InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Teacher ❯ The Final Battle ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Blah Blah Blah no Blah Blah own Blah Blah
Chapter 17: The Final Battle
Raven slipped from Kurama's hold on her and slipped her clothing back on. She made a detour to her rooms and was silently pacing the halls when she ran into a wall, also known as a male chest.
“What the hell?” she demanded as she looked up at Sesshomaru. He raised an eyebrow at her position at his feet. She scowled.
“Have you taking to bowing to your superiors?” he asked.
“Have you taking to knocking people down?” she snapped back. She watched as his lips twitched, a sign of his amusement. Raven gave an irritated huff as she stood up and straightened her hakamas.
“Why are you pacing my halls, woman?” he demanded.
“Waiting for your lordly ass, Fluffy.” She replied. He raised his eyebrow at her again, not making a comment on the nickname. Raven took a deep breath. “Please.” She said. “I need to talk to you.” He nodded his head and led her down another hallway before pushing open a door. Raven looked at him a moment before going into the room before him. She settled herself down before a low table that served as a desk while Sesshomaru settled behind it.
“Speak.” He demanded. Raven rolled her eyes before she took a deep breath.
“Naraku is close.” She whispered. “I can feel the battle call in my blood from Xerxes. They are coming here; we need not search for them. I don't have much time to train Kagome in subduing her beast.” Sesshomaru nodded.
“I appreciate you giving me this information, Raven.” He stated. Raven looked down at her lap. “Was there something more?”
“Yes.” She said softly. “I need to ask a favor of you.” Sesshomaru looked at her silently. He could smell the avatar upon her body but she bore no mark.
“I will do everything in my power to assist you.” He sat back.
“I can ask no other for this, Lord Sesshomaru.” She looked up at him, her dark eyes misted over with some dark secret. He immediately sat up straight. For her to go to formalities, he knew it was serious. “If I lose myself to my beast, I ask that you kill me.”
The room fell silent.
“Kill you?” he sounded dumb to himself. Raven nodded.
“I have come so close to losing control more times in these past several months than in my lifetime. I know Xerxes will challenge me to battle. If he turns, I will be forced to turn to stop him. There is no going back at that point. I will continue killing everything in my path. I ask that you save me the torture of killing those I care about and put me out of my misery.” Sesshomaru stood from his place behind the desk and came next to the kneeling demoness.
“I will honor your request, Raven in the case that you turn.” He stated. She bowed her head one more time before standing before him. The proud demoness he often sparred with seemed dreary and withdrawn. He hated to see that haunted look in her eyes.
“Thank you, Fluffy.” She smiled softly at him. He gave a playful growl at the nickname as he watch her exit his study. Kami he hoped he didn't have to go through with that request.
Kurama was having the most pleasant dreams he could ever remember having. He could see Raven's smiling face and her body ripe with his child. He could feel the Youko in him growl in pleasure of the thought of such a fully possession of what was theirs.
`I find that to be a wonderful idea.' Youko purred within his hazy mind. `Wake up so we can make this dream a reality.' Not that Kurama needed any further nudging to wake up and pull his demoness to him. His strong fingers reached across his bed for the warm flesh he was sure to find.
“What the fuck?” Kurama demanded as he sat up in the bed, his hand gripping cold sheets tightly till his knuckles were white.
`Where is she?!' Youko demanded in his mind. Kurama could feel his own displeasure at the news vibrating through his chest. `You will go out there and drag her ass back to bed! Better yet, allow me…it is my turn after all.'
“I will get her, Youko. Calm down. I am no more pleased at this than you. I for one am feeling quite used.” Indeed, did she not confess her feelings for them the night before? Did she not feel the mind blowing sensation when he finally held her to him? Was there some other reason she left them alone?
`She better not be with that dog.' Youko hissed and Kurama found himself in agreement.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
“Kagome.” Raven whispered as she poked her sister. She sighed as Kagome mumbled in her sleep and buried herself closer to Hiei. Raven huffed. “Don't make me do it, Kags.” Hell, she was surprised Hiei was still out like a light. When Kagome did nothing more then cling tighter to Hiei, Raven knew she was going to have to take drastic measures.
She lifted the pail over her head, the swirling pink water and ice cubes prepared and ready for launch.
