Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ The Extent of Denial ❯ Burned and Determined ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Yo! I thought this chapter was the one that deserved the WARNING, but it seems that the uber-smut is split between this chapter and the next (which I was working on right after completing this one)! So then, half your smut now, half later. ;) Have fun~! See bottom for review notes.
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Hikaru frowned at Akira over his sunglasses, hoping he hadn't heard what he thought he'd heard. “What?”
He'd already had to wait around in the parking lot for Akira for fifteen minutes, as the other boy hadn't been ready when he'd arrived around 11 A.M. His rival had promised to get him a key to both the lobby and the apartment and had already made him memorize the elevator code. Not that he wanted to have access to his friend's place at all hours…
At least the place was fully furnished, now. Akira's bedroom and living room sets had been delivered the other day. He hadn't had the opportunity to see them yet, but the aqua-eyed boy said that he was planning to have a house warming party in a couple of days.
As long as it wasn't next weekend. He had several tutoring sessions lined up on Saturday and Sunday. Incidentally, so did Akira. The only difference was that the people Hikaru would be tutoring ranged from amateur to intermediate, whereas all of the other pro's students were advanced, and fancied themselves capable enough to win a title or two. After having the benefit of Akira's schooling, of course.
“I said that I want to have lunch at that restaurant on the corner. You know, the one down the street from me.”
“Ah, yes, but does it have to be that one?” He had to steer Akira away from that restaurant. Kota was a waiter there, and was working this shift. The last thing he wanted to do was to get the two of them in a room together. He didn't want to know what Kota would think.
Akira put his window up, turning to give Hikaru his full attention. “Yes! I want to go there. What's wrong with that restaurant?” Aqua eyes challenged him. As usual.
“Nothing. That's just fine. I'll take us there first, and then we'll go to the beach.” He rolled his eyes. “Whose idea was the beach, anyway? It's sort of hot out…”
“Well, I want to go to the beach during the day, for once. I was a small child the last time I went, and I want to go there with you now.” Akira crossed his arms and went back to looking out the window.
Hikaru was oddly touched. The fact that his rival wanted to do something that personal with him made him…happy. He always felt happy when he was with Akira, even when he was in pain. Even when they were bickering.
He caught movement from Akira's side of the car and glanced over, catching sight of the camera in the other boy's hands. “Akira! You brought that damned thing?”
That earned him a guilty look. “I thought that I ought to bring it in order to take a few pictures of the beach.” The guilty look shifted into a haughty expression. “Besides, what makes you so certain that I'd use it to take more pictures of you? I'm sure that's what you were driving at. I'm also certain that two pictures of you would be enough for anyone.”
Ouch! “There you go again,” he snapped. “Just what is that supposed to mean, anyway?” Damn it all. Between that torturous incident last night and Akira's attitude problem today, he was now determined to make lunch hell. He would be sure to catch Kota's attention now.
“You're always thinking that I'm looking at you,” Akira retorted, expression sullen and more than little guarded.
“I think I'm within my rights to be suspicious if you keep pointing that camera at me.”
“And just why would I want more pictures of you?”
You tell me, Akira,” he replied in a low voice, giving his friend a meaningful look.
Instead of continuing the argument or bringing up last night in order to shoot it down, the other pro only turned away again, fingers tangling in the wrist cord of the camera. Was that a blush?
Hikaru arched his brows, intrigued with the unusual response. He was so distracted that he almost passed the restaurant, and had to brake harder than usual to make the turn.
Akira was thrown forward a little, and Hikaru noticed with annoyance that his rival was not wearing a seatbelt. “You really should wear your seatbelt, Akira.”
The aqua-eyed boy shrugged, turning his head to give Hikaru a penetrating look. “I don't see you wearing yours, Hikaru. In fact, you haven't worn it the last several times at all.”
“And so that matters why…?” he prompted, arching his brows again.
Akira's expression shifted into stubborn determination. “I don't see why I should wear mine if you won't be wearing yours,” the other pro muttered, turning to get out of the car.
He reached out to catch one of those slender wrists. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about? You're Touya Akira - the world cannot live without you.”
