InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Story ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1
An exhausted looking raven-haired girl walked out from her well house. Her green and white school uniform was worn and dirty, and some areas of her blouse were stained scarlet. She carried a yellow, oversized backpack that was caked in dirt and grime.
Gray-blue eyes looked up towards the eastern sky that was - what looked to be at that moment anyway - on fire, an indication that the sun would soon rise over the horizon. With a sigh, she readjusted her bag and continued on her short walk to her family's shrine. A small smile graced her features and lit her eyes as she caught sight of the blooming God Tree in the middle of the courtyard. Stopping only to shift her bag around while bowing and giving a small pray to the tree, she then continued on her trek once more.
Unlocking the front door, the teenager walking in - leaving her bag and shoes near the door she continued down the hall, finding things too quiet. She reached the kitchen and easily found a note that was on the counter.
Dear Kagome,
We've gone to visit one of your aunts until the 16th. Sorry we couldn't be there when you got back dear, but there's food in the freezer and ramen in the cupboards. We love you.
Mama, Sota, Grandpa, and Buyo
Placing the note back onto the counter, Kagome when over to a cupboard and pulled out some cereal, then went to the refrigerator she pulled out the milk. Mixing it into a bowl, she added some sugar and began to feed her growling stomach.
Once she was satisfied, she cleaned up what little mess she'd made and headed up stairs. Opening the door that led to her room she enter, shutting and locking the door behind her.
Kagome had painted her room from the pink to white a year after she started traveling back and forth through time. Her pink and red bedspread changed too; now it was silky black with stars, a crescent moon and a giant silver dog on. Oh, how she'd thanked her eldest brother when he'd given it to her for a birthday gift. She'd now had a computer on her desk that had been used to help with her studies but now she was home schooled, since she missed so much of public school.
Walking over to her dresser she pulled out a set of matching under clothing and a navy blue and white priestess outfit. Since no one was there to watch the shrine, then she would have to do so. Oh well, sleep would just have to wait.
Kaede and she decide to change the coloring on her priestess outfit so that Inuyasha would accidentally call her Kikyo -- though he did it a lot anyway, even if half the time he did mean to.
After placing her clean clothes on her bed she striped off her dirty ones and headed for the bath that was connected to her room. Not having time for a bath, she adjusted the water to the right temper before turning the shower on and slipped in.
Letting the soothing water wash over her body for a few minutes she allowing the water to relax her mind and soul, as well as her body. After that, Kagome took some lavender scented shampoo and wash her hair. Once done, the stormy blue-eyed girl quickly finished up and turned off the water.
She shook her thigh length hair about, causing water droplets to go everywhere, not caring that her hair stung when she wiped her head around again. It was a habit she'd picked up from Inuyasha, Shippo, and Kirara. Actually, it wasn't just her that did it either. She'd caught the others in the group on more than one occasion shaking out their wet hair on rainy days.
A musical giggle escaped her lips as she remembered the looks of innocence both Miroku and Sango gave when questioned. Kagome continued on with her musings as she finished drying off and then got dressed in the outfit she had chosen. Before heading back down the stairs, she went to her closet and retrieved a katana that was there - placing it in her sash. Again, she reached in her closet, but this time she pulled out a bow and a quiver of arrows. Slinging the quiver of arrows over her shoulder and carrying the bow in her other hand, she continued on her way down the stairs and out to the courtyard where work awaited to be done.
Humming helped pass the time as dawn was now fully upon Japan. Also, humming help pass the boredom of sweeping the shrine grounds and the many steps, as it was required - even 500 years in the past she knew. For she herself helped to run the very shrine she lived in now, 500 years ago. It seems weird, yes, but it was very true. Just like if you were to ask her about her three other brothers she'd say something like, “Well, one's a half demon, the other is a demon, and third is a monk”, and that's another strange combination.
Before Kagome knew it, it was late in the morning and she was done with all her chores for today, which left her with free for the day. There had only been a few people that had stopped by so far but there was bound to be more sooner or later - so she jumped at the chance to get more practicing in.
Still humming that same tune - though she couldn't remember where she'd heard it at - she got her target out and set it against the house. Picking her bow up from where she had it resting against the house she walk some distance away from the target before turning and graceful and fluently notch an arrow and release, allowing the arrow to whiz through the air. It stuck dead center of the target with a soft thud.
