InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Teacher ❯ Confessions of the Heart ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Refer to previous chapters…this is getting depressing…
Chapter 16: Confessions of the Heart
Hiei sat in a tree deep within the gardens. He had, though he would never admit it, been hiding there since they had brought Raven to the palace. Once again, he wasn't fast enough to save someone he cared about. First with Raven, who he was forced to watch be raped before his very eyes, helpless to do anything about it. He watched as his sister was abused for her tear gems and now, well now he was faced with the fact that for once his speed didn't help him. He wasn't fast enough to get to the miko before she was killed by the youkai Xerxes. Some time during the hunt for shards, the miko had wormed her way under his skin and had slowly built herself a spot for those he cared about, few they were. Hell, he felt responsible for her death. It had suddenly been his duty to protect her and he failed at that. If Raven hadn't been able to bring her back…it would have taken the entire Renkai to bring him in again. The rampage he did after Raven would be pale in comparison he would bring to the ningens if something happened to Kagome.
When had he started using her name? When had he started thinking of her as more than just an annoying ningen miko? It must have been the moment as he watched her stand up to Xerxes…as he watched the damn male attack her and knew at that moment that if she died he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
She was an enigma. She loved everyone she met unconditionally no matter who or what they were. She was a pure hearted creature with the most caring soul he had ever encountered. She didn't have a single dark spot on her bright soul even now as a demoness. Even his sister, Yukina, who he cherished more than she knew, had her own darkness as miniscule as it was.
He shifted on the branch ever so slightly as he caught the scent of Sakura blossoms. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the demoness Kagome strolling into the gardens wearing a beautiful sapphire blue kimino that matched her eyes. She had left her hair down and he watched in silent fascination as the wavy tresses bounced with each step. She curled up against the tree in which he resided before she tilted her head back and locked eyes with his own crimson ones. She gave the hybrid a small smile before turning her gaze towards the grass she was plucking.
Both enjoyed the silence between them because it was a comfortable one. When Kagome had begun to hum, Hiei was drawn into the sound and was now slightly dozing.
`Youko…' Kurama's voice whimpered in his mind. The Jaganshi slowly opened his eyes as he shifted in irritation. Any other time the damn fox would be happy that his youkai counterpart was napping. Now he was whining about it. He sent out a link and was met with a mind blowing pleasure and many mental images of his best friend that he promptly fell out of the tree.
“Raven and I spoke at length about her feelings towards Kurama.” Kagome said quietly as she looked around the tree at the youkai who now held her heart. “I think she has decided to take matters into her own hands.”
“No kidding.” Hiei grumbled as he shook his head. What was it that ningens said? Too much information?
“Are you mad?” Kagome asked him as he seated himself next to her. He looked at her from the corner of his eye before snorting.
“They need each other.” He said quietly. Kagome nodded.
“Everyone needs someone. A shoulder to…lean, cry, and just support on. I hope that one day Inu Yasha can find someone like that. I do not want to see him be alone for the rest of his life.” For some reason, her speaking of the hanyou angered him.
“You still love the hanyou.” He growled at her. Kagome's head lowered as her bangs covered her eyes. Her tail wrapped closely around her as if to protect.
“I will always love Inu Yasha. He was my first love. But that love has become one for a brother. I will never stop loving him.”
“Hn.” He got the answer that he wanted to hear from her but it brought him no pleasure. Could it be because she didn't say who she loved now?
“I had kind of hoped that Sesshomaru would snag Raye.” Kagome blushed. Hiei raised an eyebrow at her. “They fit each other so well…you know? But perhaps it was the companionship that they found in each other I saw. Sort of the love I hold for Inu Yasha.”
“You would put Raven with the youkai lord known as the Ice Prince?” Hiei asked. Kagome laughed the sound echoing around them and through the trees.
“But Raven can be the fire to any ice.” Kagome smiled softly. Hiei wondered if she knew that she was the ice for his fire.
“The fox better treat her good.” Hiei said, not really knowing why he broke the silence. Kagome nodded.
“If he didn't, he would have to go through a lot of people, human and youkai.”
“Is that all you can come up with when you don't know what to say?”
“Dear Kami, I think I am beginning to understand all those `hn's.” Kagome laughed at him. Hiei snorted at her as he looked away. The woman was just too much.
“Forgive me if I insulted you.” Kagome said, placing her hand upon his arm. He stiffened suddenly at the unexpected contact before settling back down under her calming influence.
