Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 2 Reign ❯ Fine Again ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fine Again
“How much longer do you think Newport will take?” I asked Heero as we walked through the newly-won streets of Endgame.
“I'm not even going to think about that until I have Wufei back again.”
“Sounds like an idea.”
“I know, I scare myself sometimes.”
I grinned.
“Where do you think Duo is?”
“He and Selena are going to hit Jun's building,” I explained, “Duo's going to warn Wufei and stuff.”
“Good,” Heero muttered, focusing on Trowa and Quatre, who were walking and talking similarly a few blocks over, “I was wondering how to get the message to Fei that we were here.”
“I don't think they should go in there.”
“It's only gonna be an issue if Duo tries to get Wufei out.”
“I don't know…Jun knows him.”
“But not all of Jun's guards do. Duo can be pretty inconspicuous when he chooses to be…even to those who know where his…every…frickin' mole is on…his…” Heero seemed to be having second thoughts on what he was saying.
“Okay, that just…”
Heero gave me a look, “I was gonna say birthmark, but…”
I died laughing.
“…you know it's on his inner thigh near his balls and that would lead to questions of how I know where it is on his body. You also have to remember, though, that he tastes like peaches.”
I stared at Heero in shock.
He laughed, looking away from me.
“Okay, either there's a side of you that's been repressed…”
“The lord forgives all sin, Jacob,” he returned, meeting my eyes, “And I can't stand Christians who try to convert you. Duo used to be one of those and I took every opportunity to fuck with his head.”
“But you still know where his birthmark is and you know how he tastes.”
“I also have a couple of bisexual best friends who would dare me to do things like kiss them.”
I stopped.
Heero laughed, “You didn't know Wufei back then, though.”
“Wufei?” that didn't fit my thought process at all. I'd been thinking he meant Quatre.
“Oh, yeah. He used to start bar-fights all the time, and then while we were out drinking he and Duo would have dare-wars. That's a Duo thing.”
“I hope things get back to normal with us,” Heero sighed, “I miss those days…”
“I know I want to see them again.”
Heero laughed, meeting my eyes, “Next time Duo makes a pass at me and I don't freak out or tell him to stop, that's why. It's more fun to play along a bit.”
I grinned at him.
I laughed as the guy continued joking with me, waving as I started up the stairs. It hadn't been hard to knock someone out for their jacket, and it was a simple enough thing to say that I was checking the stair-well. Selena had found out that there was a spot on each level that couldn't be filmed, so there were regularly guards doing rounds up and down the stairs. Joking with a supposed comrade was even easier since the guy really had been funny.
I climbed the stairs nonchalantly, as if I'd done this a thousand times before. Selena had said that the guard would poke his head out ever few levels to make sure things were fine, so I did that as well.
Selena was waiting for me down in the monitoring room.
I didn't get how Jun was being so negligent.
Nira had also found out that every hour someone hit the top two floors of the tower for a look-see. It would be on the hour as I hit the top.
“Hey, Mac,” an unfamiliar voice came to me through a walkie-talkie in my pocket.
“Yes'm?” I asked, hitting the button.
“Go ahead and do the upper rounds.”
“All right.”
That had been wonderful timing on my part—or Selena's. Anyway, we'd worked together.
I was buzzed through a previously locked door and waved at the camera as I started into what seemed to be a hotel.
The first room I found was a large living room with floor-to-ceiling windows. The sitting area itself was sunken slightly with a healthy sized walkway in front of the windows.
That would be fuckin' gorgeous at night…
There was also a kitchen and dinning room to the left of that, and a bathroom. To the right was a laundry room and storage. A set of stairs went directly off the living room, and I took those quickly, praying that Jun were out.
He would absolutely go berserk if he found me in his living room.
There weren't many rooms upstairs, either. Two large rooms greeted me, and then there was a normal sized one—which seemed to be Jun's. I shook my head, pulling the door shut and moved down the hall, looking between the two remaining rooms…and heading right.
I was nearly bowled over backwards by Wufei, hitting the door so it slammed shut behind us.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” he breathed as I pulled him to me and he clung, “Please tell me you're here to take me?”
“I can't right now.”
“Duo, he's gonna fuckin' do it! He got so pissed the other night and tried to force me…and said that next time he'd just have guards come in and tie me up! Keith knocked him out last night, but…today…Duo I can't stay here…”
“Are you okay?” I asked instead of acknowledging any of that, “Keith is feeding you, right?”
He pulled away from me, his dark eyes full of tears as he shook his head, “You're not taking me?”
