okay? <heart>

Lately, Takamura-kun became even more super freaky than usual. Ever since Honda-san became an official member, that is. Kimi heard that Honda-san, aside from being very good with plants, was also enthusiastic. Kimi should actually be thankful to Honda-san for being a good friend to Takamura-kun. They actually look very good together (Takamura-kun is actually pretty good looking... it it just wasn't for that eye twitch...). If she wasn't hanging out a lot with Yun-yun's cousin, Kimi would have done something to hook them up.

But Honda-san... she definitely knows a thing or two about motivating people. Now, Kimi also heard that Honda-san is actually indirectly responsible for uniting all the students into working for one wonderful cause. It's just totally heart-warming to see all the students of Kaibara high school coming together. Just like a warm fuzzy high school t.v. drama ! <heart>

Of course, Yun-yun was the one who started to get the ball running. It was very sweet of Yun-yun to want to help out the gardening club. Though it is the student council's civic duty to do all its can for the student body, what he really is doing for them is beyond the call of duty. Uwaaaaaa!!! I'm so proud to be serving under a president who has GUTS! <heart> Though it was really Kakeru who was the one directly responsible for the response. Though it is still very brave of Yun-yun to not to back out of it.

As you may probably have known, it all started with that fire in the gardening club's greenhouse. The Fire Marshall said that it was some bad old wiring because the building is starting to get so old. We were very lucky that no one was in there when it happened and that someone noticed the fire quickly enough before it spread badly. The damage itself isn't too bad or irreparable. But it was enough to shut down the gardening club for the rest of the school year if it wasn't repaired soon. The shed and the tools were gone, the greenhouse wasn't safe to use until it's repaired, and all the poor plants will probably die once it starts getting colder. Takamura-kun was so devastated... it was really very sad to see him like that. He even went into shock when someone came to tell him about the fire (Kimi was there!).

To make things worse, the school will not be able to provide enough funding for the repairs immediately. The tools are quite easy to replace. Even Kimi can call up any hardware store who would be willing to donate tools to the school if need be. It's the greenhouse that needs immediate attention since aside from saving those poor plants, it really was a safety risk for students. There was no way the school will permit the club to use the green house until it was properly repaired... The only places where the plants can be stored are the store rooms, and the plants will die in there for sure once the weather starts getting colder. And there was no guarantee that students who volunteer to take them home will actually take care of them. Takamura-kun is really picky about things like that. As much as Takamura-kun loves plants, there's only so many plants he can take with him.

Yun-yun must have felt sorry for their plight, because he called up an informal meeting with some of the club presidents who were interested in helping out Yun-yun's cause. They came up with some fundraising ideas. It was really amazing how many clubs wanted to show their support. The Home Economics club offered to do a bake sale in conjunction to the Gardening club's seedling sale, the Drama club and the Fashion club are working together to recruit some of the hottest guys in school and do a mini fashion show with a "slave for a day" auction (it was so disappointing that Yun-yun refused to participate on that one). Ah, and Kimi was able to get a romantic dinner for two from a fancy restaurant that Kimi's uncle owns. It was going to raffled off at the end of Fashion club auction. The principal was very pleased with the school spirit and allowed us to piggyback the event as a mini-festival with the track and field meet that Kaibara is hosting on Saturday. It worked out well, because it was perfect for a romantic dinner the next day, don't you think? <heart>

There wasn't really a lot of time to prepare, so everyone is all psyched up to get ready. Yun-yun and Nao-chan were working specially hard to get all the permits and paperwork ready, and they were barely around. So when the School Newspaper came to the Student Council office for an interview that day, Yun-yun was out on a meeting with the Principal. Kimi and Machi were preparing the raffle tickets (it's heart-shaped too <heart>) for it to be sent to the printers in the afternoon, while Kakeru was... well... Kakeru was doing what he does best! (Napping. <heart>)

So Kakeru offered to take the interview for the story, that's probably why things happened the way. Of course Kimi could have stopped him and corrected it right there, but Kimi thought Kakeru's idea was so wonderful! Every girl in Kaibara high will kill and fight each other for just the possibility of it in normal circumstances. But to actually win a romantic dinner with Yun-yun, complete with a good night kiss? Huaaaaaa!!!! Kimi will make sure to buy a lot of tickets for herself!

For sure, the School Newspaper was excited about the news as well. Why? Because they printed what Kakeru said word per word. The school newspaper was even out earlier than usual the next day. The entire school was a buzz. The air was filled with thrill and excitement, Kimi has to admit that no words can really describe it. And then Yun-yun saw the story on the school newspaper, and Kimi has to suppose that Yun-yun's reaction was... well... it was kind of hard to put into words his as well. He didn't find out about it until that day when Machi handed him a copy of the school newspaper when he came to the office that morning.