“Wake up!” Raven screeched as the pail was launched over its two unsuspecting victims. She watched in barely veiled amusement as the beds occupants came sputtering up in the pink bed sheets.
“Raven.” Hiei growled at her, his usually gravity defying hair plastered on his forehead. She snorted at him.
“Blame your mate. She is late for training and would not stop clinging to you.” She stomped her foot as Kagome yawned.
“I thought we were done with training.” Kagome whined. Raven snorted again.
“You need to learn your youkai abilites, lazy ass.” Raven tapped her foot. “Now get dressed and be outside in ten minutes.”
“What about a bath!” Kagome shrieked as she looked at her pink stained skin.
“If you had woken up when I first came in you could have had one.” Raven said indignantly.
“Aren't you supposed to be in bed?” Hiei demanded. His crimson eyes immediately snapped to her neck. Raven's hand reached up as she turned away.
“It's none of your damn business!” Raven snapped, becoming quite irritated with the whole matter. Hiei raised an eyebrow at her as he reached for the fox with his Jagan eye. He was met with a wall of fury. His mate was going to get her bath sooner than she thought.
He gave the fox a poke of direction towards his prey as he felt Youko take over the body. Raven's eyes narrowed on him before realization dawned on her. She let out a string of curses that would have made Inu Yasha proud as she sprinted for the door. Said door was nearly torn off the hinges by over 6 feet of smoldering kistune. Kagome gave a squeal of fright as she pulled the sheets a little closer, kind of fearing for Raven at this point.
Raven's feet slid across the floor as she scrambled in the opposite direction. Youko pounced on her before she had the chance to get far. She was rudely tossed over the kistune's shoulder as she blinked owlishly at the ground. Youko found the view enjoyable since he was in close proximity with that delicious ass he could only observe last night.
“Oy!” Raven snapped. “Stop staring holes into my ass and put me down this instant!”
“I plan on having that ass.” Youko purred. “And every other inch of that lush body I could only watch.” Raven sputtered.
“You don't understand!” Raven cried out. “I need to train…”
“Training can wait.” Youko said as his arm became like an iron band across the back of her legs to prevent her escape. “I may have missed you tying up my counterpart, but I plan on extracting my revenge on you for all the fun he did not let me join in.” Raven began to struggle anew. When he gave her behind a pinch she tugged his hair. Youko gave a sigh as he strode to the doorway, trying to ignore Hiei's chuckles.
“Put me down.” Raven hissed, her claws dripping poison. Hiei stiffened in the process of dressing as his gaze snapped to Raven. She was serious and Youko wasn't listening. Instead the kistune turned toward her luscious ass and gave it a nip. Raven's head shot up from dangling. “You bit me!” she screeched.
“Indeed. Wait to see what I plan on doing next.” He said as he strode completely out of the room.
“Kami.” Kagome muttered. “Raven was not happy.”
“Hn.” Hiei said as he watched his mate scramble from the bed sheets in all her nude glory. Perhaps the bathing could wait; his mate was looking quite fetching drenched in pink.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
Raven huffed as she was carried down the halls. Stupid fox. Youko chuckled at her growling. He could feel it vibrate down his back giving him wonderful chills. Perhaps he should just find an empty room to ravage her? The thought was starting to sound appealing as one of his clawed hands trailed up her thigh and gave her ass a squeeze. Raven let out a shriek at her treatment.
“Sit!” she screamed. Youko plummeted to the floor with Raven on his back. He grumbled at being face planted thus killing his arousal.
“You are so getting it once I can move again, kitten.” Youko said through the floor. Raven huffed.
“I need to train Kagome. I do not have time to be beating you off me. Naraku is close and I can feel that asshole hound male's call.” She felt Youko stiffen beneath her as she was scooped up into his arms.
“You will stay away from Xerxes.” Youko snarled. Raven squirmed.
“If it comes down to it. I will be the one to fight him.” She said softly. Youko gave a sigh as he took a deep breath of her jasmine scent. Raven snuggled into him, her own nose burying in his neck. “I am sorry for leaving this morning.” Her hot breath fanned against his neck. “I don't know what to do.”
