Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Red and Blue Makes Purple ❯ Blondes are Scary ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Greetings, my lovely readers. New chapter up for you. Sorry for the wait. I always update on fanfictiondotnet first, so if you want updates faster, that’s the place to go. So, hope you enjoy the new chapter. Read and review!

“Red and Blue Makes Purple”
Chapter Fourteen
Blondes are Scary

Sasuke was just running through the gates of his family district when Duo and Iruka reached the cross-road. Seeing the teacher, he ground to a halt. “Iruka-sensei, Naruto’s gone! He-”
He prefers the name Duo,” the braided man quipped, hands on his hips as he stepped out from behind Iruka.
The Uchiha stared at him. Not blinking, he stepped forward to look down right into violet eyes, his own turning red as he activated his sharingan. “You’re back to your other form.”
“Well, almost,” Duo said, raising a hand to point out the whisker marks. “But it’s close enough. Not as though a couple extra scars are going to make that much of a difference.”
Deactivating his eyes, Sasuke began circling the other teenager, looking him over. The same height as Naruto, he just seemed smaller, more compact. As Duo turned to keep an eye on him, he displayed a grace that the blond had not had. Beautiful.
“Still a dobe,” he said, smirking. “Why’d you leave?”
“Had trouble sleeping,” Duo said, shrugging. “Met Iruka up on the monument and we chatted for a bit and poof, I changed back into my lovable, star-born self.”
“What do you mean, star-born?” Iruka asked.
“I was born on a space colony, up there.” The pilot pointed up toward the heavens. “Most of us pilots were, though on different colonies.”
“There are villages in the sky?” Sasuke asked, skeptical.
“Big ones,” Duo said with a nod. “Maybe I’ll show you some day. Not L2 though. Maybe L4. It’s a bit hot, but nice enough. Not to mention Quatre practically owns the place.”
“We can discuss floating villages in the morning,” Iruka said before Duo could launch into a big explanation of the colonies. “We should all be getting back to bed.”
“Yes Mom,” Duo said cheerfully as he followed Sasuke back into the compound, skipping.
Sasuke watched the pilot the entire way back, noting the differences and similarities between the dobe’s two forms. There was no doubt in his mind that Duo and Naruto were one and the same, no matter their appearances or memories. He just had to prove it to him, and then he could do what he should have before they’d even left the academy.
Heero’s self-preservation instincts were all that kept him from waking Quatre and Trowa at the first light of dawn to find the portal that separated him from Duo. It was almost eight before they emerged from the bedroom, the blond heading directly for the coffee pot, which Heero’d been keeping fresh so that there’d be as little delay as possible. Once the two had poured their cups, Trowa put the rest into a thermos for the hike down.
“Twenty minutes,” Quatre said as Heero opened his mouth to speak. “Try to hurry me and I demand breakfast.”
Heero looked to Trowa for help, but the clown just shrugged. When Quatre was in a mood, there was no helping it. And he knew better than to argue with his lover. The blond had worse forms of revenge than making one sleep on the sofa.
Once rested and caffeinated, Quatre was much more agreeable to setting a brisk pace down the trail to the valley floor. Seeing the destruction, Heero grew more and more worried.
“This was done by Duo?” he asked, staring at their surroundings. The patterns of damage looked like any of the millions of explosions he’d seen.
“Not all of it,” Trowa said.
“There seemed to be some sort of energy blast when Duo first transformed,” Quatre explained. “The paths leading out were Duo though. Now, the portal was… this way.”
Quatre’s Preventer jacket was tied around a young tree right next to the odd slicing of woods, clearly marking the spot. Heero approached it carefully, running a finger along the edge of the split tree. It was strange. The wood didn’t feel cut, just that it was there on one side and wasn’t on the other.
They were about to pass through when Quatre’s cell phone rang. “Preventer Winner.”
The other two waited for him to finish the call, clearly from Une, before inquiring on it.
“Our help is here,” he said, putting away the device. “I need to meet them at the road, but the two of you can go ahead. They’ll recognize Trowa. Try not to aggravate them.”
Taking the coffee thermos with him, he left. Trowa and Heero shared a glance before proceeding through. Barely a yard away from the portal, they were met by the same man that had first spotted them, this time on the ground.
“I’m to escort you to the Hokage,” he said, holding his bear of a dog back with a hand. “Though I was informed that you were supposed to have a blond with you.”
“Quatre is meeting with some of our people on the other side of the portal,” Trowa said. “This is Yuy Heero, who came in his stead.”
“Inuzuka Kiba, and my partner Akamaru,” the man said before turning toward the village. “Follow me.”
The attention they were attracting coupled with the number of people carrying weapons did nothing to help Heero’s paranoia. Children were jumping from rooftop to rooftop, some no older than he’d been when he began training with Doctor J. A pink-haired woman saw them and immediately vanished in a poof of smoke. And none of the other villagers seemed to notice or care.
He turned to Trowa, his gaze hard. “You left Duo here?”