InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter Nine
“And so our final two teams, Urameshi and Toguro will go head to head! Now, team Urameshi will decide how this will go down.”
“One on one, winner takes all.”
“Okay… Who against who?”
“Myself against Naraku.”
“Eh? There is no- never mind… I guess there is. Okay, so it's Kimiko from team Urameshi against Naraku from team Toguro.” In the background the crowd was cheering on Naraku… who was seemingly… Toguro in disguise?
Kagome walked onto the ring and put her human façade on. “Remind you of anyone, Naraku?”
“Ahh, Kagome. Nice to see you again, only last time I saw you, you were fully human.”
“Mmm, slight change in species I guess. You'll have to thank the Shikon.”
“So, you wished most half-demons wish, eh?”
“No, it was given to me, actually. Pity you won't get the jewel.”
“Oh I will, Kagome… or should I say Kimiko, or even Kikyo?”
“You know damn well I am not Kikyo's reincarnation.”
“Oh, but you remind me of her so. So, whatever happened to that whelp?”
“Inuyasha? Oh, he was killed.”
“Oh? By who, may I ask?”
“I wish I could say it was me, but sadly it wasn't. You can thank Sesshomaru for that.”
“Hmm, I suppose I'll have to thank him after I kill you.”
“Not a snowball's chance in hell will you.”
“Let's begin, shall we?”
Kagome removed Tessaiga from the sheath and charged at him. Naraku dodged to the right and was struck in the back from Kagome. She was faster and better than she was before, no one could beat her. She charged the blade with miko ki and reiki and ran at him once again. Naraku dodged again, this time jumping up leaving a cloud of miasma.
“You know that doesn't work.” Kagome shouted to the demon while purifying the air. She felt his presence behind her and sent flames behind her. She could hear him grunt from the pain. “Like my new powers, Naraku?”
She turned and ran at him once more, this time striking his chest. “Come on, where are your spider powers?” She twisted the blade around and jumped back. Naraku changed into his globular ((that's a real word! Holy shit!)) form ((the weird green blob one, like in the second movie or when he tries to absorb Fluffy)).
He shot his green tentacle at her while another twisted itself behind her. Kagome burned the first and dodged the second one. She created a fire barrier twisted with miko ki around her and ran at Naraku once more. She burned through his green glob tentacles and struck him once more, this time putting tons of miko power into it.
Naraku screamed in pain, `how could this bitch have defeated me once more? And without the help of any of her friends… Damn the girl, she was going to fucking pay.' Naraku sent ten tentacles, all laced with miasma, at her while he once more sent some behind her, all heavily contaminated with youki and miasma. She dodged the ones in front of her but got hit with one from behind.
Kagome cried out as she hit the ground, Tessaiga supporting her form. She stood up and toppled over a little. She tried to concentrate where Naraku was going to hit her next, but failed. She quickly put a barrier around her and tried to get rid of whatever Naraku had poisoned her with.
“It's not going to work, Kaggy! Buahahaha! ((No `kukuku-ing' for you!)) It'll never work; you'll just tire yourself out.” He changed back in to his people associating form and spread more miasma around.
Kagome looked up at him through her reddish coloured barrier and glared with all her might, “it won't work, eh? Then how come I can still stand?” She stood up with ease and grinned. She pulled Tessaiga out of the ground and quickly summoned her bow. Kagome aimed at Naraku and created arrows made of pure energy. She shot at him, five arrows in succession.
The half-demon dodged the first, but wasn't expecting the next few. He leapt up as to avoid them, but was grazed by one. The power enveloped his jumping form and he fell back down into the arena. The powers binding him were slowly sucking out his strength and he was forced to return to his globular form.
Our heroine, the improved demonic miko, ran at Naraku with the sword Midoriko had given her and Tessaiga, both covered in reiki, miko ki, and her newly acquired youki. She struck his chest, where his heart is supposed to be, and he disintegrated. Kagome fell to her knees and listened as the commentator announced her win.
Next Update: Tuesday
Oh my God, what am I gonna do next? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I know! Hehe! ^^ Two…