“You are forgiven.” His chest rumbled with his answer. Raven gave a little sigh as she reached up and rubbed one of his ears. He instantly stiffened and allowed his head to tilt to give her better access.
“I think I might love your ears more than you.” She whispered into the furry appendages causing a bolt to go towards the kitsune's lions.
“Ridiculous.” He muttered as he hurried down the hall towards his rooms…hers…whichever came first. Raven giggled and he almost found himself floored by the sound. She gave the attention seeking appendage on his head a lick that caused Youko to shutter and almost lose his footing. He really needed to find a room, now.
Youko bolted down the halls, not caring if he plastered someone to the floor. They would then know how it felt to be subjugated.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Several hours later found two demonesses outside the palace walls. Both had been sated in many different hungers by their males.
“How do I do this again?” Kagome asked as she tried to will the Flame to her.
“Search for it. It's a different part of you now, like your miko abilites.” Raven said as she watched Kagome concentrate. The blue eyed demoness frowned for a moment as she forced something to her hands. She jumped back as a black substance oozed from her claws. Raven raised an eyebrow.
“Well, no need to teach you how to call forth your poison.” Raven smiled as Kagome giggled nervously. Kagome tried several more times before she was able to call forth the Shadow Flame. It took her no time to master it completely to her will to allow it to take forms.
“Can I coat my blade in it?” Kagome asked as she ran a claw over the hilt of her blade. Raven nodded.
“Now for the more serious training.” Raven said as Kagome sat before her. Raven took a deep breath and closed her eyes as Kagome followed. “I need you to dive deep within yourself. Search for the dark part of your blood and follow it to your core. There you will find your beast.”
Kagome almost recoiled when she found it. It was absolutely vicious!
“Raven.” Kagome said a little shaky.
“You can do it, Kagome.” Raven hissed. “You can control it. You just have to tell it who is the master.” Kagome gave a jerky shake as she pulled away from her beast. She smiled at Raven as her sapphire eyes drank in the form of the demoness before her. Raven wore a white hoari with her typical black hakamas. She had on a pair of black battle boots that were currently rolled to her calves but clasped to her thighs in battle. Kagome was dressed almost similarly but in blue and black. Raven arched a brow at her before she suddenly stiffened.
The faint smell of blood floated on the wind. Both females were up and standing as their eyes darted towards the east. Tendrils of smoke floated above the trees.
“Kagome.” Raven suddenly said causing the demoness to look at her. “Get the others, I can smell Naraku.”
“Raven, does this mean…” Kagome started but Raven nodded.
“Yes, the final battle has come.” Raven said as a whirlwind approached her. Kagome squealed at the familiar tornado as she rushed to get the others. Raven watched impassively as Kouga the wolf prince stepped up.
“I could have just sworn I smelt my woman.” He claimed as he turned to Raven. “Have you seen my woman?” he demanded. Raven rolled her dark eyes.
“I assume you bring information, wolf.” Sesshomaru's icy voice caught towards the two. Kouga looked towards the Western Lord.
“Naraku is here. He's destroyed two ningen villages to get the message across.” Kouga said and smiled brightly upon sight of `his woman'. Inu Yasha snorted.
“This is going to be good.” Inu Yasha said as he watched the wolf rush to Kagome.
“Kagome!” he cried as she was pulled into the wolf's arms.
“Kouga.” Kagome gasped as she was squeezed.
“I am going to bring you Naraku's head so then we can return to the den where you can become my…whoa…you're a youkai?” Kouga pulled back and inspected the new Kagome. “You're beautiful.” He said in a daze. Kagome blushed prettily before she was rudely pulled away and slammed into a hard chest. She felt heat lick across her skin and knew immediately that Hiei was pissed.
“Do not touch her, wolf.” He growled. Kouga stiffened.
“Who are you to tell me that I can't touch my woman!” he demanded.
“Her mate.” Hiei snarled as Kouga stumbled back. He looked questioningly at Kagome.
“I am so sorry Kouga.” Kagome said much to Hiei's displeasure. “But we have always been good friends. You promised that nice wolf Ayame, remember?”
“But…you…” Kouga began but became crest fallen. “I will still follow you into battle.”
“Speaking of battles.” Raven demanded as she huffed. “Death…blood…Naraku?” she pointed to the rising smoke.
