InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What not to Expect ❯ A Tale to Tell ( Chapter 1 )

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"Koenma sir?" A gruff voice suddenly spoke.
Two brown eyes slowly made their way from an important document held within a small pudgy hand, and to a light blue ogre standing in front of him. Unlike the others who resided outside of spirit world, he wore a simple brown suit, yes, this was his assistant, George.
"Yes?" he calmly stated, young eyes now worn from exhaustion, and black circles around his eyes from lack of sleep. He had spent the last week diving through information, interrogating arrogant wolf demons, and suffering the painful beatings from his father.
He shuddered when the repeated image of Hiei holding his blade to his tiny neck appeared once more.
For a minute, George just stood there, once again starring at his master with disbelieving eyes. He never could get why his master preformed this smaller form instead of his normal one.
He knew he was wrong for thinking this way, but it was hard to be serious around him.
Sucking a pacifier, and wearing a baby blue hakami with a light pink sash and a giant bowlers hat that matched the hakami that had bold black letters on the pink band labeled "JR."
-chuck, chuck, chuck- "Ogre?" Koenma repeated.
'How does he talk with that thing in his mouth…'
A vein popped out of Koenma's head.
Slamming his fists onto the table, papers flying everywhere, his squeaky voice boomed through the entire room, "OGRE!"
"AHH!" he practically jumped a few feet back from the sudden surprise. Then trailed off with an 'Oh' followed by an index finger scratching the side of his forehead. "I'm sorry Koenma-sama, I guess I got lost in though today. You see the milk man this morning…"
When George began to trail off once more, Koenma could only sigh and sunk back into his chair, his fingers rubbing against his temples in an attempt to suppress the already rising headache.
He was Tired. He had been stamping, filing reports, and answering complaints all day. The girls were still missing, and if he didn't have any information on their where abouts soon…a vivid image of his dead body popped into his mind, and he gulped, Kurama would have his head if Hiei didn't get to him first!
"…and to this day I still can't find those banana pickles!" George sighed. "But anyway.." he placed a brown package on the table, "Boss said this was important…would you like me to play it for you?"
Koenma was still in his thoughts, but it seemed that when the word 'boss' popped in his head he jumped onto the desk immediately. "What! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU WAITING FOR! PUT IT IN, PUT IT IN!"
"Y-yes Koenma sir!" George immediately did as he was told, being careful not to break the DVD in the wrapper, he popped it into the player.
The screen in front of them was blank, even though it only took seconds for the video to start, it felt like hours. He had sent a request to the head boss for information on the girls. They had been gone for weeks, and as soon as he knew something was up, he asked for information, hoping that it would be able to help him learn their where abouts.
Most would think that it was his father that ran spirit world, but man were they fooled. No he may have controlled the flow but not the energy, the power, or the balance.
She had sent him the video, the head honcho her self. Midoriko.
As the screen cleared, the camera zoomed in on a bed, covered in nothing but crimson linen and resting beneath them, was the shrine maiden her-self. Sitting up, her arms folded neatly in front of her and her eyes closed.
Once pale skin was slightly redden, and her beautiful silkily brown hair was affray. "Koenma-sama…" she said softly, a warm small graced her features, but she couldn't open her eyes. "I have refused to answer or report any other answers because this case…is very important." Her voice was ragged and she sounded like she desperately needed water. "We are dealing with forces, that even I had no idea we would encounter…this wasn't apart of the plan, and if you do not pay attention to what I have to show you…the universe as we know it, will be gone. "
She took a deep breath, and behind her, a light shone brightly until it consumed her body and her bed, and eventually the whole room, but her voice still lingered. "Allow me to show you, the past. This journey will take a day, and afterwards, you will know what to do…look carefully Young Spirit, for I will show you the day the Naraku was defeated and to the day the girls were taken away. 500 years ago…"

The screen once again blackened out, and as the picture faded in, a battle field came into view, the camera slowly zoomed in onto two young girls. One who looked 15 was kneeling on the ground, her outfit was the symbol of a demon slayer. Black hide covered the gist of her body, and on her elbows, knees, shoulders, and lower torso was pink armor. Slightly cracked, and the hide was tattered, while her brown hair cascaded in a battle around her frame.
