InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ~"HIM"~ ❯ An Orgy? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

An Orgy?

In the bedroom

Ms. H walked in on them and saw the 5 of them sleeping one thin and very small comforter. She brought in a bigger and thicker one and placed it around the 5 of them. Oh how she missed her daughter.

The sight of them brought back the old times. Of how all of them use to sleep on one bed, except there seemed to be one person missing, of course he really never hung around `them' once he entered high school leaving `them' back in middle school.

She was about to walk away but decided to make these memories of her daughter last before she left again. Also it would make a great item for black mailing.

She grabbed the camera and took several photos before leaving the room.

There they were 5 out of the 6 `troublesome kids' sleeping peacefully on the bed like once before.

The two boys on the outside, Sango on the inside of Miroku, Kikyou on the inside of Inuyasha while Kagome was snuggled in the middle of the 4 bodies.

Kagome was in dream land until she heard her brothers voice.

"Oi. Sister. Where are you?"-souta

~Man was his voice changing, must be puberty.~ "I'm in my room Souta."- She said half yawning.

She heard her brothers footsteps approach her room then the door swung open.

"OMG. Kagome, is that what you learned in America?"- souta, trying to contain himself from laughing.

"What are you talking about?"- kag her eyes were still closed.

"Gross, honestly sister if you wanted an orgy, at least half it with `men' not boys like those two turds. Also lock your door next time."-souta

She shot her head up "ORGY?" then her eyes looked on the bed to the four other people sleeping.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed. She flung her body all over them hugging and smothering them with her kisses.

"I knew it was an ORGY. Man wait till mom hears this"- souta smiled closing the door.

Kagome didn't hear, she was to occupied trying to awaken her slumbering friends.

"Sango, Miroku, Kikyou, Inuyasha, I missed you guys. When did you get here? How did you know that I was here? How long are you guys staying? Did you miss me while I was away?..." there was many more questions she was going about 100 miles a minute while jumping up and down.

When Miroku woke up he couldn't help but smile. She definitely grew up while she was away. She had to be about a C, maybe even a D cup. ~Wow.~

"Stop the rockin' Kag. We got here a while ago! Now shut it and let us go back to sleep."-inu

"Inuyasha" kik smacked him in the back of the head "She just got back and you aren't even going to say how much you missed her?"-kik

"She knows. Right Kag?"-he looked at her she just nodded while laughing "See now how's about we let her take a shower and get dressed and we'll see you downstairs alright Kag?"-inu

"Yeah sure, hey by the ways where is Sess?"-kag

"Oh. He is with his gir-" miroku got cut off with sangos elbows.

"He couldn't make it."-san

"Oh." Her smile fell. "Well okay. Lemme just take a shower and I'll meet ya'll downstairs kay.

They all nodded and gave her a hug one by one while leaving the door.

The last one to leave was Sango who gave her the biggest embrace. It was good to be back.

She was happy she saw her friends and family the only thing that was haunting her was the fact that Sesshoumaru wasn't there to greet her back home.

She took a shower, got dressed and left her hair down to dry. While inspecting herself in the mirror, she forgot to dye her hair. She didn't want her mom to see what she did to her hair.

Her mother always told her to have natural hair. Oh well it looked like her mom just had to see it like that.

She put on some light red eye shadow to match the bottom half of her hair, some black eyeliner and mascara for the top part of her hair. A little blush, and some shiny roll on lip-gloss.

Grabbed her socks and ran downstairs.

"Guys where are you?"-kag

"In the kitchen Sister."-souta

"Hey why is it so dark in here?"-kag