Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No, I do own Fruits Basket!

Revised version:

To love the enemy - Revised Chapter 5

Tohru Honda couldn't help but worry about Yuki Sohma's health as she followed behind his solemn figure on the way to school.
It had been three days since Kyou's incident and for that period, Yuki has been having sleepless nights in fear of the nightmares that continue to haunt him during sleep.
Kyou on the other hand, is still in a coma - induced deep sleep to recover his strength.
Kyou managed to turn back into his human form the previous night.
Hatori came over to check on his condition and stressed that Kyou still needed lots of rest to recuperate.
Despite this new development, Yuki was still seen in Kyou's room each time he awakes terrified from a nightmare.
Yuki would then stay throughout the rest of the night by Kyou's bedside as if he feared for the worst to happen.

With a sigh, Tohru rushes up and follows closely behind Yuki.
Upon entering the school, they were met by a guilty-looking Momiji.
Seeing that Momiji was acting strangely from his usual happy and hyperactive nature, Tohru asked "Momiji-kun, is something wrong? Why are you so sad?"

Momiji looked up at Tohru's concerned face and his eyes welled up with tears, starting to cry.
He sniffed as he answered "I'm so sorry, *hiccup* Tohru-chan, *sniff* it's my fault. *hic* it's all my fault! *sniff*"
Bewildered, Tohru asked "What do you mean by it's your fault? What are you talking about?"
As Momiji continues to cry while apologising, Tohru tried to coax the bunny to tell the reason of his unusual behaviour.
Yuki Sohma on the other hand was zoning out.
Despite being in school, his heart and soul stayed by Kyou.
Yuki did not concern himself with what was happening, until the moment he heard Momiji utter Kyou's name and something about the accident and the Sohma Clan Head, Akito.
All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
He was about to turn around and head for the Sohma main house when he was pulled into the nearest boy's washroom by Haru.

~Tohru and Momiji~

"I'm so sorry, Tohru-chan... I didn't mean to... I didn't know that Akito was right outside the door. I'm so sorry."
Momiji's words of apology continue to pour out unceasingly.
"It's all right, Momiji. I'm sure you didn't mean to. Kyou will recover in due time. He will..." Tohru comforted Momiji as she shed a tear in anxiety of when Kyou is going to awake.
Momiji looked up at Tohru gratefully.
He couldn't resist the urge to throw himself into Tohru's arms, but what held him back was his responsibility to keep the secret of the Sohma Clan under wraps, especially in such a public place.
As the school bell rang, signalling the start of the lesson, he bestowed Tohru with a sunny but watery smile.
Tohru gave him a nod and a smile as she sends the bunny on his way to class.

~Haru and Yuki in the washroom~

After entering the washroom, Haru turned black on Yuki.
Knowing Haru, Yuki chose to remain silent and let Haru talk, since he didn't want to pick up a fight with black Haru.
"Yuki, calm yourself down. Going to the main house now won't solve any problem. It won't change things back to the way they were. Besides, what can you do in the main house? What will Akito do to you?" Haru said.
"But..." Yuki started only to be cut off by black Haru's dark look.
Haru then continued "Just leave it to Hatori to deal with Akito. Dont endanger yourself. I'll knock you out if that's the only way to stop you from going."
Staring at Haru right in the eye, Yuki realised that the latter was serious.
With a sigh, he turned to the sink and started to splash water onto his face to cool himself down.
At this very moment, the school bell rang and Haru sautered out of the washroom.
Yuki stared at his reflection in the mirror in deep thought.
Finally after five minutes, he headed back to join his class.

~to be continued~

date revised: 21/04/05

Notes: Special thanks to Jerem for beta-ing for me.