“You apologize too much. Why is that?” Hiei demanded. Kagome shrugged.
“I don't know. I guess I just can't be happy unless everyone else it. I have done it for so long that I don't know if I could stop apologizing.” Kagome said as she absently played with the grass, her tail thumping with her thoughts. Hiei watched the appendage for a moment before looking at her face again. Kami, she was beautiful.
A cry echoed through the gardens causing Kagome to jump. She some how found her way into Hiei's lap as her eyes darted around.
“What was that?” she asked, shifting around to get a better look. The only thought running through Hiei's head was that if she didn't stop squirming in his lap she would be replicating that sound, only louder.
“Woman, stop that infernal moving.” He snapped at her. Kagome spun around in his lap.
“My name is Kagome! I thought we had come to an agreement on that!”
“Then if you refuse, remove yourself from my lap.” He said to her. She turned a pretty pink as she stuttered. She moved to wiggle herself of his lap but he suddenly decided that he liked her there and pinned her to his body with his arms. Kagome shrieked and squirmed harder.
“I thought you wanted me to move?” she demanded as she slumped against him, not ready to say that she enjoyed the heat from his body.
“I said if you refuse to stop moving. Do you want to be making that sound as well?” he asked her huskily. Kagome's blush was a deeper red that she felt all the way to her toes. Dear Kami that was what that sound was? Raven was going to wake the entire palace. She was awakened from her musing by Hiei burying his head in her neck to take in her scent.
“You smell so good.” He mumbled. Kagome giggled for a moment before she sobered.
“Inu Yasha always told me I stink.” She said quietly. A growl shook her body as she looked up at the male who held her.
“The hanyou is a fool. Do not listen to him.” He said sternly to her. Kagome pouted.
“Sorry! What, do I smell better now that I am a demoness? Is this what this is about? I wasn't good enough for anyone as a human but now that I am a demoness I am ripe for the taking?!” she shrieked. Hiei clamped a hand over her mouth. She glared at him.
“Woman, you jump to conclusions.” He said. Her eyes widened at him as he released her mouth. “You smell the same, the smell is only stronger.”
“Oh.” She looked abashed. “What do I smell like?”
“Sakura blossoms.” He stated indifferently. Kagome perked.
“Really?” she seemed excited about this fact. It amused him, how the littlest things made her happy. She nuzzled her own head into his neck and he held back the shiver as he felt her breath against his skin. “Hm…mountains and glaciers.” He raised an eyebrow at himself. Mountains and glaciers? Okay, perhaps he hoped for something a bit more…manly…dear Kami what was he turning into?
Kagome inhaled the scent that was uniquely Hiei as she sat comfortable in his lap. For some reason, she was perfectly content in her current position. Perhaps if it had been any other male…youkai or otherwise, she would have been blushing up a storm. She reached her hand up…curious as to if that hair was natural. She watched his eyes look at her in question; her hand froze for a moment before continuing to his hair. She threaded her claws through it and giggled at the softness of it.
“I can't get my hair that soft.” She said quietly. Hiei snorted but closed his eyes under her menstruations. Kagome continued playing in his hair, wondering when Hiei had adopted patience with her like he was displaying now. She highly doubted he let any female in his lap to play with his hair which was absolutely awesome! She was so jealous. Damn perfect youkai. Though, she couldn't really complain, she was one now as well.
She must have mumbled some of this out loud because he was looking at her in open amusement, the corner of his mouth twitching in a smirk.
“Stupid male youkai.” Kagome said louder this time. His eyebrow shot up at her as she stuck out her tongue at her. He flicked her on the nose. “Ah! You flicked me! You actually flicked me!”
“I totally agree. This is war.” Kagome said with a wicked grin as she pounced on the unsuspecting hybrid. She was straddling his waist leaning over him when she flicked him on the nose. He growled at her, playfully before he switched the positions on her. They were nose to nose, growling playfully at each other before the current situation hit them…hard.
First Hiei realized that he was playing around with her, and that he was enjoying it. He loved her growls and the chills they sent down his spine. It wasn't until her heady scent hit him in the nose that he realized their current predicament.
Kagome realized when she felt this darker part of her rear up, whispering dark and lusty things to her. At first she was confused on why this part of her inner beast would surface when she felt every inch of Hiei's hard body against her. She swallowed hard as she felt a funny sensation in the pit of her stomach.
His little miko was aroused.
He liked the sound of that.
He let loose a deeper more sensual growl as he slowly lowered his head. As their lips touched for the first time, it was like a jolt coursed through both. Kagome stiffened with the shock but softened immediately and began to respond to the chaste kiss.
