Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: To love the enemy
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: YukiKyou
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Fruits Basket!
Status: chapter(s) 10/12
Summary: In which their childhood memories was uncovered and revealed by Hatori. Yuki and Kyou thought about what Hatori revealed to them.


Chapter 10 - Past uncovered; Secrets revealed.

Hatori Sohma stared at the sight of the two boys sleeping peacefully in silence, he appeared to be thinking deep. Yuki and Kyou was asleep in each other's arms, totally oblivious to his presence in the same room as them.

For once, Hatori Sohma was lost for he had no idea how to deal with the two sleeping boys. It was obvious that the two boys were close to each other, in fact, they were too close for comfort. It will hurt if they were to be torn apart for the second time in their life.

Staring at the two boys, he came to a decision. 'They deserved to be happy, they deserved another chance!' Hatori thought as he headed back downstairs to wait for them.

Initially, he had arrived at Shigure's early hoping to give Kyou a full body check-up but he had stumbled upon the sight of Yuki and Kyou sleeping in each other's arm for a second time in a row. Now that he had made a decision, he believed that it's time to inform Yuki and Kyou of their long -forgotten past.

"Haa-san?" Shigure eyed him critically.

He frowned and asked. "What do you want?"

"Are you going to tell them?" Shigure asked.

"Yes." he replied simply.

"Do you think they will believe you?" Shigure asked.

"No idea." Hatori answered honestly.

"Yet, you are still going to tell them?" Shigure stated matter of factly.

He was just about to reply when he spotted Yuki and Kyou coming down the stairs. Upon the sight of him, both boys fell silent.

"Good morning, Hatori." Yuki greeted him politely, while Kyou simply nodded at him in acknowledgement.

"Good morning." he greeted back calmly.

Together they joined Tohru at the table for breakfast. Silence was maintain throughout breakfast, it was until the dishes had been cleared away by Tohru and that Shigure had left for his study when Hatori spoke up.

"Yuki, Kyou." He called for their attention, and gestured for them to follow him. "There's something the two of you need to know." Hatori cleared his throat awkwardly, "I noticed the two of you had been growing closer these few weeks, correct me if I'm wrong... but I think the two of you had been too dependant on each other."

Yuki and Kyou shared a look, but otherwise remains silent. Hatori sighed, "I supposed the two of you had no knowledge of your past?"

Apparently Hatori's latest words caught both boys attention. Kyou looked at him with suspicion lurking in the depths of his eyes, and asked. "What do you mean?"

"The two of you used to be very good friends wih each other, but something happened a few years back and the two of you are forced to separate." Hatori explained, choosing his words wisely.

Silence stung the air as he contemplates on his next words, it was then that he heard Yuki's soft spoken voice uttering their clan head's name.

"Akito... it must be Akito." Yuki murmured.

"Yuki?" Kyou prompted.

"It's Akito, he's the one whom ordered our separation." Yuki stated without hesitation.

"What! When was it? Why am I not aware of it?" Kyou exclaimed.

"That's because our memories were erased, isn't that so?" Yuki looked to Hatori for confirmation.

Hatori said nothing but nodded in response. That was when Kyou interrupted, "Wait a minute, if our memories were erased. How did Yuki know about them?"

"Dreams..." Yuki replied simply. Noticing Kyou's confused look, Yuki elaborated. "I remembered having dreams about it."

Hatori blinked. "Dreams? How long have you been having them?"

"A month, I think." Yuki answered.

Hatori sighed. "This is what I'm fearing of..."

He eyed both Yuki and Kyou seriously before saying "Run away and never come back again."

"What?" Both Yuki and Kyou stared at him as if he was insane.

"I said run while you still can... Go somewhere else, anywhere but here. If Akito ever caught wind of this situation. The two of you will be in deep trouble, not to mention being torn apart again. This time, it will not simply be the issue of losing your memories of each other. It will be much worst than what he did before." Hatori eyed both of them seriously, waiting for their questions.

"Where else can we go?" Kyou asked with a frown.

"America..." Hatori replied simply. "Think about it, run before it's too late." He left Kyou and Yuki staring at each other in bewilderment as he departed for home.

~ to be continue~

date started: 04/05/05

date completed: 06/05/05

date revised: 12/05/05