InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Teacher ❯ The Truth Behind Raven ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* please refer to all previous chapters…
Chapter 10: The Truth Behind Raven
Hiei left through the portal and came out in the Makai. He looked in the distance were he felt Raven's aura to see trees falling. Steadying himself for what was going to be a painful confrontation he headed after her. The things he did for that miko where going to get him killed…or `down'-ed until his back broke.
Raven felt him coming long before he showed up, but she couldn't stop the fury. Flashes of what happened bombarded her mind until blood tears ran down her cheeks. Another tree faced her fury, it never had a chance. Swiping her claws through another she clenched her teeth as another hit her.
Raven was sitting by the fire surrounded by different youkai males. They had sent Hiei earlier to get more firewood and she felt lonely without him. Her father sat across her from the fire, enjoying a little too much sake in her opinion. They had looted another human village that morning and they were enjoying the spoils. Her father use to be such a handsome youkai until the sake got to him. His dark hair was filthy and matted to his hair. His crimson eyes were hazy from the sake and his rich voice was slurred from the sake. He had no markings on his face but the same black gem upon his head like herself.
“Raven!” he snapped. She looked up quickly before glancing around. Hiei wasn't back yet.
“Yes, father?” she asked quietly, like a submissive bitch. How she loathed him but it was better not to incite his anger when he was intoxicated.
“Come here you little whore.” He slurred and the other males grumbled in agreement. She was still young at this point, her dark hair barely past her shoulders. She slowly stood up and walked to her father. He stood up and looked down upon her head.
“Where's the sake?” he demanded.
“There is no more.” She whispered. Wrong answer, his claws came down and across her face. She cried out as she felt his poison seep into her skin. Immediately she reached up to heal it but he grabbed her wrists.
“No you don't! Be the good little bitch and no touching. This will teach you to defy your own father.” The other males laughed as she squirmed, the pain unbearable.
“Such a pity she doesn't know her place. It probably would have been a lovely face.” A boar youkai laughed at her. She felt the tears coming but she knew better than to shed them, it would only anger them more. He father snorted at her, smelling the beginning of her tears.
“She won't ever be anything to look at. She looks like her mother, what a whore.” His claws ran down her arms and she cried out as the fabric of her clothes seared their selves into her flesh.
“Was she a good fuck?” another male's voice rang out in the clearing.
“She was decent. Hell, I don't even know if she is my child.” Her father threw her to the ground and kicked her. LIAR! Her mind wanted to scream. I am your daughter! You know I am! Why do you hate me so much?
“Did her mother teach her any good tricks?” the boar youkai asked. Her father snorted.
“How the hell should I know? What don't you find out?” and with that her father went to his bed roll and passed out. Leaving her to defend herself against a bunch of horny males. One of them grabbed her, his claws digging into the flesh of her thigh. She cried out again as the male was thrown from her. She looked up at her savior and breathed a sigh of relief. It was Hiei, thank Kami.
“Back off…” he growled, his eyes flashing red.
“It seems the hybrid wants first dibs.” They sneered at him. He growled again and they all back off but not before casting another glance at the helpless demoness on the ground. Hiei looked down upon her and she found she couldn't meet his eyes. He sighed softly before picking her up and taking her to a stream he saw back a few miles. He began the slow agonizing process of removing the fabric from her wounds. He looked at her face and she could almost see the pity there.
“I deserved it.” She whispered.
“Don't ever say that.” He hissed at her “Don't ever let them think they are better than you. You are worth more than they will ever be.” He knew the marks on her face would scar.
“Then why can't I stop them?” she demanded, tears running down her cheeks.
“Your not strong enough, yet.” He said to her, not liking her tears.
“Then teach me.” She snapped. He looked at her and then nodded. Raven gave a small smile, they were becoming fewer as the years went on. He finished bandaging her arm and sighed as he moved to her thigh. It wasn't the first time her father had raised a claw to her and it wouldn't be the last time. Who knew it would be the death of her?
Raven felt it then, the beginnings of the rage her kind were knew for, the merciless killing and slaughtering of innocents. She pulled back hard but found it difficult. Her inner beast was fighting, the memories not helping. No, I will not give in! I refuse to be my father! She pulled back the invisible reins, it wasn't working. Don't do this!
“Raven!” Hiei's voice rang through the clearing but it sounded so far away with the rolling thunder echoing in her ears. He knew what was happening; he could feel the energy building in the clearing while she struggled to maintain her humanoid form.
“I can't stop it…” she whispered.
“Calm down…” he hissed at her. She looked up at him, her eyes red with her rage.