First, Yun-yun was sort of just standing there with this blank look on his face, as he held the newspaper in his hands.


Then he sort of started to shake and his face started to turn all red.


Then he started to laugh. Mind you, not a rather cheerful laugh. Or that patient but annoyed laugh that he makes when Kakeru usually does something stupid. But it was the deep and creepy kind that comes from the back of your throat. You know, the kind that those villains in movies make just before they drop a bomb on the hero.


Then Kakeru walked in the office still looking sleepy and all.

"Good moooo---<yawn>oorning..."

Then Yuki sort of just stood there, not moving an inch.

"Manabe... you're a dead man."

Then Kakeru sort of just blinked, looking all clueless (it's funny, but he does sort of look adorable when he does that <heart>)

"Ah? Why is that?"

Then Yun-yun looked up with this creepy smile that didn't quite reflect the expression on his eyes and flatly replied with a very calm voice...

"Because I'm going to kill you."

"Ararara... Kakeru, I think he means it..."

Huaaaaaaaa!!! They both took off like a shot! I didn't know that Kakeru could actually run so fast! Or that Yun-yun can jump over a desk without breaking his stride! They should have tried out for the track and field team. Kaibara High would win the meet hands down! Kakeru managed to find refuge in the closet (ironically, the one where Yun-yun was trapped in before). Yun-yun was standing right out of the door, coaxing Kakeru to come out.

Kimi now truly understand the former president's reasons for choosing Yun-yun and Kakeru for their positions. They are both very strong-willed and determined when they have a goal to achieve. They really do compliment each other. And to show you how strong their determination was... this all happened in the morning. When Kimi came back after second period, they were still there, refusing to budge. Well, it's not really that good... since that meant they skipped their morning classes... Nao-chan was having a fit about superior student council officers not being good role models to the other students. Though Kimi could tell from the expression of his face, that he was too scared to intervene anyway.

It was rather scary. Yun-yun was giving off this dark... what's the word for it... aura? The kind that makes you feel all cold and chilly in the inside and makes you want to stay away as far as possible. Kimi thinks that other people can feel it too, because a couple of girls, in more than one occasion (probably asking about how to buy tickets for the raffle) passed by the office... only to freeze and inch away the moment they open the door. Kimi never saw Yun-yun so angry! Kimi never imagined that sweet sweet Yun-yun could actually act so dangerous (almost violent like Machi). He was really really scary... Kimi was really scared. Uh-huh.

But at the same time, Kimi couldn't help but think that Yun-yun also looked really really cool! He looks so hot when he acts dangerous! <giggle><giggle> <heart>


Yun-yun is showing so many sides of himself that Kimi wants to know more. So a romantic dinner with Yun-yun plus a good night kiss... that's definitely something worth fighting for! HAAIIIIII!!!! Watch out Kaibara High, Kimi is definitely going to play this battle!! <heart>

(Ah, well... of course, helping the Gardening club is first priority too... <heart>).

End of Seven Minutes in Heaven: 00:01
To be continued...

Author's squawk:

I had mixed feelings with this chapter. I wasn't sure if I captured Kimi the way I wanted to. Then again, Kimi is the 2nd most distant character to me in the Student Council... Nao being the most distant. GAAAH... and the next chapter would be a Nao chapter too! The hardest thing that a writer can do is write in a voice that he or she doesn't feel comfortable with. But that's the challenge ne? If you manage to pull off something good in a medium that's not your forte, then that counts a lot for something in your writing. I hope I pulled it off at least something passably interesting on this one. Please let me know how I'm doing and send me honest criticisms on how I can improve my writing ( ^_^.

Anywayz... on a non-related note... J-MIX Tomorrow (July 5) will be a tribute to Ritsuko Okazaki. It's one month late, but it's better late than never, ne? I was originally going to do a J-Rock show, featuring Gackt. But that particular show will be featured next Monday (July 12). So it's going to be a soothing show with songs sung by Okazaki-san from Fruits Basket, Princess Tutu, UFO Princess, as well as from her non-anime related albums. Also, some songs written and composed by her but sung by the likes of mega-superstar singers like Megumi Hayashibara, Megumi Hyuga... as well as Fruit Basket's very own Yui Horie (who played Tooru Honda in the anime). So check it out on, 5:00 - 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, only on J-MIX, Toronto's first and only J-Music live webcast Radio!

And Happy 4th of July to Canada's Neighbors South of the border. ^_^.
