InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ "Kikyo Fic" (title subject to change) ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers: Other than Kag I own absolutely nothing.


The fifth fire kuma kitten, now officially named Buya, was in fact with Kag and Shippo at the riverside. Shippo had been busying himself with collecting herbs while Kag bathed.

Just as Kag finished tieing her kimono, a human with red eyes burst from the forest. It stumbled to the girl's feet.

"Please! Please, I beg of you!" it shouted in a high voice with a growling undertone. "Please give me your soul! A dead girl with a soul is extremely hard to come by! Especially one that has been mastered!"

Just as the human finished his plea, eight huge spider-like legs exploded from its back. Kag screamed in fright as the human writhed in pain as the youkai devoured its soul and body. It lunged at her, and she barely managed to get away. Buya jumped between the girl and the youkai, his tail bristling.

"Goddamn it all to HELL!!" A violent snarl was followed closely by the appearence of Inuyasha.

The transformed Tetsusaiga ripped the youkai in half. Inuyasha came to his feet and spun, Tetsusaiga cleaving the youkai to pieces. Just as he jumped away, a purification arrow struck the ground, sending out a pulse of light that purified and destroyed the youkai.

Inuyasha landed by Kagome, who had her bow in her hand.

Kag felt a swell of guilt. She should have been able to protect herself, dammit! But here Kagome and Inuyasha had to come from halfway across the village to save her!

It only added to her guilt when Sango and Miroku rode in on Kirara. Buya mewed and bounded to his mother, nuzzling her front paw affectionately.

But then... she hardly felt guilty at all. They came because they were concerned about her. Her mother never would have done that. It was always the village people taht helped her, the village men that carried her when she was tired, the villagewomen that fed her, and the other children that played with her and cheered her up.

Her mother-- no, Kikyou-- was always more concerned with healing others to even pay attention to her. When she was attacked and hurt, kikyou would merely heal her and move on, always a stoic look on her face.

Inuyasha was different. He comforted her when she cried, and even kept her warm when she fell asleep. Always Kagome was by his side. She watched over her as protectively as she did Shippo. She fed her, with the food Inuyasha brought. They both helped her, and Shippo played with her. Miroku, Sango, Kaede, Shippo, Kirara, Inuyasha, Kagome, and the other kuma kittens... they all tried to cheer her up.

Inuyasha strode over to her, and knelt near her. Carefully and gently, he looked her over to make sure she wasn't hurt. He looked over her arms, tenderly taking her small clawed hand in his own larger one. Convinced she wasn't hurt, he lifted her up and carried her on the way back to their house.

They proceeded quietly, Shippo being carried by Kagome. Kag returned to her thoughts as she slightly gripped Inuyasha's haori for a feel of extra security.

Inuyasha was her father, she couldn't change that. Kagome was his mate, Shippo their adoptive son. To Sango, Kagome was like a sister. Miroku likewise was like a brother to Kagome.

Sango and Miroku could be like an aunt and uncle to her, and Shippo like a brother. Kaede was like everyone's grandmother.

No, Kagome couldn't be her mother. She would never equal Kikyou. She could never be her mother like Kikyou had been.

She'd be better than Kikyou. Too far above the dead miko that measurement was impossible. True, she would never be a mother like Kikyou. But that was a good thing.


The only thing in the original afternotes worth noting is this, and quote: "Oh, I just realized something! Kaede CAN'T be Kag's grandma! Hereditarily speaking, Kaede would be Kag's aunt! But then again, since-- aw screw it, Kaede's her grandma!"

That seriously looked better on paper...

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