InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, because I wrote this without really seeing this part of the show, everything will be different. Not that it wasn't before, it's just gonna be even more different. But I did try to look things up, so if it's not perfect, you'll live `cause so far you have to. Enjoy the four last chapters… dun, dun, dun! It's basically like the show… I hope…
No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter Eight
The trio (Kagome, Shippo, and Yusuke) ran down to the lobby to find everyone waiting for them. They quickly apologized and waited for their match to start.
As it was, Team Rokuyukai they had to fight. And just as well, Kuwabara got beaten by a kid… with yo-yo's… baka
Kurama… blackmailed (does everyone fight dirty?) with his human mother…
Hiei… easily won with his Dragon of the Darkness Flame…
Ahh, Yusuke… who had unexpectedly decided to fall asleep for awhile… not waking up until the end… and of course, won barely…
Kagome was pissed that she didn't get to fight anyone… but she hoped for the next round that she could.
So like the previous days, they got to observe members fight. Kurama diligently did this, keeping his eye on the Ichigaki Team. Turns out, the Ichigaki Team was next on they're list of people to brutally maul, and Hiei and Kurama hadn't shown up. The team leader suggested they do a three-on-three as two of his team members hadn't shown up. Yusuke obliges and the match starts…
The three members apparently like to rush one person at a time making it near impossible to defend oneself… The Dr. on the stated they had a low percentage rate of actually winning, well… needless to say, Kagome got pissed and merely killed them with her holy powers.
Feeling even pissier, since they were being forced to fight again right after (with Yusuke and Kuwabara in horrible condition) with Team Masho, this strange people in black robes… Luckily, Kurama and Hiei are back (after being attacked by strange robotic figures) but the nurse seal Kuwabara and Hiei in her tent, disabling them.
Kurama was to fight against Gama, a strange guy with make-up that slows him down. Being fully un-capable of movement, Touya decides to fight, freezing the entire arena with ice. Touya uses his Shards of Winter attack, and the strange make-up wears off and Kurama barely dodges. He eventually gets a plant in Touya which causes him to fall unconscious. Next… Bakken. Seeing as Kurama is on the verge of death, Yusuke tells him to take the fall but he refuses. Bakken ends up throwing him out of the ring after Jin had told him to stop pummeling him.
Yusuke hops into the arena and allows his opponent to hit him a couple of times, Yusuke just laughs. Bakken starts sweating to create a fog so Yusuke can't see. He outsmarts Bakken by shooting a wall with his Spirit Gun so the fog flows out of the ring. Yusuke ends up throwing him into a wall. And then there was Jin, who Yusuke found a friend in. Using his Spirit Wave, and Jin his double Tornado Fists, the committee calls it a draw.
The only person left to fight was Kagome, against the leader. Seeing as how everyone was unconscious or unable to fight. She was damaged slightly and her powers were a tad low because of all the Holy powers she used, but she managed. She fought against Rishou, and well… Kagome slaughtered him, for lack of a better word.
And so… the day's battles were once again done… for the time being, that is…
Yusuke Urameshi could not keep in a secret. He had to tell someone, anyone. So he rounded up his dear friends and told them that Kimiko, I mean Kagome, was his cousin. Everyone wanted to know how (on his mom's side, he said, I'm just glad I'm not related to Genkai). Kagome had been taking a shower at the time and could hear what Yusuke was saying. He thought she couldn't hear him but with her superior hearing, she could hear everything.
Kagome finished with her shower and walked in on their conversation. “Yusuke, I'm very disappointed in you. I thought you could keep a secret.”
“But I never said-“
“I could hear you for Christ's sake! I'm not deaf, I'm a goddamn demon! You dumbass!”
“What, no you're-“
“Yes I am and you know I am.”
“Yusuke, don't argue with me!”
“Look, just shut up Yusuke.”
“No one can hear us!”
“The walls can, and they speak a lot when they feel like it.”
“What the hell?”
“Kimiko-san, we're very confused. Please explain.”
“Yeah, `Kimiko', explain.”
“Wait… who's Kimiko?” Kuwabara asked. “I thought it was Kagome.”
“No, I'm Kimiko.”
“Okay, that's it. You people are all stupid! So incredibly stupid that it's not funny! Okay, I'm going to write everything down, and if you can't read, I don't give a shit!”
Kagome quickly wrote everything that had happened to her, only it was the shortened version. She wrote that she really was Kagome and that she was in a disguise. Also, she jotted down that she was in fact related to the dimwit. The Tentei read the paper, absorbing everything Kagome had written. Each finished at different times so one by one all were staring at her.
“Kimiko-san, I see your reasoning.”
“As you should.”
“I don't.”
“Can you even read, Kuwabaka?”
“Of course I can!”
“Then what don't you get?”
“How are you a demon and related to Urameshi? He's not human!”
“Oh… did I not write that?”
“Midoriko gave me a disguise.”
“The woman who created the Shikon no Tama.”
“I still don't get it. Wouldn't it not be permanent?”
“Nope, because she basically made me a demon.”
“Well what about what you used to look like before?”
“I can change at will.”
“Prove it.” Yusuke said. And to prove that she could, Kagome changed into her human form.
“Told you.” She said while changing back.
“Don't you `pft' me! I can blackmail you and you know it!”
“My name is not Kags or Kagome, why do you keep calling me that?”
“Sorry Kimiko.”
“Exactly. Now the finals are gonna start soon, let's get down to the stadium.”
“So you're not gonna ask me why I know about demons?”
“We're at the goddamn Dark Tournament, how couldn't you know? And Koenma told me everything he could. Now hurry up! Sesshomaru and Shippo are waiting for us.”
Next Update: Thursday
Three chapters remain…