Akira glared at him. “It can't live without you, either, you idiot, so you're wearing your seatbelt from now on.”
Hikaru released the other boy, startled. “O…kay…”
“That's more like it. Now, let's go. I'm starving.”
He laughed and got out of the car. “I don't know how you're so slender. All you ever do is eat!”
“I have to fuel my mind,” Akira replied serenely. “What's your excuse?”
“Hey!” He ran over to the other boy's side of the car, fully prepared to torment him, but found himself favored with a slip of a warm smile, reflected in the aqua eyes that met his. Seeing something like that directed at him, from Akira, froze him in his tracks, hands still raised to do mischief.
“What are you planning to do with those?” Akira asked him, tone almost teasing. “You'd better not dishevel my person. Contain yourself, Hikaru!” The other pro reached out and took Hikaru's hands in his, slowly lowering them while gazing into his eyes the entire time.
He felt warmth spilling through him from the contact, from the way Akira's fingers folded and interlocked with his. It made him think of other things. Just as he was about to pull away, the other boy slowly let him go, aqua eyes somber and intense as they remained locked with his.
Unable to speak, or even to move, he had to wait until Akira turned away and started up the sidewalk to the front door of the restaurant before the spell was broken. “Hikaru!”
“I'm coming,” he called, trying to quiet the noise and racing of his heart as he moved to follow. Whenever Akira got that close to him, he had trouble remembering anything else.
Just like last night. Damn Akira. He felt so guilty. And if his rival didn't stop touching him, he'd soon be doing something else that they'd both regret. He had to change the focus of this desire to Kota somehow.
Resolved, his conscience felt lighter. He would lose himself in Kota tonight, driving all thoughts of Akira out of his mind…and hopefully, his heart.
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Akira had just finished scooting his chair in at the table when he saw Hikaru nod at someone across the room. He glanced that way, searching for the person that the other boy had acknowledged, but saw only waiters and a few customers.
He turned back to ask, but Hikaru had already picked up a menu and seemed deeply interested in the entrees. Faintly annoyed, he focused his attention on studying his friend's puckish face. Hikaru truly was too adorable to be considered a normal boy.
Come to think of it, he hoped that the girlfriend had been disposed of. He hadn't thought to ask after the horrible revelation of the boyfriend the other day. He could only handle so much.
Akira was startled to note that a waiter was approaching them already. They hadn't even had a moment to glance over their menus or decide on beverages. He was even more shocked when said waiter violated Hikaru's personal space, leaning down close to the other boy's ear and murmuring something.
He opened his mouth to protest, prepared to defend his rival, but felt his mouth drop open when the other pro blushed and closed his eyes, turning his head slightly away.
“Kota, stop that!” Hikaru replied in a slightly coy tone layered with faux shyness. Those green eyes opened and flicked up to meet Akira's, the flirtatiousness still in their depths.
Akira caught his breath, feeling his heart rate increase. Hikaru…you are…so beautiful. Why are you reacting to him like that!
`Kota'. This was the boyfriend that his rival had mentioned. His momentary enchantment was suddenly consumed by jealousy and anger that someone else was touching Hikaru - someone else that wasn't him. He was burned by the fact that this Kota had the `right' to touch his Hikaru - and that he didn't.
He was disturbed to note that Kota bore a passing resemblance to him. Had Hikaru noticed that? Did it mean something, or was it coincidental?
Kota glanced his way just then, dark eyes hooded and amused, full of sensual promises that were meant for Hikaru alone. The man straightened, one hand brushing the green-eyed boy's shoulder, and his eyes cleared.
“Shindou, who's this?” Kota flashed a brilliant smile at him, yet it had a definite edge to it.
“This is my best friend, Touya Akira,” Hikaru replied with a smile, slightly breathless. “He plays Go professionally, too.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Kota said, still smiling faintly. “I'm Fujie Kota, but just Kota is fine.” Those dark eyes were assessing him, analyzing him.
“A pleasure, Kota. Please address me as Touya.” He inclined his head slightly, determined not to give an inch to his enemy. You're in my way, Kota.
