Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ to love the enemy 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No, i don't own Fruits basket....

To love the enemy

Last time on chapter 1

Cursing himself under his breath, he briefly considered the fact of running away but that would defintely worried Tohru which he did not want it to be. Swiftly, he picked himself off the ground and headed to where Tohru and that kuso nezumi is waiting for him. Throughout the journey home, an awkward silence hung in the air both Yuki and Kyou was so caught up in their thoughts that they hasn't notice that Tohru was busy looking between the both of them searching for signs as to their weird behavior. Upon reaching home, Kyou had headed towards the roof seeking sactunary and Yuki had kept himself in his bedroom without a word.

Deciding to wait until both of them decided to open up to her, Tohru busied herself in the task of preparing dinner for the day. Shigure noticing the weird behavior between the two cousins kept his mouth shut and went back to the task of tormenting his editor, knowing that if he'd bothered with either of them now it would have ended up in a nasty prediacment that would either destroyed his house or having himself knocked out by their fist.

Chapter 2- Lost memories

Tohru Honda stared at the two cousins as she watched them take their dinner in silence, part of her wanted to cry out in joy that they'd not quarrel throughout the dinner and yet she couldn't help but noticed that something was indeed very wrong between the cousins. Yuki and Kyou had been avoiding each other like a plague ever since their return from school, even as they were eating they had tried to avoid eye contact.

Unable to take the tension any longer, Tohru Honda asked "Ano...Sohma-kun, Kyou-kun...did anything happened between the two of you?"
"No!" Kyou Sohma was quick to react however his words came out with a sharp edge, he took a moment to breathe in and out before addressing Tohru yet again. "No, nothing is wrong between us..."
"Yeah...Honda-san, there's really nothing wrong between us." Yuki Sohma continue to explain but not after throwing the dog a death glare as if telling him that if he dared to say anything, something nasty will happen.

However, not knowing the tension between the two cousins who'd been trying desperately to avoid the subject... Tohru asked yet again "Demo... if there's nothing wrong, why did the two of us avoid each other all day since we came back from school?"
At this statement, Shigure could hold it no longer but blunted out "yeah... and the two of you had been awfully quiet today...are you really sure that there's nothing wrong?" Shigure paused for a moment and stared at the two cousins before drawling out "unless... "

As Shigure stared at them, both cousins turned rigid and tensed up as if feeling naked under Shigure's eyes. Finally, Kyou couldn't take the tension anymore and burst out "Of course, there's nothing between us... keep your perverted comments to yourself! Pervert Dog!" With that statement, Kyou Sohma stormed up the stairs and hid himself in his room under the covers as he tried to force himself to sleep.

Meanwhile, Tohru turned to Yuki for answers... "Why did Kyou-kun stormed upstairs , Shigure-san didn't say anything right?"
"Honda-san, don't take it to heart... you know how he's like... come on, I'll help you cleared up the dishes." Yuki Sohma volunteered himself for the job since he'd desperately wanted to get out from Shigure burning stare. Yuki, unlike Kyou does not have a hot temper thus is unable to get out of this situation by throwing a tantrum. Luckily for him, Tohru isn't that perspective and hence proved to be a good distraction.

Judging from Kyou's outburst earlier on and the way Yuki was behaving currently, Shigure came to his own conclusion that something had indeed happened to the two of them in school. The fact that both cousins hasn't wanted to talk about the subject just made the whole thing more suspicious. The way that the two of them had tensed up when he stared at them just proven his point. Deciding to leave the matter for later questioning, Shigure headed back to his room to start on his manuscript that's going to be due in a week time.

Later that night, both Yuki and Kyou found themselves having difficulties falling asleep.

*Dream scenes*

/Two boys were playing by the lake...and then the scene changes, now one of the boy was dragged away by someone and the other one was left crying at the site. The boy who's dragged away struggled as he tried to escape but it was in vain. Suddenly, the boy left crying alone at the site tensed up, turning around and looked... the boy found Akito staring at him./

At the sight of Akito, both Yuki and Kyou broke out in sweat and woke up in bed. Briefly, they wondered why they had such a dream. Kyou Sohma glanced at the alarm clock by his futon and realised that it's 4a.m. in the morning, just an hour before he wake usually... so deciding not to fall back asleep, he made his way down to the kitchen. Yuki, on the other hand found himself unable to sleep more without the haunting image of Akito stood up and made his way towards the kitchen for a mug of coffee.

