Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ Death and the Dragon ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gundam Wing is copyright...Sotsu, I think it is, and a few other important companies and people, and I obviously don't own these wonderful bishounen.



Shi-chan: Damn! These things are going up as fast as I can write them! And I can't stop!

Duo: This is a fic that writes itself...o.O

Shi-chan: It's true, I swear! I can't control it anymore!

Duo: Oh no, this isn't another humour chapter is it!?!?


Death Becomes Him

~By Shimegami-chan

Part 14


Duo peered out of the fridge at the Chinese boy lying on the floor.

"That was mean, Duo!" Quatre sat Wufei up and shook him. "Oi! Wufei!"

Trowa gave Wufei a light slap on the cheek. Duo continued to sit calmly on top of the orange juice. "What's up with him? Hey, onna! Wake up!"

Wufei groaned and his onyx eyes fluttered open. Duo leered at him from the refrigerator.

"Maxwell..." Wufei touched his cheek where Trowa had slapped him. "You're dead."

Duo considered keeping the joke going, but instead hopped out of the cold box and landed on the ground beside Wufei, solidifying as he did so. Wufei almost jumped right out of his skin.

"Oi, Wu-man." Duo grinned at his friend and touched one icy finger to the Asian's nose. "Miss me?"

"This cannot be happening." Wufei closed his eyes and shook his head. "It cannot, it cannot, it cannot."

"But here I am. Are you telling me you don't even remember shooting me last night?" Duo pulled Wufei to his feet.

Wufei shivered at Duo's freezing touch. "I was dreaming. I must be dreaming now."

Duo danced around the other boy in glee, batting Wufei's ponytail with his hand. "Nope! No dream! I came back just to torment you!"

Quatre sighed. "Duo..."

The American stopped. "Hai?"

The little Arab gently pulled Duo away from Wufei. "You're going to really scare him if you keep this up.'re freezing..."

Duo was shivering slightly. "I probably should have turned up the temperature...I was hoping he'd head straight for the fridge instead of having a Deep Thought with you guys first."

"That's what you'd do, Duo." Trowa looked at his friend with an almost-smile.

"Oh? Hey, maybe you're right!" Duo bounced over to Wufei. "Wu-man, you all right? You look kind of pale."

"I believe I deserve some kind of explanation here..."

"Oh, yeah." Duo headed over to the table and flopped back down on it. "Um...I was dead, and now I'm not, but I technically am, and Heero thinks I'm a demon and is trying to kill himself probably as we speak." He stopped and thought about what he had just said. "Damn."

Quatre twitched a blonde eyebrow and walked coolly out of the kitchen. Trowa sat down beside Duo and gestured for Wufei to join him, who reluctantly did so. "Any questions?"

Surprisingly, Wufei looked stumped. " that really was you that I shot last night...?"

Duo patted his left leg and grimaced. "Yeah. It's not too bad though. It was my fault."

"What, for shooting you!?"

"Yeah...being dead comes with a few advantages, such as being able to phase out--kind of turn not-solid, or in-solid, or something. But I accidentally phased when I was dreaming and fell right through my bed and the floor. Your ceiling."

"Ah." Wufei looked thoughtful and grabbed Duo's left hand. He gasped at what he felt. "You're so really are dead...I'm sorry, that wasn't tasteful. Forgive me."

"No problem." Duo checked out his hand, which was, now that he noticed it, really cold. "You'd be surprised, Wu-man...I ended up losing a ton of blood last night, between the gunshot wound and Heero breaking the mirror. I think I'm just cold because of the fridge." He stood and went to the sink, turning on warm water and running his hands under it. "Bloody hell...somebody turn up the heat in here..."

"Serves you right for sitting in the fridge, Maxwell!" Wufei cried.

Duo looked stricken. He sat back down and took Wufei's wrist in his hand. "Better?"

"Much." Wufei reached out and touched the American with his free hand. "Should you have a pulse?"

"What, I don't?" Duo drew his hand back quickly and pressed it to his neck.

"No, I mean you do. But that's impossible."

"Hey, impossible is what I do best!" he laughed, dropping his arms in relief. "This whole thing is impossible!"

Quatre re-entered the kitchen. "Heero's still asleep."

Duo looked disappointed. "What!? It's 11:30! Lunchtime!"

"Duo, if you hadn't been up all night you'd still be sleeping now." Trowa pointed out.

"Damn, you're right. I'm missing sleep here!" He slumped forward into the puddle of water that had dripped from the precipitation on his hair and clothes. "And now I'm wet."

Wufei had relaxed slightly and his face returned to its proper colour. "I must say it's refreshing to have you back, Maxwell."

"Really?" Duo jerked his head up. "I never would have expected you to say that, Fei-kun!"

Wufei gave him a cool smile. "I'm capable of surprising people too."

Duo grinned his trademark grin for the Asian boy. "Yatta! Never knew you had it in you!"

Trowa just groaned and shook his head.


The unibanged pilot was glad that Duo seemed to be so cheerful--Quatre had explained to him what had happened last night and early that morning. But Duo's reunion with Wufei, his practical joke, and the addition of his usual clothes and personality made it very difficult to see what Quatre was talking about when he spoke of Duo's 'blank eyes.' It seemed that Duo had had more than one mental breakdown since his return, which was understandable. Luckily the braided pilot seemed pretty much back to normal, stuffing even more pizza into his mouth and babbling about something-or-other to Wufei.

Quatre regarded the American with interest. He hoped his pep talk had actually brought Duo back to his seemed he had, so far. At least until Duo laid eyes on Heero--Quatre didn't want to be around to see that. Maybe he could get Trowa to talk to Duo, but Trowa wasn't that much of a talker.

Best just to wait it out, Quatre thought. Maybe Duo can fix this without my help.


Shi-chan: Let's not do the next chapter just yet...

Duo: Lost in thought today, or what?

Shi-chan: Hn. I'm not thinking to well...the creative juices aren't flowing...

Duo: :-(

Shi-chan: Yeah...the total of about 6 hours of sleep I've had over the past 4 days is really disturbing o.O I'm just heading to bed...g'night, minna-san...