Kota's smile faltered, and the man forced a laugh. “Well, what's this? Did you pick that up from Touya?” he joked, glancing down at Hikaru.
Hikaru shrugged slightly, looking a little embarrassed. “Akira is just formal.”
“And Hikaru allows people too much familiarity,” Akira returned levelly, staring at his friend meaningfully.
Kota's smile faded even more. “Well, I'll take your drink order, now. I'll be your server.”
“But this isn't even your section,” Hikaru replied, smiling up at Kota. By his manner, it was obvious that he wanted his boyfriend to wait on them, despite his comment.
“I wouldn't desert you,” Kota murmured back, dark eyes softening.
Akira cleared his throat. “I'll have water, please.”
Kota shot him a slightly annoyed look, nodding, then turned to Hikaru. “Right. Shindou?”
“Coke is fine. Thank you, Kota.” Hikaru gave his boyfriend another of those sickly sweet smiles, and Kota went away.
Thank god. He was very pleased to note that Kota was not on a first name basis with his very friendly rival. It reassured him greatly. Hikaru was the type to ask everyone to call him by his given name, whether he'd known them for two weeks or fifteen minutes.
“'Shindou', hm?” Akira asked quietly, smiling slightly.
Hikaru glared at him defensively. “I don't want to move too quickly.”
Akira responded with a cool look. “Is that so? It looks like you're already quite familiar with him. Kisses, was it? Are you sure that's all?”
The bleach-banged boy leaned forward, eyes narrowing a little. “What do you care, Akira? What's wrong with being familiar with Kota? What does it matter if I kiss him or have sex with him?”
He was unable to prevent himself from involuntarily flinching at that. God, no! “I'm just concerned. I know you tend to…to jump into things. It's not decorous to move that quickly. You just met him, what, three days ago?”
“I like him,” Hikaru replied through gritted teeth, green eyes boring into Akira's with a singular determination.
He felt his hands clench where they rested in his lap under the table. There was nothing he could say to that. But he couldn't bear the thought of someone tainting Hikaru, someone else touching his friend, much less having sex with him. The very thought made his blood run cold.
Akira had waited years for Hikaru to catch up to him, delaying his own progress, and now Hikaru couldn't even wait a month for him to understand his feelings and act on them? He had only just realized that such a thing was possible for him when Hikaru had kissed him at the strip club. From that point, it had been discovering his own feelings and figuring out what to do with them. He had no practice with this. There were no rules. This wasn't understandable and precise like Go. Relationships were utterly alien to him.
He couldn't stop thinking about what he had just seen between Hikaru and Kota. It made him feel ill to see them look at each other like that, to watch them flirt with each other. He had no doubt that more would be happening between the two of them soon.
Please, Hikaru, don't tell me when it does. I couldn't cope with that. With someone else knowing your secrets, and what you feel like. What you sound like…
Akira closed his eyes, trying to will away his nausea. Why was it like this?
“Akira?” Hikaru's voice came to him distantly, sounding concerned.
“What?” he replied sharply, refusing to open his eyes.
“Is something bothering you?”
“No, I'm fine. I'll be better when we get to the beach.”
“But I thought you were hungry,” Hikaru said gently.
He opened his eyes then, glaring at his friend. “I was earlier, but now I'm not so certain.”
Hikaru scowled at him. “Look, I'm sorry. I know you hate to see people being affectionate to each other, especially if they're both men, so…I'm sorry. But I'm not going to stop caring about people just because it puts you off.”
“I'd never expect—“ he stopped mid-snap, aware that he'd be making a gross misstep if he continued. I'd never expect that much from you.
“What?” Hikaru asked warily, green eyes darkening ominously.
“I'd never expect you to. That's all I was going to say.”
The other boy did not look as if he believed it, but had no choice but to accept what Akira had said. He was relieved that he'd finally learned enough about human interactions to realize when he was about to make an obvious mistake.
Besides, it wasn't that he truly thought that of Hikaru. It was that he was…hurt. Betrayed. Angry and jealous. What were feelings good for, anyway? They only complicated matters. That, and they made it difficult for him to eat. They affected his entire being, and he didn't like it.
