Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No, I do not own fruits basket!

To love the enemy- Chapter 8

Morning arrived, the rays from the morning sun filtered through the white satin curtain, onto the two sleeping figure snuggled close together on the bed which was placed just underneath the window. Kyou opened his eyes in a squint as he tried to see clearly under the bath of the sunlight, he looked towards the left side of the bed and heaved a sigh of relief when Yuki merely stirred and snuggled deeper into the pillow avoiding contact with the beam of light coming through the window. He briefly wondered how Yuki managed to sleep in so late under such situation, but then again Yuki, unlike him was a heavy sleeper unless the latter had a nightmare of Akito.

For a moment, Kyou wondered if he should just snuck out of the room while Yuki's still sleeping. He stared at the time shown on Yuki's digital clock, the time read 7.15.a.m. He knew Yuki would wake soon, Yuki always wake up in time for breakfast even if half the time he's only half-awake. Taking a look towards the direction of the bed where Yuki was still sleeping, Kyou decided against the idea of snucking out as he knew the latter was aware that he'd spent the night here in Yuki's room. Settling himself comfortably in Yuki's working chair which the latter used for doing homework, he lay his head down onto the student desk which was full of books for Yuki's free reading as he waited patiently for Yuki to rise.

Kyou was just about to doze off yet again, when he caught sight of Yuki stretching lazily from the bed. He snapped his head up so fast that he almost sprained his neck, he observed as Yuki blinked the sleep away from the eyes and started to scan the room. He held his breath as he felt Yuki's eyes upon him, his heart hammering against his ribcage as his pulse started to quicken when Yuki bestowed him a little smile as the latter acknowledge him. Resisting the urge to smile at Yuki, he settled for a slight nod of indication that he'd been aware of Yuki's wordless greeting.

Yuki felt his stomach turned over at the sight of Kyou's curt nod, however, he kept his cool as he forced down the tears that threatened to release yet again after he'd witness Kyou's lack of reaction. 'I will not cry in front of Kyou now... I will not, I will be strong...' Yuki kept repeating the sentence in his mind as he started to change out of his nightwear into his usual attire, without caring about Kyou's presence in the room. 'Well... it's not like Kyou haven't seen the whole of his body before, after all, being possessed by zodiac animals means transforming nude. Tohru had accidentally changed them at least once in a month, and Kyou had been staying with them all the time while Tohru was with them hence Kyou would have already seen everything about me by now.' Yuki thought as he slipped on his pants over his boxer shorts.

Kyou resisted the urge to jump Yuki right there and then, he felt his chest tightening and his manhood getting hard at the sight of Yuki's slim body. He had to admit Yuki was attractive, and beautiful in certain parts of the body. Kyou swallowed a lump in his throat at the sight of Yuki's hips, he resisted the urge to groan when Yuki's cotton sleeping pants slid off revealing the latter's white boxer shorts. Kyou closed his eyes tightly and forced himself to think of something else, but it was to no avail as all he could picture in his mind were Yuki. He almost gasped in surprise when the image of Yuki been nude in bed with him suddenly sprang to his mind, he felt himself getting hard and aroused. 'Gosh... Yuki, stop doing this to me...' Kyou pleaded to Yuki in his mind silently, 'at the rate this is going, I'll be needing at least two cold showers before I could curb my desires for Yuki...' Kyou thought as he prayed that Yuki won't be able to notice the huge swelling in his pants.

Kyou was so deep in thoughts that he hasn't noticed Yuki heading towards his direction, he almost jumped up in shock when he felt Yuki warmth breathing against his skin.

"Kyou?" Yuki peered at Kyou with concern lurking in the depth of his eyes as he snapped his fingers in front of Kyou, trying to draw the latter out from the trance.

"Yu...Yuki?" Kyou stuttered as he tried to keep himself calm and to hide his arousal from Yuki, but it was too late Yuki had already caught sight of it.

Yuki smirked at the mere sight of the obvious swell in Kyou's pants, he was pleased with Kyou's body reaction as this symbolised the latter was attracted to him physically. 'Well... although I was hoping that Kyou had feelings for me emotionally as well... but I guess I shouldn't be too greedy. At least now I know Kyou was attracted to me physically, that alone will be my motivation to strive for Kyou's love for me.' Yuki made a promise to himself in his heart as he plastered on a mask of indifference, pretending that he wasn't aware of Kyou's arousal.

Kyou searched Yuki's expression for any signs or any indication regarding the latter's awareness of his arousal, he found none since Yuki had his eyes closed and were smiling at Kyou calmly. He couldn't read Yuki's eyes when the latter had them close, since he can't exactly pry Yuki's eyes open manually he'll have to settle for the idea of Yuki not been aware of his little prediacment. Apparently, he hasn't remember the fact for Yuki was good with false pretences since his mind was filled with panicking thoughts hence had simply dismissed the notion of it.

