InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ~"HIM"~ ❯ A Walk in the Park ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Walk in the Park

[[I am skipping the whole surprise scene I am taking too long on one day especially in the afternoon]]

So basically `surprise' `we miss you' yadda yadda yadda. `Let's do something later tonight' `movies' yadda yadda yadda.

"Okay, how about we all go home get changed, Inuyasha and I will go and rent some movies and Miroku will go buy some `more' munchies since he's the one that ate all the food. Sango since you live next door you stay here and help Kagome unpack."-kik

They all stood up and saluted her in a military fashion "Yes ma'am" they all said in unison.

"Ha ha very funny lets go Inuyasha."-kik

One by one they left giving Kagome a hug and telling her that they'll be back.

She loved it she had her friends and family, but something was still nagging her. He was missing, why didn't he show, did they not tell him about her coming back? She was lost in her thoughts until the door burst open, Sango wiped of her feet and closed the door behind her.

"Now lets got get those clothes on some hangers."-san

The both of them made their ways upstairs to her room. They began to tell each other about how life was while they were away. Kagome apparently made Prom queen and that she was Valedictorian.

But no matter how much talking they did her mind kept drifting back to `him'.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore.

"Umm, Sango"-kag


"Why didn't Sesshoumaru come?"-kag

Sango's face went from happy to sad in 2.3 seconds. Kagome knew something was wrong.

"Come here" Sango patted on the bed where she was at. Kagome just walked over and sat in the bed bringing her knees to her chest. "Kagome. *pause* he didn't come because he doesn't know your back."-san

"Is that all, well since the other won't be back for a while how about we go visit him and make my presence known."-kag

Sango couldn't tell her, it wasn't right; she shouldn't be the one telling her it should be Sesshoumaru. But there was only one way for her to find out so Sango gathered all of her courage.

"Kagome there is something that you should know…"-san

Sango began to tell her about how after she left Sesshoumaru began to date Kagome just sat there and listened thoroughly. Until she heard something about an engagement, and that the marriage was going to take place at the end of summer.

She could phase it. He was too young. Barely in college, who was this bitch that is taking her Sesshoumaru away? She sat there in silence. Sango began to worry, she was expecting for her to be flinging her arms and yelling bloody murder, but no she sat there with a blank expression on her face.

Kagome got up put on a jacket and walked out her room and downstairs. She yelled to her mother that she was going for a walk.

Sango came downstairs and sighed.

"Sango dear is there something a matter?"-ms h

"I just told her about Sesshoumaru and the Bi-I mean person."-san. Heavy emphasis on person

"Oh. Well let her cool off she's probably going to just talk a walk in the park she'll be back before you know it. Now why don't you help me make some Chocolate cookies while we wait?"-ms h

Sango couldn't say no to the cookies. She just nodded and followed Ms. H to the kitchen.

**********In the Park**********

She was glad that she remembered the way to the park. She always came to the park when she felt like she had to relieve some steam.

Sakura Trees lined the outer walls of the park there was three sections. One field being the play area full of kids and sandboxes, jungle gyms and so forth. The second area was where they held the different fields for the different sports, like football, soccer, baseball etc. The last consisted of a walk way that swiveled and looped around the entire park. In the middle of the field was a lake filled with ducks, surrounding it was benches.

She walked over to one of the benches and sat down. Thinking about what Sango had just told her about an hour ago.

~Sesshoumaru getting married. Wow. ~

The day was perfect, the sun was set high, and the scent of Sakura blossoms filled the park. She needed to get her mind off of this.

Kagome needed to go for a walk; she started on the path, for about a good 4 minutes she didn't think about anything else. She was really out of it until reality pulled her back in. She bumped into some guys back side.

"Oh. I am so sorry I was so preoccupied I wasn't watching where I was going." She said as she was bowing politely.

"No I am sorry I guess I wasn't watching where I was going" the guy had said.

When Kagome lifted her face she came in contact with the most beautiful crystal blue orbs she's ever seen she couldn't help but blush a little.

"My name is Motoki" he reached his hand out.

She cautiously grabbed it "Umm…Hello"

"I know we just met but would you mind if I take a couple of pictures of you" - mot while flashing his camera around [[the ones that the professionals use]]

"Umm are you a photographer of some sort?"kag

"Well I am going to be hopefully… I am taking a summer class at Tokyo U."-mot

"Oh. Well I guess as long as it's in the park and not at some estranged abandoned studio. I heard on the news that the male genders like to pose around being photographers and take beautiful women into abandoned buildings, well I don't know why you would ask me."-kag she just realized what she said and became redder than a tomato.

"Well to prove to you that I am not one of those men here is my license, and my school ID, my library card, and my subway card."-mot he began to hand her these items when she began to laugh.

"OK OK I believe you, now why do you need to take pictures?"-kag

They began to walk on the same path as before.

"Well my Professor gave us an assignment it was to capture nature."-mot

"Well why not go to a beach?"-kag

"I thought about, but everybody and their momma are prolly doing that, then it got me thinking, he said nature, but he didn't say what kind of nature, so I decided to choose the human nature."- mot


"And the park seemed to fit the description I mean this is a place where you can play with friends, share time with you loved ones or relax, it's also a place to get away or some alone time. I'm guessing that's what you were doing?"-mot

"Yeah actually it was, but umm I have to go so if you wanna take those pictures you gotta make is snappy."-she said with a big grin

"Well you can go ahead and leave cause want these pictures to be natural looking so just walk away once you take a path that curves I'll take the picture, by the ways your hairstyle is different."-mot

"Thanks I kind of did it on a dare." She looked at her watch "Shit. My families gonna be worried. Well it was nice meeting you Motoki and I hope to see you around some time." She gave him one last wave and went off

Motoki just stood there wondering who that beauty was. Before she disappeared he managed to take some pictures of her, finishing up the whole roll of film. When he noticed that he couldn't take any more pictures she took out a new one and replacing it with a new roll.

"Hey Motoki where have you been?"- A boy called to him

"Oh. I was just finishing up Mr. Tsuki's assignment. Hey you should have been here just a while ago I just mean the most beautiful creature alive."-mot

"So a hot girl eh… Did you ask her out on a date?

"Shit… you know what I didn't even ask what her name was."-mot

"Well way to go shit brain… Anyhow my I wont be at the apartment until late. I'm helping Yura move into her new place so go ahead and eat dinner with out me."

"K. Oh yeah. You brother called this morning, a few minutes after you left."-mot

"What did he want?"

"He said that he wont make it this afternoon to help you with whatever you had to do cause something came up."-mot

"What that ass, it better be good. So umm Motoki since my brother can't help me can you? I'll buy you dinner."

"Yeah sure Sesshoumaru. Let me just stop by the dark room to drop of the film."-mot

"Thanks man you're the best"-sess…


Thank you I know this is a very plain chapter but my thoughts are being interrupted. I am truly sorry…

Thank you for those who review