The whizzing sound had caught the attention of all the people that where there - even if it where few. Though few, they stood in awe and watch with respect as the young priestess continued to let the arrows fly true. Everyone was so occupied that no one notice that crowd was growing.
Kagome was becoming nervous with sure a big crowd watching her - considering they were getting closer to her and her line of fire. `One more shot, then I'll call it good.' With that thought in mind she released her final arrow but the something caught Kagome's eye, causing her dropping her bow and grabbing her pray beads that rested within her large sleeves.
A chant formed on Kagome's lips as the arrow continued on it path and a small child rushed throw the crowd. The crowd stared in shook as the arrow stood still - suspended in midair - then once Kagome had finished her chant it fell to the ground, harmless to say the lets.
The small girl stared at the blue-eyed teen then back down at the arrow, not knowing what to do. Still scared of what had almost happened even though her parents were now with her.
“Child, bring the arrow to me.” The words were soft and reassuring but held an air of command that could not be disobeyed. Slowly the girl picked the arrow up and walked over to the priestess who had just saved her life, her parents close behind her.
“I'm sorry Lady Priestess.” The apology was something in-between whimper and a shy whisper, but Kagome heard it.
Kneeling down Kagome began. “It quiet all right little one, but promise me you will never run away from your parents again.” Stormy blue eyes bore into chocolate brown ones. Kagome explained farther when she saw question in the young girl's eyes. “Running away never solves anything, but when you face your problems you'll more than likely come up with a solution.”
“All right, I promise.” The girl offered the arrow back to Kagome who did not accept it.
“Keep it, child. A reminder of this lesson,” Kagome replied, bowing to the small family before going to sit on a bench that was under the blooming God Tree. Closing her eyes she inhaled the sweet scent the blossom were giving off.
“Accuse me, Lady Priestess here's your bow and arrows.” The voice that had spoken was commanding and deep, one that most would heard make-believe stories.
Slowly Kagome opened her stormy gray-blue eyes, to see two men in blue uniforms bowed to her, one offering her things. “My thanks.” She accepted her things as she gestured for them to stand.
The two men where police officer and where suppose to show the utmost respect on any holy ground -- temple, shrine, church, or whatever. They did this to hold true to the old beliefs, which Kagome understood and agreed with.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” The question was asked as though Kagome was speaking about the weather, though she did offer the two officers to sit, which they declined.
“Well, is Sota Higurashi your brother?” The officer with the make-believe voice questioned, his dark eyes held sadness and pity within them.
“Yes, he is.” The old accent was now gone, yet still there thanks to all the time she spent in the past. “Why? Did something happen?” A seed of dread sprouted in the pit of her stomach when she saw the two officers place a look between each other.
“Well...” The other officer started. From what Kagome could tell, he was the oldest of the two. “There was a car wreck. I'm sorry, Lady Priest, but none of your family in the vehicle survived. Your brother was the only one we could identify.”
“No... that can't be true.. that just can't be...” Kagome trailed off as tears started to trail down her checks. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them in an attempt to comfort her self a little. It didn't help though, all she wanted was her mama, grandpa, and little brother at the moment.
“Hey, we know you're not old enough to be living on your own. Now do you have any family in the area that you want us to drop you off at?” One of the officers asked.
Without asking, Kagome stood, quickly making her way to the live-in part of the shrine. Instinctively she kicked off her shoes as she stepped into the doorway and processed on to the study. Shuffling through some old papers on her mother desk she began to panic. `Where is it? It has got to be here, mom never threw anything away.'
Finally her hands came across a piece of old blue-green paper that was worn and about ready to fall apart. `Now, please have the same number as before, please, please, please!' Her mind pleaded as she picked up the phone and began to dial the number.
The line rang several times before someone picked up.
“What'cha want?” The voice on the other line belonged to a young man. He seemed grumpy, though at this moment Kagome could care less.
“Is Atsuko Urameshi there?” Kagome sniffled as she wiped tears away from her checks. “I need to speak with her.”
“Hold on.” The young man sighed sounding tired more than grumpy right than. “Who was this again?”
“Oh, Kagome. Kagome Higurashi.”
“Hold on.”
After a few minutes and a few colorful words a sleepy voice came on the other line. The voice sounded half there but Kagome knew it was the woman she'd asked for, Atsuko Urameshi, who also happens to be her step mom.
“Hey Kags.” At hearing the old nickname, Kagome felt a new wave of tears wash over her and she let them come. She held nothing back as she cried her heart out over the phone. “What's wrong baby girl? What happened?”