“What are we waiting for? A formal invitation?” Yusuke said suddenly. He grinned. “I for one am ready to meet this Naraku.” The rest of the group agreed with Shippo remaining behind with Rin and Jaken. Spikey and Ryo transformed to carry the humans while those with youkai speed used it to their advantage. It was time to meet Naraku and end the game once and for all.
Xerxes took pleasure in hearing the screams of pain from his victims. Naraku watched on the sidelines as the destruction was wrought upon another village. It was time he stopped this damn game and got the rest of the shards from the miko. He could feel the group approaching along with the demon lord. They were going to break through the tree line any moment now.
“The bitch is mine, Naraku.” Xerxes said. Naraku smiled.
“Are you jealous of the kitsune?” Naraku asked as Xerxes growled. “The miko has become one of your kind as well.”
“The hybrid has her.” Kagura said off handily. Naraku sent her a sharp glance which had her retreating.
“The demoness known as Raven has not been marked.” Kanna whispered as Xerxes rounded on her. He grinned.
“Wonderful.” He said as he watched the group break the tree line.
“Naraku!” Inu Yasha's voice cut through the clearing. “Your time has finally come!” he withdrew tetsusaiga as it grew to its fang size.
“Indeed.” Naraku mused. “But I am afraid that it is your time that has come.” He said as he called upon the demons at his disposal.
The battle for the shards had begun.
For over the course of an hour it raged on. Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru were steadily working their way to Naraku who in turn would fling out his tentacles when he thought someone was getting too close. Kagome was taking care of Kanna since her mirror did not work on her and keeping the child away from the others. Kouga was
making his way to Kagura who was trying to elude the wolf through the mass of youkai. The others were stead fast in cutting down those that stood in their way.
Kagome glanced around to see Raven heading off with Xerxes across the battlefield. She hoped her teacher would be able to hold off the male youkai.
“Hello beautiful.” Xerxes said to Raven as she cut down another youkai. Raven growled low.
“I see you still have your face.” She said lowly as her eyes traced the missing chunks of flesh from her poison. His face hardened.
“No thanks to you, of course.” He growled. “I will make you pay dearly for what you have done. That bitch miko should be dead.” Raven snarled.
“You will not touch her.” She snapped as she lunged forward. Xerxes called his Flame into a blade and caught the demoness before throwing her from him. They circled each other again as they clashed. When Raven thought she had him he would throw her from him again. She was growling in irritation when she noticed why he was stronger. Xerxes followed her line of sight.
“Naraku has been kind enough to lend me some shards.” Xerxes refered to the three shards in his forehead. “Would you like to see what they do?” Raven was suddenly feeling very uneasy as she backed up. Xerxes gave a menacing laugh as he was engulfed in the Flame, his features becoming bestial as he took to his true form.
“They allow me a sane mind while taking my most powerful form!” he growled as he towered several lengths above her. He stood roughly the same height as Sesshomaru in true form only pitch black. He was bulkier though, allowing for more strength but not speed. Raven gulped.
The others paused momentarily to stare in awe of the male shadow fire hound.
“Raven!” Kurama's voice caught across the field. He had to make it over to her. Naraku's laughter floated to everyone's ears.
“I do love when things go into my favor. Perhaps I will celebrate with the miko when this is over with?” he asked as the battle when on with more fever than before.
“You will not touch her.” Hiei snarled as he tore through the tentacles that once held Inu Yasha. Naraku hissed as the ground lurch beneath everyone as Raven clashed with the monstrous Xerxes.
“He will destroy her.” Sesshomaru said as the others backed down for a moment to assess the situation.
“I have faith in her.” Kagome said as she sliced down a youkai with her miko charged blade.
“I hope you are right.” Yusuke said, suddenly appearing by her side. “For all our sakes.” The rest nodded before the surge of youkai separated them again.
Xerxes roared as Raven's blade sunk deeply into his soft underside, his dark eyes rolling into his head at the pain. He shook his head to throw the demoness off of him, watching in satisfaction as she hit a tree with a sickening crack. She shook herself, trying to stop the dizzy affects of her slowly draining strength. Xerxes rounded in front of her, his massive jaws clamping down on…Kuwabara.
