Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Fruits Basket!

To love the enemy- Chapter 6

"Water..." Kyou Sohma croaked the moment he regained conscious, he didn't even bothered to open his eyes to his surroundings. He knew Yuki was in the same room as him, although he'd been unconscious for days he had always felt the rat's presence in the room.

Yuki Sohma stared at Kyou's unmoving body as he thought back on all their fights which had taken place due to their silly rivalry. He had been so caught up in his memory that he was startled when Kyou had request for water, shaking himself from his stupor, Yuki snatched up the glass of water which he'd brought up with him earlier, he brought it over to Kyou. Handing the glass of water to Kyou silently he observed Kyou from the corner of his eyes, fearing that it was only part of his imagination.

"Thanks..." Kyou thanked Yuki for the glass of water but wince at his voice which had came out in a harsh whisper due to his raw and unused vocal cords. Bringing the glass to his lips, he took a sip to wet his dried and cracked lips before draining them to sooth his aching throat. As soon as the water was finished, he handed the glass back to Yuki's waiting hand and asked "How long was I out?"

Yuki fought against the urge to jump up in joy when he heard Kyou's whisper of appreciation, apparently Kyou thanking him for the glass of water had proved the fact that the latter was finally awake and was not part of his imagination. However, he froze at Kyou's next question which he'd no idea how to inform the latter that it had been a week since the incident.

Taking a deep breath, Yuki revealed "A week..." as he watched Kyou's reaction closely under his fringes. He watched as Kyou's eyes widen at the impact of his words before returning to the original state. He watched as Kyou look away from him and faced the window before asking another question which he dreaded to answer "How bad was it?"

"You want the truth or the lie?" Yuki asked as he tried to evade the question, which backfired on him when Kyou snapped his attention from the window back to Yuki. Staring at Yuki pointedly, he said "I want nothing else but the truth, do not hold back. If I can deal with the fact that I was out of commission for a week, I will be able to deal with the extend of my injuries."

Placing the empty glass on the table next to the bed, Yuki observed Kyou for a few minutes. Realizing that there's no other way out except revealing the truth to Kyou, Yuki moved to sit down at the foot of Kyou's bed. Averting his gaze from Kyou, he stared out of the window trying to gather all the courage he would be needing just to inform Kyou on the subject. Letting out a sigh of defeat, Yuki moved his attention back to Kyou and started recounting all the details he could remembered of. His body started to shake and tremble as he recalled the events, it's almost he'd relived the experience all over again. By the time he reached the end of the tale, he could barely suppressed his emotions. Throwing caution to the wind, he wept for the first time in ten years.

Kyou Sohma stared at Yuki in shock, he knew the rat wasn't willing to tell him of his injuries but he had insisted upon it. He would had expected if Yuki stormed out of the room but he certainly hasn't expected Yuki to answer his question in details. He watched as Yuki's body started shaking and trembling with tears clouding the latter's eyes, he listened as Yuki launched into the part where he was nearly half-dead and noticed that Yuki's voice was raw and filled with emotions. Before he could realized what happen, Yuki had literally broke down in tears. Before his mind could tell him what to do with the situation, he had already pulled the weeping boy into his embrace offering comfort.

Yuki Sohma couldn't believed what happened to him, he had no idea on what he's doing. Apparently, if anyone had told him one month ago that he would be crying in his arch-enemy arms and refusing to let go of the comfort as if it's his only lifeline to survival, he would have send that very person who told him so to the asylum. His sobs ceased as he relaxes himself through Kyou's soothing actions, he tighten his hold on Kyou's waist refusing to let go as he drifted off into a light slumber.

Kyou Sohma looked down at the sleeping figure he held in his arms, he briefly wondered what had driven him to offer comfort to his enemy. Yuki was using his chest as a pillow hence allowing him to inhale the scent of Yuki's shampoo, which smelt of soothing Chamomile while his shampoo had smelt of Jasmine. Shifting his position to make himself comfortable and taking note not to upset Yuki's comfortable position, he settled his head back onto his pillow and fell back into his deep slumber of sleep. They were still in that position and sound asleep when Hatori arrived to check on Kyou's progress two hours later, much to the embarrassment of Yuki and Kyou.

~ to be continue~

date completed: 12/03/05

date revised: 30/04/05