Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Games of a Cazed Host ❯ All Hell Breaks Loose ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ok ok so I dun own any of the characters which is a total bummer.

Usagi: just who are you gonna put me with? I am being bounced around like a ping-pong ball

Well, I'm not sure yet. There is still one more game to go thru.

Usagi: *wails * man!!! Hurry up! Put me w/ sum1 and just leave me there!

Hermione: wait, how come Usagi is the only one who gets to complain?

Oh no..Dammit Usagi see what you did?!

*all the females in the fic come out of the wood work, complaining *

Haruka: I had better be with Michi!

Michiru: Yea!

Setsuna: Why does Galaxia even have to have a partner?

Galaxia: hey, why should you?

Ami: you need more logical things in here!

Rei: you're a baka!!!

Makoto: They all look like my old sempai!

Mina: *slaps Makoto * Do not!

Hotaru: I am too young for this!

Rini: me too!


All: *meekly * yes ma'am

Thank you. Now on with the games! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Announcer dude: Ok we had sponsors but I don't want to say them so I am just telling you guys that we are back. Here are your hosts Serenefox and Harry Potter!

Sfox: and once again we are back. We are on our last game before the finale. And it is the simplest game by far! Monopoly!

Harry: Yes there are no secret hidden meaning behind this game like there was with twister. It is just your ordinary, run of the mill monopoly! The groups are as follows: Group 1-Duo Goku Seiya Wufei Rei Haruka Hermione Rini, Group 2-Trowa Gohan Yaten M.Trunks Usagi Minako Makoto Michiru, and Group 3-Quatre Heero Vegeta Taiki Ami Hotaru Setsuna Galaxia.

Setsuna: Why am I always with Galaxia? We hate each other!

Galaxia: Yea she is such a prudy bitch *gets whacked by the Time Staff, grumbles *

Sfox: *looks peeved, turns to converse with Harry * Well fine! Until we have a REAL finale game, just go and do whatever you want until the next commercial ok?!

Rei: Ok. *~~*~~* 10 minutes later *~~*~~*

Rei: I bet you a bag of m&ms *picks up a bag and throws it on top of the pile *

Ami: I see your m&ms and raise you two kit kats *throws in kitkats *

Galaxia: *groans * I fold. No way can I meet that. I will take my starburst and be happy

Duo: I raise you a bag of mini butterfingers! *grins triumphantly *

Usagi, Rei, Galaxia, and the rest of the players: oOoOoOoOo

Ami: *raises an eyebrow, bites her lip in concentration * hmmmm. I see your bag and I still raise you. 3 bags of pixie sticks!!!

*room goes silent, all players stare at Ami and Duo, Duo's grin fades as he looks dejectedly at his hand, finally sighs *

Duo: *softly * you win.

Ami: are you serious? *look of shock over come by happiness * Woo hoo! Candy! *stops mid happy dance, realization dawns on her, an evil grins crosses her face * Candy.. *screams *SUGAR!!!!!

*everyone slowly backs away from her. *

*Seiya, Trunks and Heero all approach Usagi *

Seiya: Usagi you know I love you but I cant be with you right now.

Trunks: Usagi I like you, lets find somewhere quiet

Heero: I get to be with her after you do.

*all the men continue to talk *

Usagi: *red in the face * WAIT A GODDESS FORSAKEN MINUTE!!! Do I have a say in this? *all three men nod * Ok then, Heero, you are to wait, Trunks meet me in the closet in 5 minutes and Seiya I agree with you.

*all three nod and go about their business, Usagi looks pleased *

*~~*~~* meanwhile*~~*~~*

Haruka: NO!

Michiru: YES!

Haruka: NO!

Michiru: YES!

Haruka: NO!

Michiru: YES and that's all there is to it! We are having a baby!

Haruka: Oh yea well who is the father going to be hmmm?? Better not be that Chiba baka!

Michiru: No ugh goddess no, It will be either Taiki or Yaten. Because I have made a deal with them. They provide the swimmers and we provide the pool. And besides they will get something out of it too.

Haruka: *looks at Michiru suspiciously * what kind of something.

Michiru: well, I will carry our baby and ..mumbles the rest*

Haruka: What?

Michiru: you will carry their baby.

Haruka: WHAT!?

*~*~* again meanwhile*~*~*

Trowa: ..


Wufei: *mumbles about injustice and baka onnas *

Hermione: *plays chess with Hotaru, Rini watches *

*Vegeta and Goku spar, Gohan stars at the arguing couples (Taiki/Yaten, Haruka/Michiru) *

Minako: I wanna do something

Setsuna: Me too

Makoto: Me three

All together: But what???

*see Goku and Vegeta knock each other out. Minako grins wickedly and nudges Setsuna and Makoto, begins to whisper and they get evil grins as well. *

*~~*~~* 20 minutes later *~~*~~*

Vegeta: *wakes up * owwww my head. *looks at Goku who is also waking up. Starts cracking up *

Goku: *looks puzzled * What? * Sees Vegeta cracks up*

*three females in the corner starts laughing hysterically as the two men look at them in confusion then back at each other, they get up and race to the bathroom *

Vegeta/Goku: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *come flying out and corner the women *

Goku: WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY TAIL??? ITS PINK!!!! *shows a pink tail with a purple bow on the end *


Minako: *gasps, manages to say * you.both. *gasp * knocked each other out.. *pitches another laughing fit *

Makoto: *takes a deep breath * so we decided to have a little bit of fun.

Setsuna: *still doubled over *

*trio starts cracking up again *

Vegeta and Goku look ready to kill* Onnas run..

Women: *gulp loudly, run and barricade themselves in a storeroom, startling Heero and Usagi *

*~~*~~* In her office *~~*~~*

Sfox: Ok well this is going far from planned. *sighs and pinches bridge of her nose *

Harry: well, we still have the last game. Maybe it will all turn out ok in the end? *looks at Serenefox * Or maybe not

Serenefox: Well, we only have one or two more episodes before it is over and they are all acting like a bunch of hormonal teenagers

Harry: Well, they are *quiets at Serenefox's glare *

Serenefox: well, lets go round the kiddies up and move on. Maybe we can be productive

Harry: yes ma'am

*both leave the office, return to see colorful people, a hyperactive Ami, and arguing couples Sfox takes a deep breath and.. *

Serenefox: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!

*everyone stops and stars at her *

Sfox: Thank you. Now *turns to the cameras * we will have a short commercial break and return with our finale game! Ja ne!

Ok people please review for me! I appreciate the little reviews I have gotten and for the person who called me a flame name, well its my story and im sticking to it!