“I can't right now,” I muttered, “We dropped Endgame and any time now Heero will start his attack on this building…but right now it's full of guards.”
“Get me a jacket…give me that jacket…we can bluff our way out, Duo…”
“Hey, Mac? Check on the uh…guest, huh?”
“Yessir,” I replied into the walkie, copying his amused tone, then met Wufei's eyes, “Selena is waiting for me down in monitoring, but…I don't think…”
“Yes, I know,” I heard Jun laughing as he spoke on to someone, his voice moving through the hall.
“Of course, great,” I snapped, opening the door to see Jun moving into a bedroom.
“This door…was locked,” Wufei noted suddenly.
“The key is right outside it,” I explained, “Hanging on a nail.”
He stared at me.
I grinned at him slightly, then wiped his eyes, “Not right now. I just wanted to let you know that we've got things moving. It should be tonight, all right?”
“Duo,” he whispered, glancing past me at the door, “Did you hear what I said?”
“There's nothing I can do about it right…” I glanced out the door and froze as Keith himself stopped in the middle of the hall, his eyes widening.
“Please, Duo…” Wufei muttered.
I caught his wrist, meeting his eyes. “If I tried anything right now we'd be dead before we went three floors down.”
More tears spilled down his cheeks as he looked away from me.
“Come on, Wufei,” I breathed at him, wiping his eyes again, “I know this is hard, and I really shouldn't have come…but you're fine so far. Just…a few more hours, all right? We're hitting here first and we'll have you out before Jun can get any ideas.”
“Duo…” he started, then swallowed, leaning up to kiss me, “Fine, if he rapes me I get your balls.”
I had to laugh at that, crushing him against me again.
“Whoa, Jun, check that out!” I heard Ace's voice exaggerated in the background, “It looks like a real fire hit over there!”
“That's just the assassin's work,” Jun muttered darkly, “Endgame better shape up quick.”
I grinned at Wufei again, kissing him before wiping at his tears again, “Keep a radio on.”
I darted into the hall, grateful that I didn't have to explain everything. Ace watched me pass as Jun stared out his bedroom window at the plume of smoke that had been the Endgame headquarters. I nodded at him.
He nodded back, thinking a bit, but I didn't wait to see what else he might say. I darted back into the stairwell and took a few heaving breaths.
“Hey, Mac? What's going on?”
“Not a damn thing,” I replied easily, composing myself quickly, “The guy was sleeping.”
“All right, come back down now.”
“On my way.”
“He's as good as we are with a sniper,” I muttered to Heero. We were watching Jacob as he and Trowa talked together on the lower level of our current hotel.
“Can he hit from a helicopter?”
“I think so…I'm not sure how good he is, though.”
“I don't get that.” Heero returned, “How did he get so good? He wasn't in the military.”
“I dunno, his father taught him to shoot during the wars, and I think he did some homesteading for a while. He probably has practice.” I could just see Jacob walking around some large house with a rifle tossed over one shoulder, watching for any movement that might indicate intruders…
“Yeah,” Heero muttered, bringing me back to reality as he stared blankly at the windows. After a moment, he met my eyes, “Come on, lets go pick up Duo.”
“From where?”
“Pawn, of course.”
I loved how he just assumed everything was obvious.
I followed him more slowly as he gestured for Trowa to follow us and for Jacob to wait.
Jacob blinked at me and I shrugged slightly at my friend.
Heero was calling the shots, there was nothing I could do.
“He was fine,” I muttered as I sat behind Heero in the car, “Upset with me, though. He said that Jun tried to force him.”
Heero sat back in irritation, letting go of the steering wheel to hit it with the fingers of both hands as Trowa and Quatre blinked at me.
“It's time we got this party started, gentlemen,” I muttered, grinning from one to the other and meeting Heero's eyes in the review mirror.
He nodded at me.
Trowa made the call.
I was glued to the window after Duo left, frustrated that he hadn't just taken me with him. I could hear Jun moving around in the other rooms; he didn't seem the least bit perturbed. I was wondering if he should be. He didn't seem to realize Endgame had fallen and the radio played on. I really couldn't understand why Duo had wanted me to leave it on to begin with…but he knew what was all going on. I didn't…
“I will never enjoy spending time in bedrooms again,” I noted to myself, knowing no one would hear me. Two weeks was more than enough time to be stuck in a room with a maniac trying to court you.
Of course, I could have played along, and then maybe he'd have let me wander…
Fuck him.
Well, not really, but still…
I saw a dark van moving up the street from Jaded's land, followed by another—and another.
The troops.
I grinned, sitting up slightly as the vans started fanning out…
And then the door started to rattle.
I was on my feet in an instant, knowing it wouldn't be Jun or Keith, taking a moment to shut the curtains. If it was Jun, he didn't need to have that instant's forewarning he could probably use right about now.
“Okay, pretty-boy,” a man muttered, leveling a gun at my head as he came through the door, “Let's play nice, shall we?”
I grinned slightly and spat at him, “I don't play well with others.”
“We need to evacuate the rest of the citizens. This one won't be pretty,” Heero noted, climbing from the car as we watched our troops marching around us and doing exactly what he said, “Duo, get me a com to the city.”
“Sir,” Duo muttered distantly, disappearing.
“Be sure to watch for sniper-fire,” he muttered to us, glancing up, “I don't know what Jun does or does not know, but I know he's used snipers in the past.”
“Is that an order for me to get up in a helicopter?” Jacob asked curiously, “I've been so very anxious to try my own skills.”
Heero studied Jacob a moment, then nodded. We watched him disappear toward the building we had the helicopter on. This is to say our helicopter.
“Clean cup,” Heero noted as guards started to emerge from Jun's building, “Move down.”
“This has been most entertaining to watch, Wufei,” Jun purred at me, “But I'm afraid I was never much into voyeurism.”
I spat at him, then ducked under the punch directed at me by the fucker who'd managed to tie me up.
“You are dismissed,” Jun muttered to him as if annoyed.
“You are going to have one interesting night,” I muttered to Jun, hatred boiling up in me, irritation with Duo…anger at the situation.
None of it was ever my fault. I'd never once lead Jun on. When I'd realized he was of a schizophrenic personality, I hadn't backed off and misdirected him. When he'd made an approach on me that no one liked, I'd reacted with fear, not with anger. I had run, I had hid from him…and he himself was like a cat, chasing its prey…
Mental sarcasm is not very relieving.
Did the cat really care what the mouse thought as it purred and the mouse died? It savored its victory and moved on to the next interesting bit of entertainment. I'd seen it in Duo time and again. The longer the chase, the sweeter the victory.
“I will at that,” Jun agreed, moving toward me and grabbing my shirt.
I smirked at him, “Before you get too distracted, why don't you go look out that window there?”
“I'm not interested in the sight, Chang.”
“Mm, but this one should catch your attention.”
He glanced toward the window, but decided to ignore my words, starting to unbutton the shirt.
“You don't want to be doing that,” I muttered, studying his eyes. It had been a fun chase, but maybe the cat should realize that the mouse was no mouse, but a dog who'd been trained against attacking until cornered…
“I think I do,” he returned, pulling the shirt open with disregard for the buttons.
Dogs did not like to expose their belly…
“I think, I really…really…do…” he ran his hand down my throat and onto my chest. Fortunately, I was wearing a wife-beater underneath the button-up.
It still made my skin crawl.
“I think you really really should reconsider…and possibly listen to what I have to say.”
“You've had plenty of say,” Jun muttered, narrowing his eyes, “I think it's time I just got what I wanted.”
“Hm…or not.”
And, in the end?
Some people just react better under pressure.
“Attention citizens of Deniel, this is Heero Yuy-Peacecraft, and as a sovereign of the nation, I hereby order you to evacuate the city under the authority given to me by my lady-wife, her Majesty, Queen Relena Peacecraft.”
All stereos were receiving this, all televisions…all in-store radios. Not a damn place in Deniel would miss this message.
“As I speak several F-18 fighter jets are making their way in, and we are performing a military action. Please do not panic, but leave the city. There are designated safe-havens within ten-miles of the city limits...”
Duo laughed from where he was leaning against the car by my feet, one hand wrapped around my ankle. Trowa was standing on the other side of the car and Quatre was leaning against the trunk. All attention was focused on me as well as a handful of news cameras.
“We ask that you remain calm and leave in an orderly fashion. Any who remain behind will be considered Syndicate-members and dually taken care of.”
Duo laughed even harder, sounding extremely pleased.
“And Jun Martin, I really hope you're hearing this, because we're here and I think it's time for you to come down and play.”
Duo's laughter sang in my ears as the news-people reacted in shock…
I couldn't help but join him.
Jun froze as Heero's voice came from the radio I'd had turned on for so long now that I'd forgotten it. I took a relieved breath. I'd been able to keep the guy distracted with talking enough so that he hadn't taken my pants off, but I was really running out of options, and I really didn't want to offer force until I knew my backup was coming.
I could swear Duo was laughing in the background of Heero's message.
“What?” Jun demanded, moving away from me and pulling the curtain open.
I laughed, “What did I tell you? And just think…Duo's down there somewhere, just waiting to be let into the building.”
Jun flashed me an irritated glance, running toward the doors.
I laughed more, starting to work on the knot.
“There he is,” I muttered as the helicopter flew about level with the fourth floor.
“I see him,” Heero purred at me.
We'd both spotted Jun in the mid-window of the fourth floor. His guards were down arguing with our troops about being let into the building, but we still had a good twenty minutes before we could act.
From what I could hear of the city around us, the evacuation was proceeding with much mild-panic.
“Mr. Martin,” Heero muttered into the com unit we'd altered to take over all of Deniel's communications, “Please come down and have a word with us…we'd like to speak with you about something of extreme importance.”
He flipped us off.
I laughed as Trowa came up to my other side, “Are you sure we have to wait for the evac?”
“I don't want civilians killed,” Heero replied dismissively, eyes still on the window.
“I think his flipping us off is an open sign of hostility,” I noted, giving Heero a curious look.
“I think the guards he has arguing with my men are an open sign of hostility,” Heero countered, focusing on the group of soldiers in front of the group of guardsmen.
“Hm, but he was rude to us.”
“That he was, Sir Knight, I guess I'll have to ask you to champion for me.”
“As if you even had to ask, my Sovereign.”
We grinned at each other.
“You're not gonna be the only knight,” Trowa informed me, giving me a mildly triumphant look.
I looked to Heero, blinking.
“Ooh,” Heero muttered, focusing on the doors.
I followed his gaze and had to grin, “Ooh indeed…”
Watching Duo swoop down on Jun was something akin to a dream with Heero sauntering behind his knight. When Jun noticed Duo he recoiled sharply, but with his men and our men around he couldn't beat the retreat he probably dearly wanted to.
I leaned against the car, crossing my arms. Jun had lived out his usefulness. Heero was right. Duo would kill Jun Martin. Nothing Jun said or did mattered anymore; he was a dead man stealing his last breaths of life.
I knew that Duo wouldn't just out and attack Jun—who recoiled again when Heero stood at Duo's shoulder…
“My goodness, but this is entertaining,” Quatre noted, pulling himself up onto the side of our car.
“Isn't it, though? I miss this Heero and Duo.”
“You and me both. We should join them.”
“No, let's watch a bit more.”
Duo stepped across that line both sides had been watching, getting into Jun's face.
Jun paled and moved back so that his men closed the breech and Duo, in turn, focused on the two men in front of him.
“Look at their faces,” Quatre breathed, “Ye gods…”
“I don't know why, but seeing my enemy terrified is always so pleasant…”
Quatre laughed.
Duo raised one wrist, obviously looking at his watch before looking up to Jun again.
Jun didn't respond, he just turned and stormed back into the building.
“You know, our troops look scarier right now,” Quatre noted.
He was right, seeing their king and knight responding with absolutely no hesitation or fear had straightened several spines.
Of course, that may not be pride…
“Ooh, Ramon is over there,” Quatre added.
I laughed as I spotted the guy myself, “I think we've found a loyal one this time. I always liked Ramon, even when he was attacking Wufei.”
“I liked him because he was attacking Wufei,” Quatre admitted.
I laughed at that.
Duo and Heero turned back to us and their backs to the enemy. The soldiers around them instantly began scanning for any danger to the pair. They would have done that even if they didn't have someone to watch their backs, but it was amusing anyway.
“And so it begins?” I offered as they got within hearing range.
“It began the instant his goons stepped out of the club and spoke to Wufei,” Duo muttered, joining us again.
“What's up?”
“Wufei,” Duo replied, pointing to a top-floor window
We all focused where he'd pointed to see Wufei leaning against a windowsill. His shirt was unbuttoned, but that was all we could tell.
I waved.
Wufei waved back.
“You've been in there?” I asked Duo, pulling my eyes away from my friend.
“Yeah. Jun's personnel quarters are the top two floors.”
“That's good to know.”
“Rather useless, actually,” Duo countered, “Until we can get into the building, knowing where Wufei is does us no good.”
“We've got ten minutes, Duo,” Heero muttered, “Take a breath…go smoke something.”
Duo chuckled a bit at that, turning back to the car and actually pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the glove box.
I turned back to the building as he started smoking, wondering what else Duo did now…
But I probably didn't want to know.