Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Games of a Cazed Host ❯ Twister Finalists ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Serenefox: Thanks to the few people who have reviewed so far. You're input really helps me. And A BIG BIG THANKS to ChibiArwen cuz she has come up with the greatest ideas!

Harry: did ya really have to yell all that? *holds his head and pops a couple of Tylenol *

Sfox: Yes I did now let me finish! *screams last part, Harry moans in pain * Ahem ok ChibiArwen. I think I may use your last idea for a finale. There is one more game I wanna put in before that…. *laughs evilly, Harry looks scared * And Kiira Moon….I haven't decided on permanent couple yet so who knows it may happen….

Lawyers: You have yet to tell the disclaimer!

Sfox: *sighs * oh alright. I dun own nuthin except the direction the fic goes *cries *


Announcer dude: And we are back once again. That last commercial was by…aw who the hell cares. Anyway here is your host Serenefox!

*audience looks, sees no one, silence, crickets chirp *

Announcer dude: *clears throat * Ahem. HERE IS YOUR HOST SERENE FOX!!!!

*Serenefox comes tumbling out of a closet, with Harry right behind her. Clothes askew, Harry's glasses hang off his ear *

Sfox: blushing* Ok. Yes here I am! *audience applauds * and here is my VERY talented co host Harry Potter! *camera focuses on lipstick smudge on Harry's cheek * Um Harry?

Harry: huh? Oh! *wipes it off * Yes we are now going to continue our bathing suit twister competition. The four finalists are Hermione Granger, Wufei Chang, Duo Maxwell and Galaxia

Galaxia: Why don't you say my last name?

Usagi: You don't have one

Galaxia: Oh….

Sfox: Right ok anyways, will the four contestants please gather round the twister board? We shall begin right away!

*the four surround the board, Duo looks excited, Wufei looks bored, Hermione looks confident, and Galaxia looks determined *

Sfox: Ok and now we begin, Harry spin please

Harry: *spins the spinner * right foot blue *everyone places on blue, spins again * left hand yellow *everyone on yellow *

Sfox: Ok now here is where things get interesting two body parts at once and I ain't even gonna use the spinner! *throws spinner away, contestants looks horrified * Ok right hand red and left foot green

*laughs maniacally as everyone tries to do so, stops and frowns when no one falls or is in a compromising situation *

Harry: ok lets see here right foot green left hand blue

*everyone proceeds to do so. Hermione is bent backwards over duo, who is grinning and twisted around Galaxia who is upset and under Wufei and over Hermione who both look panicked *

Sfox: Ok now three parts at once! Muahahahahaha! Right foot red left hand blue left foot yellow

*Immediately Duo falls on top of Galaxia causing her to fall, she gets mad and throws Duo across the room. Hermione and Wufei are still left standing, so to speak *

Harry: ok now pick a body part and place it to the corresponding color when I give them: left yellow right green right blue

Wufei panics and falls while Hermione is still standing, she brings herself upright just as Serenefox shouts *

Sfox: HERMIONE IS THE WINNER!!! YAY! Go Hermione it's your birthday! Woohoo!

Hermione: blushes* it was all about mathematics (chibiami: wow! *stars in her eyes *) what do I win?

Sox: *turns to Harry and talks to him quietly with hissings and exaggerated gestures, Harry grins evilly when he suggests something, Serenefox returns to Hermione * YOU WIN TROWA! And as part of that deal you get to be locked in a honeymoon suite and do as you please with him!


Hermione: *looks at Trowa * It's a deal! *grabs the room key and Trowa and rushes out of the studio *

Sfox: Ok that is all for now. We have more commercials and so we will have a new game when we return. Hopefully Hermione will be done by then.

Harry: Bye! *turns and talks to Serenefox as scene fades out *