He didn't like the unknown variables, the threat to his equilibrium, the inability to control and dictate every outcome. That had certainly been part of his reluctance to accept Hikaru's earlier advances. He didn't know anything about relationships, and the thought of intimacy, either emotional or physical, terrified him. Not to mention the fact that he would have to show an unguarded and vulnerable self to Hikaru, and though his rival had seen more of him than anyone else ever would, that was still rather different from being completely exposed.
Akira had no illusions about how he would feel if he allowed the other pro to get that close to him. He would lose himself, lose himself in Hikaru's arms, scent and affection. Once having that warmth incorporated into his being, he would be shattered if it withdrew, if the green-eyed boy left him. And then…things would change between them. He might not have any personal experience of his own, but he wasn't completely oblivious to the examples provided at every turn, both in media and in real life.
But Hikaru was turning away as it was, about to give Kota that warmth, that joy, that radiance that was purely `Hikaru'. Wasn't that worse? Now that he'd come to that realization, his hands were tied by the unavoidable fact that the situation had changed. He no longer had the ability to draw the other boy in, to accept anything.
But he had to try, even though it was slowly crushing him to see Hikaru leaving him.
“…ra? Akira! You're far away again.” A chastising tone.
He blinked slowly, focusing on Hikaru's annoyed face. “I apologize, I was thinking.”
“You're always thinking. Was it kifu again? If so, that's pitiful. You have to think about something else.”
Akira sighed. “No, it wasn't kifu, although we should both be playing much more Go than we have been lately.”
“What was it then?” Wide green eyes regarded him with curiosity.
“Kota resembles me,” he remarked, surprising himself. He had not meant to say that.
Hikaru started frowning again. “I hadn't noticed.”
An awkward silence stretched between them, and was only broken when Kota arrived with the drinks. “Here we are,” the dark-eyed man murmured, setting the glasses down between the two of them.
“It's pretty quiet in here today,” Hikaru said, reaching out to lightly touch one of Kota's extended arms.
“I'm sure everyone your age is studying fiendishly to prepare for the new school year, but you Go pros don't need to worry about that!” Kota straightened, gently tapping the top of Hikaru's head with one of the menus.
“Ah, but I can spend a lot more time with you because of it,” Hikaru replied with a sly grin, looking up at Kota from beneath lowered lashes.
Akira was in danger of being sick at any moment. “You should be practicing more, Hikaru!” he exclaimed sharply, exasperated and irritated. And angry-jealous-disgusted-betrayed. No wonder he felt nauseous.
Kota slanted a dark look at him again, seemingly taking offense at his familiar use of Hikaru's given name as well as the interruption.
Akira held the man's gaze, unperturbed. “Can you please take our order? I'm ready. You're ready, aren't you, `Karu?”
Hikaru gave him a surprised look at the diminutive. “Uh…yeah, I'm ready.”
Kota took their orders, then glanced back at Akira.
He shot an arctic look at Kota, a veiled challenge in his eyes. You can't compete.
Kota clenched his jaw, glancing around the quiet restaurant as if to assure himself that they were unobserved, then met Akira's eyes again. Oh yeah? Without warning, the man reached down, tipping Hikaru's chin up and to the side, then leaned down to give the green-eyed boy a rather passionate kiss.
Akira's eyes widened and he stared, stunned. He couldn't believe that Kota had dared such a thing.
Hikaru's eyes went wide, also, but fluttered closed as Kota kissed him. His rival's hand reached up as if to make some motion and Kota enfolded it in his.
`He's into it!' Akira thought, outraged. He was just about to leap over the table at Kota when the horrible, scandalous kiss was broken.
Kota smiled down at Hikaru, then turned and walked away.
His rival sat there looking stunned, face flushed, fingers pressed to his lips. Those green eyes were half-closed and a little unfocused, seeming to stare through the table.
“Does he do that often?” Akira growled, chest aching. Some horrible feeling was crawling up his throat, and he knew that something unpleasant was imminent, although he didn't know whether it would be a sob or what he'd had for breakfast.