And even though she was seriously wounded, her brown eyes gleamed brightly and a smile shone across her face. And in her arms, was another maiden, looking worse than the female whom was supporting her. Wearing a sailor uniform, the white blouse was stained red and black from blood and dirt, her skirt was layered in many assortments of holes, tears, and cuts from a blade or claw, this outfit, signaled she was not from that time period.
She was panting, her head laid proudly on the hunters shoulder, her ebony hair also around her shoulders while blue eyes gazed at the hanyu before her. Resting in her right hand, was the Shikon No Tama.
The silver haired dog smirked as the last of the darkened blood was absorbed by the Tetsusaiga, like Totosai had stated, when Naraku was defeated, he would be able to absorb the demons blood and the Tetsusaiga would be able to control the power of Miasma. He would keep this secrete from his friends, as a surprise. When they are in battle, he can show off his new skills.
"Keh!" he turned toward the monk who was resting on the fire cat Kirara, and starring at his right hand. Dressed in nothing but dark robes of purple and black, the buddist beads laid in a sprawl around him as he took a deep tearful sigh, "He's gone…" he said, half laughing.
Kagome and Sango nodded.
Shippo was with Sesshomaru back in the west, and although she would be glad to see him, she knew she wouldn't. Her Shippo "InuYasha…" she said in a excitingly fake tone. In her right hand, was the jewel, upheld as an offering to the hanyu.
InuYasha looked down at Kagome, guilt had pooled in the middle of his stomach, but he still took the jewel from her hand.
Almost instantly, the jewel began to glow softly in it's color, and a voice spoke, "What is it that you wish hanyu…to be a full yokai maybe? Or…do you wish to be united with your human mother?"
The air was quiet, "Neither…" he growled and forced sorrowful eyes away from Kagome and back to the orb in his hand, "I wish…" he paused, and as if literally forcing himself to say it, he yelled "I was for Kikyo to be fully alive!"
Nothing happened, and once again the air was still. "Did you here me?" he repeated. Gripping the jewel into a tight fist, he began to shake it violently in the air. "I said….!" he was cut off, the jewel in his closed hand, had begun to pulse, pink waves emitting from his first slowly spread out with each vibration.
When the waves had finally reached the body of Kagome, her flesh it self had began to glow pink and slowly her image began to dissolve within the air it's self, but her form didn't disappear completely, in her places, in Sango's arms was Kikyo.
Her expression soft, and her once cold and hard face, was pale, and that off her younger self before death had taken her.
Awe stricken, Sango couldn't believe at how warm Kikyo was to the touch, she could feel the pulse of a beating heart, a single that Kikyo was alive and Kagome was…"InuYasha!" she screamed, practically thrusting the young maiden aside and grabbed the Hiraikotsu to her side and ran full charge toward InuYasha. But the vibrations were still emitting from his hand, and when they hit Sango's body, like Kagome's, her flesh began to glow pink and she just froze, like stone, the angry expression on her face.
InuYasha paid no mind to her, in his eyes only Kikyo had shown, when Sango stopped her attack, he rushed to the young miko's aid and kneeled down wrapping her into a full embrace.
"Sango!" Miroku yelled, her body was starting to fade, and she was now transparent, when he tried to tackle her, he fell right through and landed flat face into the ground.
He quickly got up, but when he did, he could only stare as the pink vibrations hit him as well, but it didn't effect him, "No!" he cried and reached out to grab the taiga's shoulders. But his hands went right through, and literally fell through right in the center of her breasts.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at her slowly fading form. He feel to his knees, staff dropping beside him as he pounded into the grounded, "Hit me! Slap me!" he tried to grab her legs, but his hands only went through, until the vibrations, along with Sango, faded into the clear air.
Violet eyes darted to the hanyu before him, growling, he ran over to him and flung him from Kikyo's arms, fists now balled tightly around his shirt. "YOU!" he screamed. "What have you done!"
But there wasn't time to answer, Miroku answered his own question by sending a fist flying into InuYasha's cheek.