Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Usual disclaimer applied, I do not own Fruits Basket!

To love the enemy --Chapter 4

Hatori Sohma arrived ten minutes after receiving Shigure's call. He knew that whatever happened to Kyou must have something to do with Akito's disappearance earlier on. Seeing a distraught Yuki hovering over Kyou's animal form and a solemn Shigure, he hurried to take a look at kyou's mangled body. However, it took him tremendous effort, with help from Shigure, to persuade Yuki to leave the room so that he could examine Kyou. Tohru had reached home slightly after Hatori's arrival and tried comforting Yuki as they waited for news from Hatori on Kyou's condition. Finally when Hatori stepped out of the room, Yuki jumped at him immediately for news. Tohru and Shigure managed to keep Yuki down before approaching Hatori.

"So, how's Kyou?" Shigure enquired of Hatori as Yuki kept his ears peeled to what Hatori was going to reveal.

"He'll live... but he's still rather weak now. I would suggest that you do not move him unnecessarily, I will come back tomorrow to check on him. For now, I will be heading back to the main house before anything else happens there. Call me if there are further complications to Kyou's condition." Hatori left after giving further instructions and medicine for Kyou.

"Sohma-kun, don't worry... Kyou-kun is strong. He'll survive this." Tohru assured Yuki with tears held back in her eye bags. Yuki returned with a weak smile and retreated back to his room.

Yuki entered his room still in a daze. Closing the door behind him, he fell down on his knees and broke down in tears. For hours, tears of anxiety and fear streamed down his cheeks and face. When it was time for dinner, he paid no attention to his food and just played with it around his plate, not even taking a bite. He could not take his mind off Kyou's current condition as he acknowledged Kyou's absence at the dinner table. All appetite was lost. Tohru, being helpless in this situation, forced a smile on her face and assured Yuki again that Kyou will be fine. Unable to withstand the tension, Yuki excused himself and made his way to his secret garden. He stayed there until it was dark before heading back. After finishing his homework, he tugged himself in bed and forced himself to sleep, without bothering to switch off the lights.

The lights were only switched off when Shigure went to check on Yuki. Then, Shigure headed for Kyou's room. He stood at the doorway and stared for quite a while, before whispering "Kyou, I don't know if you can hear me, but please get well soon. Everyone's worried about you, especially Yuki. I don't know how long Yuki can withstand if this continues."

Closing the door, Shigure went back to his study and settled down to write. There was nothing he could do about Kyou's or Yuki's condition, so he decided to just keep watch by writing. It was going to be a sleepless night for Shigure too. The night ended with tension. Everyone in the house had their own worries and anxieties.

to be continue~

date completed: 08/03/05

date revised: 02/04/05

Final revision: 05/04/05