There was an absolute maelstrom of emotion in him now.
Hikaru looked up, still dazed. “What? Oh…no, usually he's quite reserved.”
Really.” The doubt in his tone was unmistakable.
“Please, Akira, don't be like this,” his rival said softly, giving him a pleading look.
Akira let his chin fall, eyes lowering. “I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom.”
He ignored Hikaru's query as to what was troubling him and headed directly for the restroom. He desperately needed to get there, and yesterday. As he rounded a corner, he saw that Kota was just leaving the kitchen. The man saw him and gave him an unreadable look.
Akira rushed into the men's restroom, slamming into one of the stalls, and found that it was both his breakfast and a few tears that he felt the need to be rid of.
After he was done being ill, he suffered through a few muffled sobs before steeling himself and washing up at the sink.
I truly, deeply did not wish to see that. I didn't need to see it.
But he couldn't erase the images.
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Hikaru was worried about Akira. Ever since his friend had come back from the restroom, he had been pale and silent. Even after they'd arrived at the beach, nothing had changed. Now they were sitting on the blanket together, watching the breakers, and they were still silent.
He couldn't take it anymore. “Could you hand me the lotion, Akira? I don't want to burn.”
His rival slowly picked up the bottle and began to pass it, then paused, looking at it as if he'd never seen it before. “I'll put it on. Lie down on your stomach.”
“It's okay, Akira, I can do—“
“Lie down!” Akira demanded, aqua eyes snapping at him.
“Okay! Geez…calm down.” He obeyed, wondering what the other boy's issue was.
Hikaru waited patiently, just enjoying the sun on his back and the warm breeze ruffling his hair. Suddenly, he felt Akira's weight settle across his backside, and he had to bite back a gasp. “What are you—“
“I'm putting on the lotion. Do you want it or not?”
Said in that acidic tone of voice, it was absolutely a rhetorical question. He remained silent, cringing a little at the feel of Akira's lotion-slick hands suddenly slipping up his spine. What did I ever do to deserve this? I swear he's trying to torture me to death.
He became increasingly convinced of that as the so-called lotion application continued for several minutes. It seemed like an eternity that he bore with it, trying to ignore the sensuousness of those strong, slender hands sliding over his skin, his shoulder blades, down his sides…
Yes, it did feel as though Akira was trying to kill him with unrelieved sexual tension. His body was reacting to this quite strongly, and nothing he thought about seemed to cut his building arousal. Not even disgusting thoughts of Amari threatened the desire that was spreading throughout his body, pooling like warm oil in his stomach, his limbs and between his legs.
Hikaru swallowed a moan as Akira shifted, accidentally grinding into him and pushing him harder into the ground.
“Turn over,” Akira commanded, tone brisk and oddly husky.
His eyes widened as he realized that he could feel the other boy's arousal pressing against his backside. “No, that's enough, really—“
“Turn over!” his friend barked.
He gave a start, then reluctantly complied as the other pro backed off just enough to allow him to do so. As soon as he'd completed the movement, Akira was right back on him. He wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn't, because the aqua eyes staring into his had once again achieved that burning, electric quality that they'd had the last time he and Akira had been this close.
“Thank you,” Akira breathed, working more lotion over his hands.
Hikaru closed his eyes, unable to bear looking into his rival's face when they were this close. He was clinging desperately to the last shreds of his control. Public place, public place, public place… Even though there weren't that many people around on a weekday during the day, it still made him anxious to be in this risqué position in the open - or anywhere else, for that matter.
He tensed as the other boy's hands came down on his chest, trying to concentrate on regulating his breathing. He hadn't wanted Akira to feel the state he was in, but his friend sat astride his hips without apparent concern, and it was almost more than he could take. In this position, if they only moved
Hikaru bit his lip hard, preparing to break the skin to bring him back to himself, but a gentle finger pressed against his lips, the tip entering his mouth slightly. “Don't do that, Hikaru. What's wrong?” Akira's voice was low and soothing, sensual in the extreme.
What horrible crime had he committed in a past life?! “N-nothing…nothing is wrong,” he forced out, voice quavering.