The moment he felt her give in, he gave another growl. She was his! All was far in love and war…and she did say this was war. He tenderly licked her sweet full lips, silently asking permission for entrance. Kagome jumped but slowly allowed him within her cavern. It didn't take long before both to become engrossed in a duel for dominance. Hiei was never one to back down and he was going to show his bitch that. She finally submitted to him and allowed him to explore her mouth to his content. He voiced his pleasure at this with another growl that vibrated her body in a pleasant way. One of his clawed hands clenched her hip while the other was fisted by her head. Kagome's hands were buried in his hair damn silky hair as she experienced foreign sensations. She had only been kissed a handful of times. With Inu Yasha, it had been a quick peck and he wouldn't look at her afterwards. Houjo had kissed her once and it was the most disturbing experience of her life…then there was…
“Woman.” Hiei pulled away. “Would you stop thinking of other males!” Kagome blushed before she laughed lightly.
“Sorry…forgot.” Her hand brushed over the concealed Jagan eye causing another jolt to hit the hybrid's body. He growled lowly at her before he opened his eyes at her. He looked at her flushed face and swollen lips from his kisses. He decided that he liked how she looked right then, and it would be even better if no clothes were involved.
He came to the decision right then. She would never think of any other male again but him. Call him greedy but never in his life had he wanted anything as bad as he did the miko demoness beneath him. He snarled at his thoughts as he scooped up the demoness into his arms. Kagome let out a squeak of surprise at him.
“What are you doing?” she demanded of him. He just glanced at her from the corner of his eye. “Where in the world are you taking me!”
“To my rooms.” He answered. She grew rigid in his arms and he stopped in the middle of the hallways. “I will not hurt you Kagome.”
“You said my name.” she whispered. He snorted as he continued to walk. She clung to his dark clothes as they neared his chambers. Was she willing to do this? Was this the male to take her virginity from her? Should she run while she still had the chance? She wanted her first time to be with someone she loved and who loved her back. Only Raven knew of her secret feelings for the reclusive youkai.
“No, Hiei.” She whispered as she was unceremoniously thrown onto a bed. He raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed at the customary looked from him as she shook her head. “I can't, I won't do this. Not without love.” She moved to rise from the bed but was knocked back. Hiei loomed over her, his angry aura snapping around her. He watched as her dark sapphire eyes widened in fear. He winced internally. He didn't want her to fear him.
“What makes you think I don't care about you?” he demanded her. Kagome stopped her struggles to escape him as tears leaked from her eyes. Hiei only kissed them away.
“Don't play with me like that. I have been hurt too much.” She whispered. She was kissed again but did not respond. “I love you too much for you to hurt me too, Hiei.”
He froze.
She had said she loved him. If felt as if something was squeezing his heart, not that he knew he had one to begin with. He looked down upon the miko he had come to care for.
Did he love her too?
“How can you?” he asked her instead. Kagome gave him a watery smile.
“And you say I think too low of myself. Of course I love you for who you are. An arrogant bastard male youkai who is a hard trainer. Blood doesn't matter.” He let out a deep sigh as he buried his head in her neck, placing an open mouth kiss on where he would place his mark.
“Good thing, miko, I think I have fallen for you.” Kagome stiffened again and he wandered if he said the wrong thing. She reached for his face and moved so that so could see him.
“Really?” she asked him. He stared at her.
“I will not repeat myself.” He said. She laughed as she threw her arms around his neck. He tightened his grip on her as he felt her sigh against his neck. If she thought that it would end there she had another thing coming. He was still hard as a rock from her squirming session on his lap. He would go easy on her; he could smell the innocence that blanketed her.
Surprisingly, it was Kagome who took the initiative. She started rubbing his pointed ears. Kami, he didn't know he was so sensitive on his ears. He groaned as he watched her smile through lidded eyes.
His hand crept for her obi, the only thing keeping him from his prize. He threw the light blue sash across the room as he stared at the form of his soon-to-be mate. Kagome squirmed under his intense gaze and moved to cover herself from him when he grabbed her arms to stop her.
“Don't ever hide yourself from me.” He commanded. She nodded silently.
`Perfect,' ran through his mind as the kimino joined the obi on the floor. His eyes traveled the length of her body again when they stopped on an odd scar upon her hip. His eyes narrowed at this flaw, it was a sign of her once mortality. It just brought the situation where he lost her closer to the surface. He would not lose her this time.
Kagome squirmed. He wasn't doing anything but staring at her and it was unnerving! She slowly reached out and tugged at his shirt. He looked at her a moment before allowing her to remove it for him. Kagome ran her hands over his toned chest. Better than I remember. Kagome thought to herself as she stroked every inch of his revealed flesh. His toned arms flexed as he held himself above her to allow her to continue her exploration. When she brushed against his arousal he nearly lost it. If she kept it up he would be on her quicker than she could blink.
Another brush. Obviously it was what she wanted. He tore his pants from him as he gave her a stern look. She blushed at him as she continued to admire him for what he was. Oh boy, he is very…well endowed. She thought to herself. She really didn't have anyone to talk to when it came for experience on the first time. Raven as raped, that didn't count and Sango was still a virgin. Her sapphire eyes met his crimson ones that were slowly seeping red with lust. He took possession of her mouth as Kagome immediately opened up. She locked her arms around his neck as they battled it out. He tore his mouth from hers as he trailed kisses down her neck, paying special attention to where he would mark her. Kagome's head rolled back as she groaned. He paid homage to her wonderful breast that had become slightly bigger with her transformation. She clutched his hair when he took a hardened bud into his mouth. She cried out at the new sensation and she could feel him smirk against her nipple. Her head was tossing back and forth while he suckled on one and kneaded the other's twin with his hand. Once he was satisfied with one he switched. Kagome's soft cries only encouraged him on.
She was begging. But for what, she had a suspicion. Whether or not she really wanted it was to be determined. But the building coil she could feel in her abdomen would not go away. Only Hiei could release it for her.
He could sense her distress and it was taking everything he had to bring her pleasure first before he brought her pain. He pulled away from her breasts, content with the love bites he had left there. He focused on his goal, her glistening core where her heady arousal came from. He could feel his mouth water at the prospect. He tenderly kissed the inside of her thigh as Kagome bolted up at the sensation. She stared at him wide eyed. He smirked before his tongue snuck out and gave her a tentative lick. He watched as her eyes rolled back into her head. Another longer and harder lick had her falling back on the bed. Nibbling on her swollen bud had her screaming his name and the moment he probed her with his tongue she came for him. He was holding her down by her hips as she bucked beneath him.
“Kami.” Kagome panted as she watched Hiei lick his lips from her release.
“Won't help you.” He murmured as he made his way back to her. Kagome groaned at what he said as he leaned to kiss her again. She could taste her own release on him and the taste aroused her only more.
He rubbed himself against her, enjoying not only the jolt it sent through him but her burning heat. She threw her head back and closed her eyes.
“Forgive me for hurting you.” He murmured in her ear. Kagome's eyes locked with his. He slanted his mouth over hers as he drove into her. Her cries of pain were muffled by his lips. Tears escaped from her eyes as she fought back the urge to cry more. The pain was immense, like he was cleaving her in half. She squirmed beneath him and he growled at her to hold still. She stiffened at the new sensation. It still burned but it was being replaced with the feeling of being filled. She clenched her core around his length, enjoying the guttural moan it tore from his throat. He pulled out just a bit before thrusting back into her. When she cried out at the feeling he continued. He was slow but steady in his thrusts. When she began to meet his thrusts he picked up the pace. She cried out when she came and shook with a passion. But he was far done with her. He pulled up one of her legs and threw it over his shoulder. The new angle allowed him deeper thrusts. She screamed at the new intrusion. It made her feel tighter and his girth was stretching her for all she was worth.
He could feel his own release building, he wanted her to come with him. He reached between their bodies and gave her swollen and abused bud a good flick. She came hard, screaming his name for all to hear. As she clenched his tight within her, he came. He felt his fangs ever so slightly lengthen as he plunged them into her neck. Marking her as his for all to see. She cried out in pain as he bit her but soon another orgasm overtook her and she violently shuttered. He growled against his place at her neck. He was still buried deep within her, not yet wanting to leave her welcoming body. Kagome's form finally slumped against him, her head rolling to one side as she breathed heavily. He pulled his fangs from her, wincing as she did before cleaning the wound with his tongue. He pulled out of her, enjoying the way her insides clenched him to keep him within. He pulled her against his form as she sighed deeply, content.
Who ever thought that the Forbidden child would take a mate? A miko demoness none the less. Not that Hiei cared, if someone had a problem with it, they would meet the end of his katana.
A/N: o.O wow, back to back lemons. Like I said before…BAM!