InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome vs. the Modern Era ❯ Moving Forward and Looking Back ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This story was just something being thrown around in my head. The pairing, as already determined, is Kurama/Kagome. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Review if you like, however I cannot promise a response, but constructive criticism is always welcome. Enjoy the story, and I promise to update at least once a week! Ja ne!


And thus, our story begins…


Kagome was bored.

Not just bored at the moment, but bored in general. Two years she had been bored. Two years since that evil buttmonkey hanyou, Naraku, had been obliterated. Two years since the jewel was restored to its full and completed glory. The wish, you may ask? Inuyasha had shocked everyone by asking the magic bauble to put the centuries-old warring souls at peace with one another. Kagome couldn’t have been more proud of her irritable, grouchy, foul-mouthed best friend and ex-lover. Yes, ex-lover, but we’ll get to that later.

Of course, nothing ever goes completely right for our favorite heroine. As soon as the wish had been granted, the jewel rose out of the hanyou’s clawed grip, burst into an iridescent glitter, and descended to surround Kagome. After a few sneezes and blinks, the dust had settled and Kagome realized she was no longer standing in the bloodied field with her friends, but lying curled up at the bottom of the Bone Eater’s Well. That was that. After three years traveling between eras, Kagome was home. It was decided by the fates that she would not be able to travel back to the Fuedal Era.

Kagome had not quite believed that was what the Kamis had in store for her though. In fact, everyday for the next four months, she would hop over the well’s ledge, clench her eyes shut, and pray that she would be able to free-fall through the time slip. Unfortunately, she was only greeted with the stale stench and covered roof of the well house, as well as a few new bruises on her knees. Finally, one day, after months of trying, she collapsed, cried, mourned, and hoped the absolute best for her family on the other side because she knew that they were doing the same thing for her.

Now at twenty years old, our miko sat sulking because she felt useless. More useless than normal. For the past couple of years, Kagome had been sensing that something big was about to happen to her. All she could do was wait. Her instincts were to be trusted in this matter. During the three-year shard trek, Kagome had become the most powerful miko alive. Now in her time, she was the only miko alive. She had become very comfortable and very in control of the strong, pure ki flowing inside her body.

The ringing of her cell phone was a welcome distraction.

With an enthusiastic, “Yo!” the phone was answered to reveal her cousin, Keiko Yukimora.

“Please tell me you aren’t sitting around that lonely apartment of yours thinking what I think you are thinking about, all the while wishing I would call to whisk you away from your musings?” said Keiko, without even expelling a single breath.

Kagome was saved.

When Kagome had accepted that she was resigned to remain a 21st century girl, she had told her family that it was too painful a reminder of her life in the past to remain on the shrine grounds. Every time she peered out the bedroom window, the broken time-slip of a well and the Goshinbuko, among other things, only served to mock her. With heavy hearts, Mama and Jii-chan understood and were prepared to let Kagome go. Souta, on the other hand, was not as understanding. He was under the assumption that one day eventually, Inuyasha would find a way through the well. He just couldn’t comprehend that even his hero of a big brother wasn’t strong enough to fight against whatever the Kamis had in store. Mama gifted Kagome with the money she had put away after the death of her husband, for Kagome to start her life over with.

Kagome had contacted Keiko and together, they went looking for apartments in Tokyo. Kagome and Keiko had always been close; however, they had only really seen each other at family functions maybe three or four times a year. Before Kagome had found her own apartment, she had stayed with Keiko in her apartment for a couple weeks. Keiko lives with her boyfriend, the elusive Yusuke Urameshi, who Kagome hadn’t yet had the pleasure of meeting. He was always “away on business” or so Keiko said. Kagome was highly suspicious of this Yusuke character, especially when she had first walked into Keiko’s apartment. The youki was faint, but Kagome felt the telltale prickle of demonic energy trying to suffocate her miko ki. Kagome was, however, Kagome and would give Keiko’s boyfriend the benefit of the doubt if, in fact, he was ever around. Eventually, Keiko caught on that something was wrong with Kagome. Keiko always did have the sixth sense about her. Kagome had told Keiko about demons, mikos, Fuedal Japan, time traveling, and all the other details of her life. Keiko had actually laughed when she mentioned an irritable, moody, loud-mouthed, and brash half demon, but not out of disbelief. That’s when Keiko told Kagome about Yusuke’s heritage, the Spirit Detectives, yada, yada, yada.