Akira leaned forward, causing friction between them, and Hikaru choked. “Are you certain? You seem pained.” The other boy's breath fanned over his lips, teasing him.
“Akira…Akira, please. Please finish applying the lotion.” It was all he could manage.
“I'll be glad to,” Akira whispered, pressing closer.
He made as if to bite his lip again, and the finger that had retreated to the side of his face pressed between his lips again, nudging between his teeth.
“Stop,” he whispered, trying to turn his head away. In trying to speak, his tongue lightly touched Akira's finger.
The other fingers twitched in response and Akira withdrew his hand, employing it in spreading lotion over Hikaru's stomach and nearly under the line of his shorts. “The lotion tastes unpleasant, doesn't it? I apologize, Hikaru, I didn't think.”
`It's not the fucking lotion!' he mentally screamed at his friend. He had plans to immediately jump into the water as soon as Akira let him up. This was ridiculous. If Kota saw this, he'd be utterly enraged, and probably very hurt. And with good reason! What was this nonsense that the other pro had talked him into!
What was Akira's finger doing in his mouth in the first place?! Friends didn't do things like that, nor did they straddle their comrades in order to apply lotion, of all things.
Hikaru shuddered as those frightening hands skated up his chest, over his nipples and massaged the sides of his neck. He was convinced that Akira would mock him for his reactions any moment now, despite the fact that the other boy was reacting in the same way.
Despite it seeming that Akira desired him, it was primarily the other pro's denial and avoidance that had been the issue, so this didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything.
Akira's hands left him for a moment, and just as he was about to open his eyes, there was a click. He knew without a doubt that he'd just had a very embarrassing picture taken of him.
Akira…” he groaned, trying to express his annoyance. It sounded much worse than he had thought it would. It sounded as if they were in the middle of something intimate, and he was begging for something. It was horrible.
He opened his eyes, looking up at Akira's face. The other boy's cheeks were flushed, lips parted, and he could see at a glance that his rival's focus on him was absolute. There was wanton hunger in those flashing eyes.
It had never been this bad. “No…more pictures,” he breathed, weakly pushing at Akira's chest, then at the camera, which the other pro held out of his reach. “You said you didn't need any more of me.”
“I was wrong,” Akira murmured, eyes locked on his lips.
“Ok, that's enough. I've got lotion on, I'm good to go. Let me up?” He gave the aqua-eyed boy a hopeful look.
After a long, silent moment, Akira slowly rocked into him one more time, eyes riveted on his mouth.
He couldn't help the faint moan that escaped him then. He wanted to cover his face in embarrassment, but knew it would only make things worse. Seemingly satisfied, Akira let him get up, gaze penetrating and knowing.
Hikaru turned towards the water, ready to run.
“Aren't you going to put lotion on me? With how pale I am, I'll burn instantly.” Akira ran his hands lightly down his torso, giving Hikaru an expectant look.
He wanted to cry. “Yeah…I guess…you're right.” He picked up the bottle of lotion, roundly cursing the other boy in his mind.
This was hell.
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A/N #2: Ah yes, responses to reviews!
MewMew2: No, I've never been there, but I've been to Georgia, and that seems close enough! ;) I saw the same sorts of things there. I'll be sure to avoid Missouri! Thank you for the compliment and the holiday wishes!
Jou-kaiba-mokie: O.o I will absolutely update before Christmas! Oh my god, I can't even imagine going that long without updating this fic anymore! Thank you! That's the way I like to write, too - a touch of realism without the dreary misery of absolute reality! Who needs that! Besides, I doubt you guys need to read fanfics to get that, eh? Fanfics are to escape reality! Again, thank you for the holiday wishes.
Devious Lil Devil: Thank you so much! ^_^ Yeah, the anime leaves you looking for a lot more, doesn't it? My goodness, there are shounen-ai shows that don't even have that much intimacy between the characters. Everything is there except for the actual physicality! Had to fix that. ;) I don't know why more people don't write Hikaru no Go fanfiction. It's definitely asking to be written! Thanks for joining me! :D I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic.