Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ To love the enemy 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Usual disclaimer applied, no, i don't own the characters.

Last time:

"Oh, of course I wouldn't mind..." Shigure answered cheerfully as he settled himself in front of his seat and poured himself a cup of coffee from the coffee pot in the center of the table. As he adjusted his sitting position as to make himself comfortable he caught sight of the kitchen clock and frowned 'Since when did Yuki woke up before seven in the morning?'

"Ano... Shigure-san, is anything the matter?" Tohru asked as she notice the frown marring his face.
"Huh? Nothing's wrong, I'm just wondering why Yuki woke up so early today... that's all." Shigure smiled as he tried to flirt with Tohru again.
After breakfast, Yuki headed to his secret garden and Kyou headed to the roof to brood yet again.

To love the enemy

Chapter 3- Akito's stunt and Yuki to the rescue!

The next few days passes by in a flash of a light, soon it was nearing Valentine's day again. It's one week before Valentine day, Yuki,Kyou and Tohru were on their way to school. Somehow, Kyou had a bad feeling about going to school today... throughout the journey to school he had been uneasy about something.

The moment Kyou Sohma opened his locker, he immediately wish he hasn't. Inside his locker was a card, the message was simple enough and cut straight to the point.

Kyou Sohma,

I like you alot, care to be my valentine this year?

Your secret admirer.

Kyou Sohma was shocked, so shock that he couldn't moved an inch from his locker. He stared at the card as if it was jinxed, he kept thinking 'This is strange, Yuki is usually the one who received all these strange request...Why is it happening to me now?' Feeling absolutely irritated, he threw the card into the nearest rubbish bin as he made his way towards his class. But that is merely the beginning of a new problem, the real thing had started during lunch break. Momiji had been passing by the school front yard as he made his way home since he's unwell and had been ordered home by the teachers. That was when Momiji spotted Kyou backing away from someone, at first he tried to ignore it but his jaw had dropped when a boy practically forced himself on Kyou and kissing him.

Momiji had been so estactic on his discovery that when he'd reach home, he practically announced it to the whole Sohma household. That is something which indeed caught Akito Sohma, clan head of Sohma family attention. That is when all hell had broken loose.

"Kureno, prepared a car for me... looks like I am indeed going to pay a visit to the disbehave cat" Akito ordered the rooster Kureno sharply.

Kyou Sohma was paranoid, after been forced kissed thrice in a day. He was beginning to wish he had stayed home for the day instead. Heck, even the presence of Kagura wasn't this scary. At least, Kagura never forced kissed him, well at least never on the lips. Yuki Sohma watched as his cousin tensed up everytime someone brushes pass him, even when Honda-san tried to approach Kyou. She almost had her head bitten off which was unusual for Kyou to do so, Yuki briefly wondered what can be the reason to get his cousin so worked up.

He had been so deep in thought that he had almost jumped when Kyou Sohma let out a frustrated wail in the middle of a lesson, opening up the windows and jumped down from the third storey. That was when he heard it, the rolling of the thunder and the flash of lightning bolt. Standing up so quickly that his chair fall over creating a loud'Bang', disrupting the class so suddenly that almost causes some random students to let out a wail of fear. Apologizing for his actions formally, he swept out of the room swiftly as he began combing the area for Kyou.

Kyou Sohma was just cursing under his breath for the sudden arrival of a thunderstorm, when a car stopped by. Kyou Sohma tensed up as he realised the arrival of their clan head, Akito Sohma. Kyou had tried to ignore the latter but it was to no avail since the said person had no means of letting off Kyou so easily.

"Oh, so the monster had finally decided to skip school, isn't it? Well, i suppose this is the way that it should happen... Always the outsider, the outcast will never actually belongs. No one will liked you..." Akito continued to blabble on but when he received no response from the said cat, he grew angry and began to provoke Kyou by insulting Tohru.
"That foolish, idiotic girl... will never loved you like she say... she's only saying this to gain everyone trust...she's only toying you." Akito had said and that was the last straw, Kyou snapped and sprang forward trying to knock the latter down. However, at the very last moment he lost his balance as a tree branch somehow managed to plunge itself forcefully into Kyou's shoulder blade. At the same time, Kyou's leg had been caught between the collapse of a tree by the side walk crushing his leg. Akito took this chance to flee the site, leaving Kyou injured and alone in the rain. Unable to deal with the poor weather and the injuries which further weaken his body, he transformed into his form as a cat.