Back to the conversation at hand.

“Keiko-chan, what can I say? You know me all too well. Let’s cut to the chase. What will it be tonight? Clubs, alcohol, and perverts are my guess. Or just maybe, I will finally be privileged to hold audience with that boyfriend of yours?” replied Kagome, friendly sarcasm heavily laced with her words.

“Fine, fine. I deserve that. Actually, you are in luck, my dear, sweet Kagome. Yusuke and the guys returned from their mission. I can’t believe it’s been a year since he had to start training for that damn Makai Tournament. And get this, he didn’t even win! Anyhow, I convinced him, Kurama, Kuwabara, and maybe even Hiei to join us this evening. And don’t you dare purify my boyfriend, Kagome Higurashi, you hear!” exclaimed Keiko, jokingly, but with somewhat serious undertones.

“Hai. You know I wouldn’t, without good reason anyway. Besides, I’m quite interested in this Spirit Detective business. Ah, a night with demons, finally. Don’t tell any of them about my status as a miko. I feel that the element of surprise is most satisfactory,” said a smirking Kagome.

“I don’t know if I agree with that, but you have my word. Trust me, they’ll be surprised. You better hope Hiei, the little, temperamental one, doesn’t have his sword on him. I’d hate to have my very best friend become headless,” chided Keiko.

Kagome laughed and retorted, “You underestimate me, Keiko-chan. I’ve had quite a bit of experience with another quiet, stoic, and stick-up-his-ass demon. I’m more curious about this Kurama.”

“Curious, eh? Sexual frustration is more like it. Lighten up and don’t worry about having to purify or combat these guys, damn. Maybe it’s time to find you a guy, Kago-chan. Hmm? Speaking of Kurama, he is single, you know? And gorgeous. Why, I remember in high school, he actually had a very boisterous fan club on his heels all the time.”

“Oh, please, Keiko. Men are the least of my worries right now. And I’m not purifying or fighting, I’m toying with. And DO NOT go insinuating that I want to date, bang, or bone this Kurama.” Kagome swore she heard a pout through the telephone connection. “I’ve been doing just fine on my own with the male gender without any interference from you. Last time you set me up on a date, it didn’t end well, or do I need to remind you?”

Keiko paled. “Oi! You just have to bring that up, don’t you? Tatsuya was cute at least. How was I supposed to know he was an escaped patient from Tokyo Psych?”

“Clearly you didn’t meet his other three personalities, that’s why!”

“Hai, hai. Okay, no more setting you up, but if sparks fly, you can still thank me.”


“Anyways, Sakura’s on Seventh is the place, and be there around nine. And remember what I said… NO PURIFYING! Love you, Kago!”

“Sounds good. Love you, too and see ya soon. Ja ne!” And with that the two cousins hung up.

Kagome sauntered off down the hallway and into her bedroom, trying to mentally picture the contents of her closet. ‘Screw it! I’ll think about my wardrobe after a long, shower.’ As Kagome headed to the bathroom, she couldn’t help but wonder if these so called Spirit Detectives could be tied to that feeling of inevitable destiny she has been experiencing.

‘Well, there’s only one way to find out. These boys are in for one hell of an evening. I’ve been curious about them since Keiko told me of the Spirit Detectives and their missions. I would definitely like to know more about this barrier and even the Makai. Maybe, just maybe, Inuyasha, Shippo, or even Sesshoumaru are still alive. Also, I wonder why I’m especially curious about this Kurama. Maybe I do need laid.’ were her last remarks as she stepped into the hot, steamy rush of water.