Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Partitas ❯ Untitled ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Partitas - Untitled

Pairing: faint hint of 2x1..(if that is not vague I don't know what is)

Summary/Notes: Heero lost and Duo found, a black bird played on shaky ground.

Warning: None really. This would be the Halloween fic I failed to post on time. Just for fun. OOC-ness perhaps? And weirdness I was told ^^ And oh…not a death fic. It's just your regular Twilight Zone moment.

Thanks to Andie and Ryouga for beta-ing my random thoughts, Pazuzu for putting up with me.

Partitas - Untitled

The young man shook his head groggily as if he had just woken from a deep sleep. Squinting and tossing his gaze from side to side of the dirt road, he frowned, knitting his thick brows into a worrisome knot. There was nothing in sight, nothing but luscious, green meadows that was one shade too green in his opinion, one shade too cheerful if you asked him, stretching out toward forever.

Frustrated, he ran a hand through his messy brown hair, all too aware of the sun in his face and that bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. The downy hair on the back of his neck stood at full attention and the tiny muscle on his left eyelid twitched restlessly. He's been walking for hours and yet the scenery hasn't changed. He hasn't met anyone, seen anything different, or heard any sound save for the crunching of gravel underneath his boots with every step he took.

There was something sinister about this place, he thought, almost unholy, and now he's done walking. His feet were burning inside his sweat-sodden socks, the damp material clung to the bottom of his feet as he trudged along the road.

He'll try his hands at waiting, instead.

It was a sunny day unlike any he remembered. The cloudless sky was a frightful blue, one shade too blue he thought in passing. The sun was beating down on him with glaring brightness and yet he felt no scalding heat. He was in fact, a little cold, feeling an unnamed chill that seemed to seep out from inside of him. He ran his hand through his hair again, scowling. The voids in his memory were starting to give him migraines.

He couldn't remember how he got here except that he opened his eyes and found himself on his feet, staring down at a long and winding dirt road to seemingly, nowhere. The last thing he remembered was the terrified cries of a girl. Her shrill voice was drenched with panic and heavy with fear for him.

Heero, she had screamed repeatedly, her voice echoed in his ears even now. He mouthed the name a few times, not making a sound, not wanting to break the death-like silence he's now accustomed to. He decided he liked that name, he decided it was a good name.

A crow sliced through the air like a tiny black comet plummeting to the ground and landed unexpectedly at his feet, sending him stumbling and backwards with a few startled steps. Rolling its head and stretching its neck, the creature stared at him with a peculiar, knowing stare. Its eyes were like two stony marbles, its feathers jet black and slick like midnight. Heero felt his skin crawl.

He took a step forward and the crow, a hop back, boldly blocking his way. A step to the left, the crow followed without taking its eyes off him, a step to the right and the crow was at the tip of his boots. He kicked the dirt at his feet and the crow took flight, then dived and was at his feet again before the dust settled. Heero was sure he saw a pleased expression on the bird's visage. He didn't know crows are capable of having expressions.

He wasn't sure how long he had stared at the creature or how long the creature had stared back at him with equal and unwavering intensity, but his eyes were beginning to burn and water. He shifted his weight on his feet and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms.

In the darkness cupped by his own hands, he felt the ground shook before he heard the distant, thunder-like rumble. By the time his eyes refocused under the glaring sun, the faint sound had grown steadily into a loud, menacing roar. On the road ahead, billowing brown dirt clouds emerged, reaching skyward and stretching from one side of the road to the other side. Something was coming his way, something big, perhaps. Something fast.

The black bird croaked suddenly and tore to the sky like a flash of black lightning, squawking gleefully overhead before disappearing. Heero thought it sounded pleased, almost. He didn't think crows are capable of sounding pleased.

The earth rocked under his feet again, bringing his attention back to the approaching entity ahead. He wondered if he should hide but his legs felt stiff and his feet felt nailed to the ground. A fierce wind rose around him, pelting his body with sand and loose blades of grass that felt like razors. Unseen hands shoved and tugged at him from different directions all at once. He stumbled and staggered in the wind with his eyes shut tightly, and with his hands covering his ears, his heart beating furiously in his throat, the air squeezed out of his lungs.

In the howling wind, he heard his name called again, the shrill, terrified voice of the girl he heard before. From within her voice, a different voice crept forward, low, like a whisper, soft but clear, and smooth like sex between silk sheets. A humming vibration rolled over him and turned his knees to cotton. A part of him wanted to laugh at his own helplessness, and at his complete lost of self-control, another part of him felt unusually excited and free.

The sudden, stunning silence was as deafening as the roaring of the wind, and the sudden stillness in the air was as disorienting as the wind-lashed chaos just a moment ago. Heero swayed on his feet, regaining his balance and bearing, and opened his eyes to an ominous-looking vehicle, stopped just two inches next to him.

He couldn't decide if the vehicle was a hearse or a bus but he could tell that the hearse-bus used to be green, perhaps even a bright, cheerful green. The paint on the weathered vehicle had dulled to a somber green now, peeling at spots, revealing the red rust underneath it like some kind of terminal illness.

There were no windows on the vehicle except for the dust coated windshield, and yet he felt eyes watching him intently from inside, eyes that see through flash and steel. He stood nervously, his hands balled up into fists of nervousness beside him.

The engine of the hearse-bus clanked loudly and then rumbled to a soft purr, its door folded and creaked opened, extending an invitation. It was dark inside the hearse-bus like midnight-contained, and hard as he tried, Heero couldn't make out anything but blurry shapes. He wondered if light was ever able to penetrate the inside of the hearse-bus. He wondered if the vehicle was night itself and shivered from a sudden chill.

"Well…are you coming?" An irritated voice shot through the darkness inside the vehicle and soon a pale face emerged.

Heero thought he saw the green meadows, the blue skies, and his own reflection in the shimmering eyes of that face. He drew a sharp breath of air at the driver's long hair, loosely plaited, a rich brown with strands of red like fire wrapped in paper waiting to break loose. He felt warm all of a sudden.

"Well? Coming or going?" The driver asked, his eyes traveled along Heero's lithe form, his nose twitched and his lips curled deliciously.

"Coming?" Heero repeated, confused and slightly dazed by his predicament.

The driver studied him curiously and sniffed the air. "You are a new arrival, aren't you?" He chuckled happily, pleased with his deduction. The air around them crackled and popped with electricity.

"Come on then…I'll give you a tour and I'll be real nice to ya," the driver said. Throwing a glance to the back of the hearse-bus, the driver crooked his finger and his eyes twinkling, "you don't want to sit back there with those guys." His voice dropped to a caressing purr, "you can sit on my lap."

Heero thought that the wind had picked up again because try as he might, he couldn't hear anything but the sounds of blood roaring in his ears, and the pounding of his heart in eager anticipation of something…..something delicious. He took a tentative step forward, and another.

The black bird landed in the middle of the road, squawking merrily as the vehicle tore down the dirt road and disappeared. Tilting its head and carefully considering its option, the crow took off in the opposite direction. There was a Chinese man wandering aimlessly in the meadow not too far away, and the next transport would be here soon.