Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Fruits Basket!

To love the enemy- Chapter 7

Kyou Sohma was frustrated by Yuki Sohma unusual behavior over the past 72 hours since he awaken from his coma. He couldn't understand the sudden change in Yuki, and the latter wouldn't reveal anything despite several attempts on Kyou's behalf. Kyou Sohma was at his wits end, he had no idea what had caused Yuki sudden change in attitude towards him.

In the past, Yuki would fight him over trivial issues such as him losing his temper on Tohru or over the subject of eating leek. However, nowadays Yuki never fight with him anymore although the teasing and taunting is still there but Yuki no longer lay a finger on him anymore. Whenever, he upset Yuki the latter simply locked himself in the room or headed out to the secret garden for peace and quiet. At times, Yuki will snapped and swung fists at Kyou but usually managed to avoid hitting Kyou directly but these actions just seems to complicate thing even more so than before.

Resisting the urge to yell at the rat over dinner, Kyou take a deep breath and control himself. 'I'll find out what is the matter with that kuso nezumi by tonight...' Kyou made a promise to himself as he watched Yuki carefully from the corner of his eyes. Yuki Sohma on the other hand appeared unfazed by Kyou's antics, he knew Kyou was watching him closely and was certain that the cat will try to confront him later at night on his recent bizzare behavior. He would have to come up with an acceptable reason behind his sudden change in attitude, not that he didn't have one behind his actions.

Yuki Sohma risked a glance in Kyou's direction briefly wondering if he should just reveal his true reason behind his sudden change in attitude towards the latter, but deciding not to do so when he analyse Kyou's personality after a mere moment of silence. 'Well... it's not as if I can tell him that I don't have the heart to hurt him after that incident, when I saw how close he was to dying...or the fact that I loved him too much to hurt him... he'll freak out on me for sure.' Yuki thought to himself as he sighed inwardly. Shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts he stood up as he helped Tohru to clear the table and bring the dirty dishes to the kitchen for cleaning, after which he headed back to his room silently.

'I watched as that nezumi shakes his head suddenly as I wonders what could be the reason behind it...' Kyou Sohma observed out of his corner of his eyes whenever he thought Yuki was not looking at him. Picking a magazine randomly from the pile laying around in the living room, he flipped through it idly as he watched Yuki helping Tohru to clean up the dishes. 'It would be any minute now, Yuki will be going to his room soon...' he thought as he glanced at the clock for time.

Shigure Sohma peered at the two cousins curiously above the newspaper which he'd pretended to be reading. He fought against the urge to grin when he caught sight of the two cousins stealing glances at each other whenever they thought no one was watching them. He knew the two cousins had feelings for each other despite how much they appeared to despise one another, he knew it the moment when Hatori informed him that he'd walked in on them while they were sleeping together with Yuki in Kyou's embrace. 'The greatest things on earth is the feeling of 'Love', let's just hope they'll be able to realize it soon...' Shigure thought to himself as he watched Yuki heading back upstairs to his room, before Kyou followed.

Standing outside of Yuki's room, Kyou Sohma was shifting his foot uncomfortably briefly wondering if he should just barged in or he should seek permission before entering. He hesitated for a moment before bringing his fist to the door and started knocking, a few moments later he heard the soft but audible command of 'enter' before reaching for the doorknob and pulling it open.
Yuki Sohma waited for some time in silence as he curled himself up in bed with a novel in hand, he knew he wasn't getting any reading done tonight but still wanted to have something to hold on to during the confrontation. He was on the verge to yanking the door opened and dragging the person standing outside his door in when he heard the hesitant knock on his bedroom door, seeking permission to enter.

Kyou Sohma entered the room to find Yuki dressed in pajamas and sitting up in bed with a book in hand. His eyes flickered from the figure on the bed and back to the door, briefly wondering if he had chose to confront the latter at the wrong time. He had been about to reach for the door when he heard Yuki speaking from the bed "What is it, Kyou?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kyou was startled as he stared at Yuki questionally.

Yuki let out a sigh and said "You came in here with a purpose right? So what is it?"

"Oh... that, yeah... I did come in for a reason..." Kyou replied absently as his eyes focus on everything in the room except the bed where Yuki was occupying.

For a minute, no one spoke as Kyou was trying to focus his attention somewhere else whereas Yuki was observing Kyou. The silence was broken when Yuki set the book aside and walked over to where Kyou was standing, with a husky and seductive voice he asked "You came in here to ask for a reason for my sudden change in attitude towards you right?"

Kyou stared at Yuki in shock, his eyes widen and his breath hitched in his throat and his skin tingled when Yuki came too close for comfort. "Yuki... What are you doing to me?" he asked hoarsely as his throat dried up.

