InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 'Hello I Still Love You' ❯ 'Hello' ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Series: InuYasha
R (for attempt suicide)
song fic.
'Hello' - Evanescence
unfortunately I don't own InuYasha but in my dream's I do and hey you can't sue me for that . Can you?
I Still Love You~~

month ago we killed Naraku... a week ago I saw Inuyasha with Kikyo... why?' Kagome thought.
through the park, Kagome was deep in thought and didn't notice the golden eyes watching her.

school bell rings againclouds come to play again

am I all alone?... I love Inuyasha but yet... I thought he loved me too?... Why did he choose Kikyo?'
down on some swings she looks up into the sky.
it's cold out. I'm glad mom made me put this jacket on before I left.'
reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulls out the pocketknife her grandfather gave her to use in Sengoku Jidai. She pulls up the arms of her jacket.
can't ever go back to Inuyasha. There is no point in going back. Sango was kiled by Naraku. Miroku was sucked into his wind tunnel. Shippo has grown and doesn't need me. And InuYasha... well, he has Kikyo.'
feels something wet slide down her face and land on her leg.

no one told you she's not breathing?I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to

it! I'm crying over InuYasha again!'
wipes her face then opens up the pocketknife. She puts the blade to her arm and...
need to get over him. He has Kikyo for god's sake! He doesn't want me and I can't stand this feeling."
begins to pull the blade across her arm and watches the blood flow.

I smile and don't believeI know I'll wake from this dream

need to see Kagome again. I miss her so much. I put Kikyo to rest so I could be with her... and she ran." Inuyasha thought aloud.

I need to speak with you."
is it that you want, InuYasha? Did you come to go to hell with me now?" Kikyo asked smoothly with no emotions.
I love Kagome and i'm not leaving her! Not now or ever, Kikyo!" InuYasha shouted.
you promised me your life and you're going to keep that promise, even if I have to kill Kagome myself to get you to keep it!"
jumps into InuYasha's arms and kisses him. Just then he could smell her. His Kagome. Shocked, Kagome runs from the scene she has just witnessed.
it, Kikyo!"
putting Kikyo to rest, Inuyasha runs after Kagome only to find that she has gone through the well.
as well try the well again"
he jumps in he feels a familiar blue light surround him.
need to tell Kagome that I love her. I hope that she forgives me. I miss my Kagome so much."

try to fix me I'm not brokenI'm the lie living for you can so you can hidecry

he jumps out he can smell her walking by.
is she doing out this late?'
quietly follows her to the park, and is supprised that he hasn't been sensed yet. Her power had grown when they killed Naraku.
must be deep in thought... Is she thinking about me?'
watches her sit down on the swing. He hears her quietly talk to herself and begins to smell something salty. She was crying.
she is thinking of me. But I don't love Kikyo... I love her.'
he suddenly smelled something different. It was the scent of her blood.

I know I'm not sleeping I'm still herethat's left of yesterday

flames are very much welcome since it is just my first fanfic and thank you aquablueflamedragon (AKA Susan) for editing this for me and helping me out since you are like my bestfriend!!!! ^_^ and you're also trying to help me get my drawing's up!! ^_^ your such a pal
REVIEW!!!!!!! I need more because I do have an ending to this just not typed up and it's not gonna be if I don't get at least a couple of review's I don't care if they are to tell me I suck! -_-;; but please be nicer then that!
got anything to say?
fine then Susan be that way to our nice readers!!!!!!!
Monkies, Bunnies, and Birdies. But Most Importantly.... BIRRRDIE OMELETTES!!.... with tomato sauce and ketchup and root beer on top... yea ^^