Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes: okay, i've absolutely no idea how this came about.. but i simply can't resist the urge to write something about Fruits basket... and to top it off... reading too much of the Kyou+Yuki stories didn't help much either. I have no idea how this story is gonna drag.... but what i do know is that if i don't get this down i might go nuts.... so here's it.

Title: Love in the enemy.
Genre: PG-13
Type: Romance
Summary: (AU) Finding love in the strangest place ever, the never ending fued between them.... is it always so? What will Akito do to them if he ever found out? Finds out all in this story between the Cat and mouse....(KyouYuki)

'...' character's thoughts
"..." speech
*...* characters' POV

Chapter 1- A not so normal afternoon!

Kyou Sohma was sitting on top of the school roof top brooding when the door to the roof opened and closed. Not even bothering to look at whoever that decided to intrude on his brooding time he snapped "What do you want, Kuso nezumi!"

The moment passes by in silence, Yuki Sohma briefly wondered why he'd came up here and to get such a response from the baka neko who's actually back facing him. If he was stunned by the remark, he didn't showed it. As if sensing no response from the mouse, Kyou Sohma briefly wonders if he should turn around instead settled for a peek at the mouse instead.

Bracing himself and reorganizing his thoughts, Yuki Sohma answered neutrally "It's time to go home in case you hasn't noticed, I'd save Honda-san the trouble from coming up here all the way to get you by volunteering myself for the job. So if you're done brooding over whatever trivial issues, I suggest that you get your feet up unless you want me to drag you all the way down." Yuki ended with a tease which he knew will risked having the baka neko provoked.

"What the hell! You get back here, Kuso nezumi!" Kyou stood up and tried to chase after Yuki but ended up tripping over a steps on the staircase thus ending up sprawled on top of the mouse in a compromising position.

"Get off me, baka neko!" Yuki Sohma tried to say in a neutral expression but failed utterly as a hinted of blushes crept across his cheeks. Losing his cool he roughly pushes the stunned Kyou off him and hurried for the front gate at the same time trying to calm himself down.

'God, I can't believe I let him get to me...and why did I blushes anyway? Why did my body reacts in such a way, and the way my hormones is behaving... stupid hormones!' Yuki shakes his head trying to forget the feeling of getting aroused by Kyou earlier on as he made his way towards the waiting Tohru Honda.

On the other hand, Kyou Sohma was drowning in denial for the way that his body is reacting around that mouse and he couldn't believed that he had come so close to kissing that mouse. To make it worse, being a teenager and the way the hormones is raging within him causes him to get aroused, the compromising position earlier on just complicates matter more.

Cursing himself under his breath, he briefly considered the fact of running away but that would defintely worried Tohru which he did not want it to be. Swiftly, he picked himself off the ground and headed to where Tohru and that kuso nezumi is waiting for him. Throughout the journey home, an awkward silence hung in the air both Yuki and Kyou was so caught up in their thoughts that they hasn't notice that Tohru was busy looking between the both of them searching for signs as to their weird behavior. Upon reaching home, Kyou had headed towards the roof seeking sactunary and Yuki had kept himself in his bedroom without a word.

Deciding to wait until both of them decided to open up to her, Tohru busied herself in the task of preparing dinner for the day. Shigure noticing the weird behavior between the two cousins kept his mouth shut and went back to the task of tormenting his editor, knowing that if he'd bothered with either of them now it would have ended up in a nasty prediacment that would either destroyed his house or having himself knocked out by their fist.

~ to be continued~
date completed: 18/02/05