Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Cyren Song: Reading Between the Lines ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Reading Between the Lines: Cyren's Song

Chapter 1: Reunion

By: Kellendraysia

Heero and the other four Gundam pilots were involved in a battle with Oz mobile suits, both Leo and Taurus classes, when another mobile suit charged into the frenzied battle. Turning his Gundam, Heero caught just a glimpse of the suit before having to turn his attention back to the Leos that were closing in upon him. This new suit was unlike anything that he had seen before. The suit was sleek and highly maneuverable for a Quadra pedal unit, its massive head was shaped like that of an eagle, snapped furiously at the surrounding Oz troops. Wings swept back from the front shoulders as eagle talon front feet raked at the closest suits.

Distracted Heero had to turn his gaze from the unusual unit to handle his own problems with the remaining mobile suits around him and missed the next motion made by the newly arrived pilot. If he had seen the bloody and lifeless form of the Leo unit fall away from the Quadra pedal unit missing its head, three quarters of its chest and one arm, it would be doubtful that furious would be the word to describe the tactics of the pilot inside the unit.

It stood upon powerful lion shaped rear legs, even as its leonine tail swept back and forth violently. The suit was that of a gryphon. It was obvious that this monstrosity of a mobile suit was not built to have a bipedal form as its shoulders reached over half the height of the bipedal suits that were used by the Gundam pilots themselves. From the gryphon's sharp beak to the rear haunches, it had already exceeded the height of any of the bipedal Gundams by a good couple of meters, not including its lashing tail.

What the hell is going on here, Heero thought to himself as he took out another Leo.

If Heero were to ask the four other pilots about him, their thoughts would have been much the same as his. As the five pilots thinned out the line of Oz mobile suits, one by one they began to turn their attention toward the gryphon. That in and of itself was a gruesome sight to see as the dust and debris floated down like black rain about the blood stained unit, its eyes taking on a odd violet-crimson glow in the billowing dust, as it dropped back to rest on all four feet. None of the pilots knew whether or not it was one of Oz's or some other independent pilot who owned the suit. Though it would be high unusual for a pilot working for Oz to kill their own troops…would… they?

Checking his sensors, Heero found that the gryphon was indeed made of Gundanium, meaning it too was some sort of Gundam unit. The first to rush headlong into battle with this newly arrived Gundam was Gundam Deathscythe, followed by Heavyarms.

"What are these idiots doing!" The pilot inside of the gryphon wanted to scream at the top of her lungs as the two Gundams rushed straight toward her. "Now is not the time for foolish chivalry."

"Duo, Trowa, you'd better be careful," Heero called dryly into his COM as the two pilots rushed, the other suit.

"I really don't have time for this," the pilot in the gryphon hissed as battle ensued.

The gryphon crouched, ready, as the energy scythe slashed down at her. She then lashed out with one powerful and sharp talon forefoot, causing Duo to fall back a step in his advance nearly stepping into Trowa's path.

"Geez! That was a close one," Duo commented in surprise as their was a clinking sound as the sharp talons glanced of the chest of his suit.

Trowa dodged the startled form of Deathscythe to be faced with a charging form of the gryphon. Heavyarms paused out of mild startlement at such a bold move. Leaping the gryphon hit Heavyarms square in the chest, burrowing it to the ground due to its massive weight. A slight gratting sound was emmitted as the grphon gripped into small recess areas of the falling HeavyArms unit to keep steady. As soon as the pilot felt Heavyarms hit the ground she was off and running again only to have the Wing Gundam step in her way.

"Damn," the pilot swore softly to herself when she saw the ready stance of the Gundam before her.

The Wing Gundam made a lunge for her right foreleg, beam saber leading the way. She barely had enough time to leap away from the oncoming blow, which glanced off her right shoulder with a scrapping his, leaving a burn mark from the energy beam.

He's fast, the pilot thought as her Gundam leapt to the left. No choice but to engage, if I want to get out of here before Oz shows back up.