"hm..m? What do you mean? I hasn't even done anything yet... " Yuki replied as he continued to eye Kyou with lusty look in his eyes.

Kyou gulped before his temper get the best of him although his body said otherwise, he growled "Bloody hell Yuki, are you trying to seduce me?"

Yuki's eyes widen at the utter realization that he was indeed trying to seduce Kyou, he caught himself in time and said "Well... you can't say you are not attracted to me... after all, you are indeed turn on by the sight of me in my nightwear."

Kyou turned an interesting of red as he looked down to himself, only to see a huge bulge in his pants. Ignoring his harden manhood, he snapped at Yuki "Do not try to change the subject, I came in for an explanation and I'm not leaving without one."

Yuki turned away from Kyou only to look down on the ground, closing his eyes as he tried to ignore the feelings and emotions that threaten to flood his mind and causing his self-control to slip away from him. His voice wavered as he spoke "What do you want me to say?"

"...I only wanted to know why you are doing what you do..." Kyou answered as he fought against the urge to ravish Yuki there and then.

Snapping his eyes opened, Yuki stared at Kyou right in the eyes and answered "Fine! You want to know?... I'll tell you what you want to know! I don't fight you because I can't do it. I avoided you as much as possible because I lose control of my emotions whenever I'm near you. I taunt and tease you because I wanted reassurance that nothing had changed between us, but as much as I tried to convince myself with that reason I knew it wasn't the same anymore. I can't fight you after I witness that incident which had you laying half-dead and helpless under the tree. I can't turn a blind eye on your injuries after that incident since, therefore I can't fight you. Although our fights are nothing serious but I still can't do it with the knowledge that I might hurt you accidentally. Most of all I can't hurt you because I'm in love with you..."

Realizing what he'd just revealed to Kyou, he slapped his hand onto his mouth as his eyes widen in shock. Looking away from Kyou, he crumbled to the ground and pulled his legs in front of him curling into a fetal position as he let his mask slipped. He lowered his head to his knees and allow his tears to fall like a running water tap. His body shake as he sobbed, he felt vulnerable under Kyou's unreadable gaze.

Kyou Sohma was stunned and rooted to the spot, he couldn't move despite his feeling of urge to flee the room. He had heard Yuki's words loud and clear, he couldn't believed that Yuki had loved him. He thought it was a joke or a dream, he squeeze his eyes shut and to open them again only to see Yuki crumbling at his feet, sobbing uncontrollably. Looking down at Yuki, he realized how vulnerable Yuki was despite what everyone might think. Yuki may looked strong on the outside, but was weak and vulnerable on the inside. The moment the mask was removed from Yuki, the boy would collapse and and broke down instantly. Not knowing what to do, Kyou crouched down to Yuki's level and called the boy's name softly "Yuki..."

Yuki did not response as he couldn't bear to see the rejection in Kyou's eyes, however, Kyou did not let go of things that easily. With determination, he'd forced lifted Yuki's face up such that the latter could face him directly in the eye "Yuki..." this time he tried again not letting go of the boy's chin. He forced himself to remain eye contact with the latter as he continue "Thank you for telling me that you loved me...I'd never expected that from you... I was surprised and stunned, I don't know what to say. I wasn't even sure of my own feelings, I can't give you any promise. However, I wanted you to know... I did care about you a lot, but I'm not sure if I loved you yet." He looked down at Yuki, only to find a look of defeat in the latter's eyes. Taking a deep breath, he continue speaking "Nevertheless, I intented to find out about my feelings for you. I will try to love you if you would give me a chance to do so. I'm not making any promise there, hence I don't want you to get your hopes up. I wanted you to know that I am not pitying you, I really cared about you and I wanted to know the extend of my caring for you. Will you give me the chance to do so, to prove my feelings for you?"

Yuki did not answer he merely looked at Kyou straight in the eyes before giving the latter a barely noticable nod, Kyou made a move to stand only to be stopped by Yuki's hold on his wrist. "Yuki?" Kyou said as he shot a question look at Yuki whom just looked at him with a longing look on his face before saying softly "Please, just for tonight. I promise I won't do anything... I just wanted you to stay beside me and hold me while I sleep...Please, Kyou just hold me like you did the other day until Hatori walked in on us..." Yuki pleaded with his watery eyes. After a moment of silence, Yuki felt arms encircling him and then he was in Kyou's arm bridal style as Kyou carried him back to his bed silently. He allowed himself to relax in Kyou's embrace, pushing back thoughts and worries to the back of his mind he succumbed himself to a peaceful slumber which he had been deprived for days since he discovered his feelings for the cat.

Kyou spend the half the night holding Yuki securely in his arms and thinking about Yuki's confession on Yuki's bed before drifting off into dreamland sometime in the middle of the night.

~ to be continue~

date completed: 14/03/05

date revised: 30/04/05