The trapped human gave a cry as the beast's massive jaws began to crush him.
“Kuwabara!” Yusuke screamed as he fired his Spirit Gun at the beast who merely grunted with the hit. Raven's eyes widened as she sensed the life force leaving Kuwabara's body.
“I will not allow this!” She screamed as her hair floated around her. She took a deep breath before sending a silent prayer to any Kami that would listen.
“Forgive me!” she screamed as her eyes turned completely red. The snarl she gave echoed through the clearing as everyone stopped and looked.
They watched in horror as their companion's form lengthened and grew in size. A deafening roar caused many of the youkai to shake in fear and flee the area.
“Raven!” Hiei shouted as he watched in horror what was happening. Raven met Xerxes eye to eye as she took her truest form. Her fur was thick and black as it rippled along her muscles. The Shadow Flame leapt from her paws as she swirled her head towards Hiei. He backed down, the crimson eyes staring at him no longer sane. Another roar tore from her throat as she launched her body towards the male hound.
The ground shook with the force of their blows as blood flew throughout the field. But none of it was Raven's. She pinned the larger male down beneath her as she gave a long howl of victory before sinking her fangs into the throat. Her dark poison seeped from her jowls and rolled around the corpse causing a sickening stench. Yusuke stood off to the side, watching over Kuwabara's injured form.
The massive Raven looked up from her kill to narrow down on the next male.
The hanyou had enough sense to back up as she approached him. Her snarls sending chills down everyone's spine. The last of the youkai had fled leaving only Naraku and his remaining spawn's behind. He sent his tentacles towards the female in hopes to stop her. The tentacles ripped through fur as she released a roar of fury and lunged. Naraku was ripped up from the group and shook with force within her mouth. His screams of pain continued until a sickening crunching was heard. Naraku's chunk of the Shikon No Tama rolled from his lifeless palm towards Kagome.
She picked up the blackened piece which purified on contact, but her sapphire eyes took none of this in. Her teared filled eyes took in Raven as she devoured the hanyou, insuring that he would never return as her poison decomposed him.
“We have to stop her.” Miroku said. “Before she kills us all.”
“But how?” Sango asked as she dodged the enraged demoness. Sesshomaru watched the others dodge and try to knock the demoness unconscious. But he remembered the promise he made to Raven the day before.
He would honor it.
He withdrew his blade, Toujikin. The others stepped back as they watched him approach the snarling form of Raven. Kagome gave a cry as she watched him summon the dragon strike to kill the youkai.
“Don't do it!” Kagome shrieked. Her call made all within the clearing to flinch. It was all it took to make the demoness lunge forward causing the dragon strike to veer.
Instead of a death strike she was wounded fatally.
The ground shook as her large body hit the ground. Her dark blood oozed around her form as she struggled to get up. Kagome gave a cry as she rushed forward and clenched the muzzle of the large demoness. Through her tear filled sapphire eyes she watched the crimson eyes of the hound roll back into its head before a light engulfed its form leaving the mangled body of Raven.
Her dark locks were matted with blood and her body was covered in large fatal gashes. Her eye lids opened long enough to reveal dark eyes.
“Raven.” Kagome sobbed. “Why?” Raven's dark eyes moved slowly to the weeping demoness's form as she managed a wobbly smile.
“I am so sorry.” She whispered. Her dark eyes moved to Kurama's shaking form as he dropped next to her. He slowly reached out to move a strand of her hair from her face as she closed her eyes for the final time.
“Raven. Don't leave me.” Kurama whimpered as he withdrew into himself. His sobs echoing through the clearing as he looked at the battered form of his love.
“Sesshomaru.” Kagome looked at the demon lord. Sesshomaru already had Tensaiga in his hand. He approached the body and watched for the hell minions.
Her soul had already departed.
With a heavy sigh he re-sheathed his father's fang. For the first time, he felt like he had failed. Kagome saw his face and gave a sob. She threw herself into Hiei who caught her and held her close as he looked at the forms of his two best friends.
Kagome looked down at the completed form of the Shikon no Tama and then to Raven's body as her blood tears ran down her cheeks. The battle was over and Naraku would never return. But was the price really worth it?