Kyou was standing in front of the fridge trying to think of what to make for breakfast when a wide-awake Yuki had strolled in .Kyou watched as Yuki headed towards a cabinet where all the instant coffee and tea was stored, grabbing a mug on the way. He decided not to say anything as Yuki fixed himself a mug of coffee, after all, he knew that Yuki must have been having a nightmare otherwise the latter would have still be sleeping at this point of the time. People who lived with Yuki or know him enough would know that Yuki was not an early riser, the only time Yuki had been so awake before dawn would be the time that he'd a nightmare which woke up him. However, not many of them knew about Yuki's habit of drinking coffee right after a nightmare to prevent himself going back to sleep. Kyou, however had knew and understood the reason behind it since he had caught Yuki drinking coffee quite a few times whenever Akito had made it a point to visit Shigure's.

The kitchen was silent as Kyou busied himself with the ingredients for breakfast and Yuki's occasional sip of coffee. Somehow Yuki felt himself staring at Kyou movement, if Kyou was stunned by the idea of Yuki staring at him ...he didn't showed it. The house was silent as Kyou make breakfast, it was not untilTohru's alarm clock which rang at 5a.m. that broke the tranquil silence in the house. At 6a.m., Tohru hurried down the stairs to the kitchen when she realised that she had forgotten to make breakfast but was shocked to find both Yuki and Kyou in the kitchen. Yuki busied himself with the morning coffee and Kyou brought the pot of porridge to the dining table.

Tohru Honda was shocked as she took in the scene in front of her, Kyou making breakfast for the day was a shock to say since it's always her who did it. However, she knew that Kyou is an early riser hence not surprise to find him in the kitchen and he will help with the breakfast if he decided to. But what actually thrown her off-guard was the fact that Yuki was sitting at the dining table at 6a.m. in the morning, which meant that Yuki awoke before her... Yuki had never been into the kitchen before 7a.m. before, so she was gaping at the sight of Yuki fully awake and helping Kyou with breakfast preparation.

Realising the fact that she was catching flies in her mouth, she closes her mouth and composed herself before plastering a bright cheerful smile and join the two in the kitchen. Clearing her throat she greeted them hesitantly, "Good morning Sohma-kun, Kyou-kun"

"Aa... good morning, Honda-san" Yuki greeted back with a smile which could make any girls swoon at the sight of it. The magic broke when Kyou started "I hope you don't mind the fact that I make breakfast for the day, Tohru-chan"
"Sure, I don't mind... in fact I was so worried that I'm late for breakfast making. Thank you Kyou-kun!" Tohru answered back. As they settled themselves at the dining table, Shigure entered the scene with his favorite line in the morning.
"Aa... good morning, everyone! I wonder what my little flower made for breakfast today..." Shigure's words faded off as he took in the appearance of Yuki, Kyou and Tohru then his eyes flickered over to the dining table. He blinked twice before Tohru greeted back in response "Good morning Shigure-san! I hope you don't mind having porridge for breakfast today, since I am delayed in the task of doing laundary, Kyou-kun took care of the making of breakfast this morning."

"Oh, of course I wouldn't mind..." Shigure answered cheerfully as he settled himself in front of his seat and poured himself a cup of coffee from the coffee pot in the center of the table. As he adjusted his sitting position as to make himself comfortable he caught sight of the kitchen clock and frowned 'Since when did Yuki woke up before seven in the morning?'

"Ano... Shigure-san, is anything the matter?" Tohru asked as she notice the frown marring his face.
"Huh? Nothing's wrong, I'm just wondering why Yuki woke up so early today... that's all." Shigure smiled as he tried to flirt with Tohru again.
After breakfast, Yuki headed to his secret garden and Kyou headed to the roof to brood yet again.

~to be continue~
date completed: 19/02/05