“Calm…down…” she whispered. WHAM. Raven shook her head as she felt the vibrations through the ground. It was just enough to set her back a step and to pull in her beast. She looked down a very deep crater at a twitching black spot. While the command was whispered, the rage behind it made it very powerful. She heard him groan as he crawled his way out. He didn't look very happy with her at the moment. Indeed, Raven was suddenly feeling weary. She gave a small laugh. “I feel better.” She said. He growled.
“I bet you feel better.” He growled at her.
A little while later he sat in a tree above her as she cleaned her arms from the blood. That was a little too close. He thought to himself as he watched the water run red. Hopefully it wouldn't attract any lower youkai, she wasn't in any condition to fight and he really needed to crack his back. Damn beads, he though angrily as he tried again to remove them only to feel the shock of Raven's miko powers. She gave a twitch below him before glaring at the tree he was seated in.
“You know I can feel when you do that.” She snapped. He stopped…she could feel it? That was not suppose to happen. He would have to ask Kagome about it later. There I go with using her name again! What is wrong with me? He stopped his thinking when Raven gave a whimper. Seems she had some splinters in her hands from the trees.
“Damn trees…damn males who sit in them….they conspire against me…they all need to go down…WHAM SNAP. Raven gave a sigh. “I feel a lot better now!”
“I could kill you right now.” Hiei growled from underneath the tree branch that once was attached to the tree. He threw the tree branch from him the moment he could get up and looked across at his friend who sat on her legs shivering from the cold water. She was still wearing the white tank and denim skirt but had used the green throw over to make bandages for her arms. He took pity on her and threw her his black jacket. She gave him one of her small smiles, meant only for him, as she wrapped herself in it.
“Thanks.” She said softly.
“What happened?” he asked. She looked at him a moment before looking away.
“I don't know. It's funny though, I have been traveling with Kags for over a month and Inu Yasha has already has taken on the role of big brother. Not that any one could ever replace you.” She smiled. Why did that hurt to say? “But when he suddenly cornered me, it was like I couldn't breathe. It wasn't Inu Yasha who was looming over me but my father again. Then to stumble back into the fox just set me off. It was like they were cornering me again, only this time, you wouldn't get to me in time.” He placed his clawed hand on her own as she looked down at it. She held back the flinch that wanted to accompany the contact. “I guess a couple centuries weren't enough to come to terms with myself.”
“What are you talking about?” Hiei demanded.
“I told you Midoriko pulled me from death. She didn't immediately throw me into this time with fresh wounds on my soul. She told me that I needed to come to terms with what happened and try to heal the wound s inflicted upon me. I thought she meant the physical but I guess she really meant the mental. Seems they are still a little too fresh. I wonder how I can maintain contact with Lord Fluffy.” She gave a small laugh. “He would drive me through some more trees if he heard me call him that.”
“Do I even want to know who this `Lord Fluffy' is?”
“Probably not, and before you get any ideas, it's not wise to mess with Lord Sesshomaru. Though fun to make him twitch…he's too serious. At least he doesn't talk about himself anymore. That was very annoying.”
“You're getting off topic.”
“But what was the topic?” Raven gave a fanged grin at him. Hiei rolled his eyes. He was still too open with her even after all these years. What would the others think of him if they saw him like this? They had already seen too much, especially Kagome. Using her name, again damn it! Obviously Raven sensed his distress because she gave his hand a small squeeze.
“I'm fine, Hiei. It's still hard to get over.” Raven squeezed his hand again before removing it.
“You shouldn't have to get over anything. I should have got you out of there.” He growled more to himself. But Raven heard him none the less.
“We tried. You know we did. But they saw through it all. It only made them angrier.” She subconsciously brought her hand up to her facial scars but he stopped her before she touched them.
“I should have been strong enough to protect you.” He pulled back, wondering what the hell was wrong with him.
“You were always strong, you're strong now. In the end, they got what they deserved.”
“What about you?” he asked. Raven looked away.
“Kagome is probably worried. We need to head back.” She stood up quickly and started walking towards the boarders.
“Raven…” Hiei whispered. She stopped and looked back at him. “Nevermind.” He grumbled as he got up and followed her.
AN: Okay, that's it for this one. I am trying to keep things light between the four characters until votes are in. I will let it continue until this weekend. So keep those votes coming! Also, some have been complaining about my writing…I am actually following a typical book writing style. I will try to make it more understandable.
Kagome/Hiei- 8
Kagome/Kurama- 3
Kagome/InuYasha- 1 (okay…who am I to complain?)
Raven/ ????
Keep those votes coming!!!
Thanks to all those who review…I really appreciate it!!!
Nightangel15 (THANK YOU for your review…I thought I would never stop laughing)
Sesskags4ever (totally agree…might work on a K/S one next)