Yuki Sohma was running in the storm, he knew it isn't healthy for him due to his bronchitis but yet he ignored it. His current concern was Kyou, he knew that Kyou couldn't be too far under this weather since cats has always been weak during wet weather. Yuki was just about to turn and headed back towards the school when he noticed a set of boys uniform, fear gripped his heart as a sense of dread settled in the bottom pit of his stomach he headed towards the uniform. Somehow knowing that Kyou had transformed into his animal form, Yuki searched the area around the discarded uniform. He was about to give up when he noticed something trapped below the fallen tree. He gasped in horror as he noticed the orange cat which was on the verge of dying, which he knew was Kyou. Looking at Kyou weaken body, something snapped within him which made his sprang into actions.

Ignoring his hatred for cats, he sprang into action. Removing the fallen branches which is on top of Kyou, he used all his strength to remove the fallen tree on top of Kyou. As soon as the obstacle was removed, he kneeled down by the fallen cat and feel its pulse. Gently, assured by the fact that the cat is still living he removed the branch that was plunged deep inside the front leg of the cat. The cat hissed in pain but did not struggled since it's basically paralysed at the moment. Heart hammering against his ribcage, he knew that time is running out. Wrapping his arms around the vulnerable cat, he sprang his way towards Shigure's at the same time sending out his army of rats to inform Shigure such that Hatori will be notified of this emergency.

His heart clenched in agony as he watched Kyou getting weaker every minute, for the first time in his life, he realised that he couldn't lived without Kyou. Sure, they'd always fought each other and he admitted to himself that he did enjoy their fights. He used to think that he hated Kyou because he's the rat... but now looking at the cat which is whimpering in his arms. He realised that he didn't hate Kyou, in fact he loved Kyou. He enjoyed the fights because of the physical contacts whenever they comes to blow. Apparently, he welcomed that kind of physical contact since it's the only way they can touch each other. After all, they are supposed to be enemies, being the cat and rat. Although, Yuki hated cats... he sure didn't hate Kyou. Kyou is just Kyou Sohma, a human being possessed by the cat monster. He couldn't hate him, he could never hate Kyou. It had taken such an incident to teach him the meaning of love.

"Kyou, please hang on... don't give up yet." Yuki whispered to the cat who's about to lose conscious. Although, he appeared to be calm; inside he was crying in fear. The fear of losing Kyou just prove to him how much he'd been depending on the latter's existance.

Kyou, on the other hand had been on the verge of losing his conscious. He felt numb all over his body, he couldn't moved an inch. He felt weak all over, he felt like he's dying. Yet, something is holding him back telling him to hang on. He didn't know how much time had passed, suddenly, he felt the weight which is crushing him being removed. However, he couldn't moved yet... he wanted so much to run away. He knew who had saved him, he wanted so much to run away to hide from Yuki. The idea of Yuki taunting him of being weak and required the rat saving his life wasn't very welcoming. He really wished Yuki had not found him under such circumstances, he doesn't want any pity from Yuki. If there's anything he needed to feel, it's the feeling of being loved by another. He knew it's impossible to receive it from Yuki, after all, he's the cat whereas Yuki is the rat. Cat and Rat are not friends, and they can never be.

Kyou felt his life energy slipping away from him, he was about to give up but yet again something stopped him. A voice, Yuki's voice had stopped him from giving up, whispering encouraging words to him as he whimpered in pain. Kyou hissed and whimpered yet again as pain wrecked his body once again.

Shigure Sohma wasn't one to show his emotions to others easily, but he'd felt a wave of panic when he'd received message from Yuki's army of rats. Now, he was sitting down and waiting for Hatori's arrival and searching for signs of Yuki. He knew Yuki was on the verge of breaking down, he had confirmed it when the message came in. Through his observation made over the past few days, he'd discovered the obvious attraction between the two cousins, cat and rat. 'How ironic' He had thought then, but then again, Yuki had always felt envy of the cat and vice versa for Kyou. This reminds him of the term 'Opposite Attract', he knew that Kyou had always been concern of Yuki's welfare though the cat had tried not to show it. Judging from the way Yuki is reacting currently, Shigure had understood the urgency behind Kyou current situation.

~ to be continue~
date completed: 20/02/05