InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ danger of the unknown ❯ family ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vix; you know what?
Kag; no what?
Vix; I hate school and u r gonna find out who is part of my family in this chapter!
Kag; we all hate school but you were the one who was sick for five days
Kayko; you guys seen Yusuke?
Hiei; I'll remind him don't worry
Kayko; thanks Hiei Vix; Hiei it's my B-Day. Do I get a prezie?
Hiei; looks nervous ummm…. It kinda got burnt… hand her an unidentifiable doll
Vix; oh…. Ok… I get it . …
Hiei; here ill go get another runs to the store here hands Vix a life size Hiei doll
Vix; - I got a Hiei doll! Oh sorry about all the short chappies but I am having major trouble at school.
Vix; If I owned Inuyasha or Yu Yu I would be in Makai right now. But sadly I'm not.
>Telepathy >
#Yoko to Kurama#
>.>POV or scene change>.>
( Blocked telepathy ) means that they have a barrier around their minds so that Hiei cant pry
Last time: What he saw was the family crest of…….
This time
The Kurama family! She is the fox's sister I bet. Hiei thought. He was about to tell Kurama when the girl grabbed his wrist. Hiei I must tell him my self with that Hiei helped the girl up and over to Kurama. “Kurama look at me, do you recognize me?” Vixina asked. Kurama looked at her a while before nodding “you look kinda like Yoko's big sister Vixina… but she died when we were little…” (remember they think she is Kalina). “That is because I am Vixina Kurama your HALF sister” Vixina replied then glared at Sessomaru who had just stepped through a portal “THAT was your fault!” Vixina yelled then rubbed her temples. Sessomaru only raised a delicate eyebrow “and why is that?” he said in his emotionless voice.
Vixina mumbles something about stupid Inus and their familial issues. Then murmurs “I need a vay-cay”. “Hey Aniki can I use that one mansion in my favie place? Please?” Vixina turns into a little black fox and gives Sessomaru the kit eyes (a/n: way way worse than the puppy dog eyes)
Sessomaru nods `damn those eyes' Sessomaru looks at Kurama “ so your the fox we've been looking for?”
Kurama shrugs “I'm guessing so. I didn't know Yoko had a sister until yesterday and I'm still kinda surprised” Kurama frowns but I still don't get this Kagome's situation… what is the deal with spirit tigers?”
Vixina fidgets “I'm kinda not supposed to tell but the family of lady death had always been spirits. Spirit tigers are extremely rare, even more rare then silvers. Today there are only 3 spirit tigers left because their fur is inpenetratabule except on the belly where it is pure gold, it is very dangerous for her”. Vixina starts to look thoughtful for a moment not many knew that at that moment she was talking to Botan, Sango, Mayumi, and Yukina, ( hey you guys wanna play matchmaker? Vixina asked and got a simontanious ( YEA! ) back causing her to jump at their combined volume. While everyone else stared at Vixina they didn't really notice that she was gone and it was just an after image until it disappeared. `that onna is quick' (guess who)
with Kagome and Botan
Kagome and Botan were on their way to see Aunt Mai and Uncle Tyro when ( hey you guys wanna play matchmaker? ) Botan jumped and fell off her oar . “are you ok?” Kagome asked worry evident in her eyes. “yeah just caught off guard( YEA! ). Did u know your friend Vixina is much like my friend Hiei?” Botan asked getting a mischievous glint in her eyes. Kagome caught on and smirked “MATCHMAKER” the coursed. Scaring the two souls who had caught sight of them “I'm afraid to ask” the soul with short hair that was such a dark blue it looked black and also had kind brown eyes. The soul next to her nodded “so am I” this one had silver hair past his shoulders and midnight blue eyes. Kagome and Botan bowed “ hello kaa-san, otou-san” Kagome said, “hello Aunt Mai, Uncle Tyro” Botan said then they launched in for a hug.
back at Genkai's
Vixina's pov
Vixina was sitting on a branch that was above the spirit detectives arguing with her self `you like the short one' `no I don't. but he'd be a good partner' `we can think of other things to do with him' `ewww no he's Yukina's brother!' `so he's forbidden, just like us' `no not just like us, we are more forbidden than he could ever be!' `how do u figure' ` first fire and ice is forbidden and second miko and shadow is forbidden!' how do u figure that one' ` god u are soooo stupid miko is pure like light and shadow is dark like … well… dark and third fire and dark doesn't go together.' `fine, u win that one but we have so much in common' ` like what?' ` we're both really good fighters, we both have jagans, we are both forbidden, we are both cold and don't talk much, we both love katanna ,and ummm…… we can both get drunk on sweet snow!' `ok point taken but… oh I dunno!' ` and u love the way he smells' `DO NOT' ` then why did u sit on a branch that smells like him, snow and a camp fire?' Vixina blushes and jumps out of the tree landing right in front of Hiei. He looks at her and smirks at the scent of arousal coming off of her in waves. Vixina sees his smirk and slaps him `teach him to smirk at my predicaments' when Vixina looks up the detectives are looking at her like she grew a second head then Yusuke smirks and says “'bout time someone did that to him”
Vix; Ok sorry I am having major wrighters block I need a way to put in a poem theing or a couple poems please I need ideas my muse left this story
Ja ne minna and please review