After she dislodged the beam saber from the Wing Gundam's hand, only to make her opponent really angry, the battle intensified between the two Gundams as they exchanged blow for blow. When she though that she was possibly getting the upper hand of the battle she reared up trying to knock the irritating but skilled Gundam and its pilot over. The next maneuver made by the Wing caught her off guard as the other pilot used his shield as a ram and lodged it with a loud screech between the torso and rear haunches of her Gundam. Movement was made impossible as another Gundam unit came up behind her and wrapped its great dragon arm about her taloned front legs, locking down their movement.

"Thanks Wufei," Heero said calmly into his COM to the other pilot as he opened the hatch to get out of his Gundam, curious as to whom his opponent was.

Quatre within Sandrock had stood off to the side of the battle with the gryphon shaking his head as he walked a bit closer to the entangled trio as Heero got out.

"Was that necessary Heero? It appears that this pilot was fighting against Oz as well," Quatre called to Heero as he exited his Gundam.

"Now we'll know for sure," Heero called back bluntly.

That was the last straw when she saw Sandrock move towards her pinned Unit. Hammering the door release she hoped that the Gundam holding her front legs wasn't blocking the door, thankfully, he wasn't. She arrived out on the small platform door at the end of Quatre's question about fighting Oz, across the way she could see Heero standing on the platform outside the cockpit of his Gundam. She couldn't make out her opponent's features due to the reflected glare off the surrounding Gundams on top of all the dust and debris that was kicked up by the battle. She could hear the other two Gundams that she had fought earlier walking towards them from behind just off to the right. None of this was doing well for her temperament at the moment.

"What in the hell were you thinking you dipshit!" The pilot screamed at Heero, in a deadpan tone, her rage building by the moment. "Because of you," she points at him," "we're all standing here with our thumbs up our ass just waiting for Oz to come and take us into custody. Why don't you be a good boy and move it! Because I'd prefer not to be here when Oz gets back."

Heero stood there for a moment fists clenched at first in startlement at the woman's accusations, then in anger. Hopping onto the left arm of his Gundam, Heero ran down the length of it to come face to face with the female pilot where he paused momentarily in obvious shock, before he leapt down onto the platform on which she stood.

The pilot before him was dressed in a dark blue high-necked shirt with the sleeves cut off at the outer edge of her shoulder line. She wore black pants and dark tennis shoes. Her dress was not that unusual it was her looks that had caught him off guard. For he had been told that she was dead, but it appeared as if she were staring right back at him. Her hair was the same, it even framed her face like his did in an unruly fashion with the rest of it pulled back tightly into a long waist length braid. Her deep blue eyes reflected the world as his did, giving away nothing. Without thinking he threw his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"You're alive," Heero whispered softly in her ear, then he let go feeling the tension in her body as she stiffened at his touch.

"Heero?" She questioned, her anger subsiding slightly, her voice was emotionless.

All of the other pilots watched in confusion as Duo comments to himself, "Here we are fighting Oz one moment and Heero finds himself a girlfriend the next, geez," Then he shouts into his COM "Could we just get out of here!!"

"Yeah, Cyren, it's me," Heero replied, giving the girl some space.

Keeping her anger in check for the moments since she'd just as soon deck her twin then talk, but now was not the time for sibling fighting.

"Let me go. We need to get out of here now. Oz will be back any moment and unless you want to go through another battle with some of your friends and there exhausted resources," she paused. "I suggest we leave, now," Cyren put it bluntly.

Leaping back onto his Gundam's shield Heero raced back to the cockpit and climbed in, seeing that his sister wasted not time doing the same, but was waiting to be released.

"Wufei, let her go," Heero called into his COM as he wrenched the shield free.

"What?!?! What did you say?" Duo called in the COM, "Are you crazy!!"

The gryphon began to squirm in Nataku's grip causing Wufei to hesitate still unsure if releasing the pilot and the suit was a good idea.

"We don't have time for this!" Cyren hissed into Heero's COM as soon as she figured out his frequency.

"Wufei," Heero called into his COM again "Let her go. If Oz shows up we're not going to last long in our present condition. Let her go and let's get out of here."

"Finally the voice of reason shines through!" Duo commented, "We can get out of here in one piece now instead of in pieces."

As Wufei loosened his grip, the gryphon just seemed to explode out of his grasp.

"Lead the way," Cyren's dry and emotionless voice came over Heero's COM and no one else's.