"Kyou, are you all right? I thought I heard Tohru calling us for breakfast?" Yuki asked Kyou, causing the latter to snap his attention back to Yuki frantically.

"Aa... I guess we should head downstairs for breakfast then..." Kyou replied as he stood up and made his way to the bedroom door with Yuki behind him.

Tohru Honda blinked twice as she took in the sight of Kyou and Yuki coming down for breakfast together, without any insults flung at each other. She opened her mouth only to close it again, she was dumbstruck and rooted to her spot in the kitchen. She then took in their attires, words failed her yet again when she found Kyou wearing one of Yuki's free-size shirt. She was so stunned that she hasn't heard Yuki asking her a question, startling out of her stupor she faced Yuki meekly and uttered a single word "Pardon?"

"Honda-san, are you all right? You seemed to be spacing off..." Yuki repeated his question with a smile, which Kyou merely rolled his eyes at Yuki's antics.

"Yes... I'm fine...sorry for spacing out earlier... but I was thinking about something..." Tohru apologized frantically.

"It's fine... don't worry... we're not mad at you. We're merely concerned about your well-being, cause' you froze the moment we came downstairs..." Yuki hurried to assure Tohru.

"Ano... Kyou-kun?" Tohru turned towards Kyou with every intention of asking him why he was wearing Yuki's shirt instead of his own, but her question was forgotten the moment Shigure flounced into the dining room.

"Good morning, Shigure-san..." Tohru greeted enthusiastically.

"Aa... good morning, how is my little flower today?" Shigure greeted in a sing-song manner, but was promptly silence when Kyou punches him on the back of his head.

"What did you do that for, Kyon-kyon..." Shigure pretended to weep comically but his antics were forgotten the moment he took in Kyou's attire. He frowned as he tried to remember where he'd seen that shirt before, his eyes lit up with amusement when he finally remember where he'd seen it before.

Ignoring the fact that Kyou was eating, he blurted out simply "Kyou... Why are you wearing Yuki's shirt?"

Upon hearing Shigure's statement, Kyou froze and subsequently began choking on his toast which he'd been swallowing. He began coughing momentiously, while Yuki sprang into immediate actions by thumping Kyou on the back. Ignoring all eyes that were casted upon him, Yuki reached for his own glass of water and giving it to Kyou who had gratefully taken it without thinking. Kyou looked up when his coughing finally stopped, only to find a wide-eyed Tohru and a gleeful Shigure staring at him.

"What?" Kyou questioned, that was when he finally noticed he was still holding Yuki's hand which he'd captured in his own without knowledge when the latter provided him water to sooth his cough. Releasing Yuki's hand aruptly, he stared down at his own plate blushing crimson from embarrassment.

"So... Kyou, why are you wearing Yuki's shirt?" Shigure asked again with barely suppressed mirth.

"My shirt was ruined?" Kyou answered uncertainly as his mind is too jumbled up with random thoughts to answer it carefully.
"Why was it ruined then?" Shigure asked again, still trying to keep himself from laughing out loud.

Before Kyou could come up with an answer, Yuki interjected "I accidentally dumped the bucket of water on him this morning in the bathroom as I was startled by his presence, feeling guilty and responsible for my actions. I lend him my shirt for the time being..." Yuki answered on behalf on Kyou. He caught sight of Kyou's questioning look and whispered "I don't want you to tell them I was crying on you..." before shifting his attention back to Shigure.

"Oh... and here I thought something else happens..." Shigure drawled out slowly while Kyou froze in his seat stiffly. Yuki shot a warning glance in Shigure's direction that seems to say 'Don't you dare to...' before he said coldly "What else do you think it is, Shigure?"

Shigure fell silent momentiously, he shook his head slowly and uttered "Nothing..." before directing all his attention to his breakfast. He could barely suppressed the shudders upon hearing Yuki's cold statement, it's kind of ironic that it had reminded him vaguely of Akito. Tohru Honda, on the other hand was confused by the exchange over breakfast this morning... She couldn't understand why Yuki had rushes to Kyou when the latter choke on his breakfast, she also don't know why Shigure wanted to tease Kyou about wearing Yuki's shirt. What she couldn't comprehend was why Yuki was so protective of Kyou suddenly, and that Shigure fell silent when Yuki warned him.

Shaking her head as to clear her thoughts, she focus her attention on the task of enjoying her breakfast in the tranquil peace and silence which reigned the room currently. The rest of the morning passes by uneventfully, unless you counted Shigure shameless flirting with Ayame on the phone as something otherwise it was peaceful.

~ to be continue~

date completed: 17/03/05

date revised: 30/04/05