InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ Execution of Plan A ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter: Execution of plan "A"

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha. Mwahahaha!

A/N: Hey everyone. Thanx for the reviews so far for both of my stories. I am trying to do something where I put a chapter up once a week for both stories but my boss called me into work so it kinda slowed me down. Well hope you like the story. ^_^

Rin flashed the flashlight at Shippo, "So tommorrow I am going to be at the High school tomorrow at 1:55. I need you to have everything set up back here at the house. Got it."

Shippo nodded his head vigourously shaking the bed and their little makeshift tent that they had made on it. "But why can't I go with you and just make sure everything is set up tonight."

"Well first off with Inu Yasha living here and you annoying him he might just mess with anything that you spend time working on because he acts just like a little kid. Second the plan most likely is going to backfire because you were around them most in the past. They are going to remember you more than me. So if they see you they are going to run first then ask questions later. See why I need you here?"

"Yeah I guess so. I just haven't seen Miroku and Sango in such a long time, I sorta can't wait to see them."
(a/n: Shippo is so cute!)

"In due time we will see them, in due time."

"Ok well lets go to sleep so that I can get to meet them again sooner."

They scrambled out of the Rin's bed and pulled down their little tent then they jumped into their own beds.

"Good night Rin!"

"Good night Shippo!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sesshomaru smirked at the to kids who had hatched up a plan to get Miroku and Sango to remember things through the crack at the door. "Things should get more interesting now. If I do say so myself."

He closed the door and started walking to the study thinking of how he could help in the matters. Then he stopped in his tracks, "How the hell do those kids know that Sango and Miroku are going to be at the school tomorrow? I didn't even know that since tomorrow is Saturday. How the hell would they know that. I did enroll them in school." He turned and looked back at their room. "I will let them sleep and ask them tomorrow." He shook his head and continued walking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inu Yasha walked around in circles under Kagome's window. 'Should I wait some more or should I just jump up there and speak to her. I have never been this nervous talking to her before. So why now? Is it because it seems like I am starting anew with her. I feel like I have to talk to this really popular girl in school and I have to gather the courage to speak to her. This sucks.'

Inu Yasha looked up at the window once more. 'I think I will wait some more.' He continued pacing under window while now tossing the time talisman up in the air and catching it again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"And why do I have to come along with you Sango. You know I sleep in on Saturdays. But yet I am at this God forsaken school yet again. I love you dearly but why do I have to be here?"

"Miroku shut up, I signed us up to set up for the upcoming prom. The only thing we have to come in for today is to help figure out the pricing for the tickets and what kind of theme we should go with. This prom is in less then a months time. So we have to put a lot of energy into it, especially since the president of the prom committee lost all the information for what they were going to do for this year's prom. It seems she can't even remember what the original theme was. Isn't that stupid. I have never heard of such a thing. They called last night to tell me about it because I thought it was going to be something simple for us to do but no. The president said all the prom information was gone on friday night not to long before she called me. How could files of information be gone just like that? I think the ditz just lost it."

"You say such a mouthful sometimes my dear Sango. Well how long do you think this will take? Probably til one, one thirty."

"WHAT! It's eight right now. Why would they need all that time to figure out prom prices and a theme?"

"I don't know. Maybe because she lost all the information to prom. So most likely they will probably want to do more stuff then just that."

"Oh forget it. Just lead me to my grave." Miroku reached over and grabbed her derrire. Sango swung on him and he landed on the ground.

"Miroku you are not getting out of this by me killing you."

Miroku rolled over, "Oh... you could of fooled me."

Sango rolled her eyes, "Just get up. They are waiting for us."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rin sat on the bench swinging her feet at 2:15 in front of the school. "Wow it's taking that prom committee a while to get finished. When Shippo and I feigned we were going to sleep and went to that girls house to take that prom file we didn't think it would take them this long for just one meeting to get stuff started again. Of course when everyone finds out what happened their gonna want to know how we knew about the prom and it all being on a itty bitty file. But guess what that's a secret and know body it going to know." She giggled to herself as she continued swinging her legs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Miroku I know your hungry." Sango said as she walked out the front entrance of the school, "But when I called last night to tell you, you were coming with me I told you we needed to be there at eight and what do you do? Not eat breakfast early and you wasn't even up when I called you at seven thirty. You know how I am about being on time. I swear you and Kagome are the worst when it comes to being on time."

"Sango you cut my heart so deep but... hey do you see that little girl there? I wonder why she's sitting there all alone. It seems like she is talking to herself too. Why would anyone leave a unstable child sitting there by themselves like that?"

Sango looked over, "Your right, let's go see if she is waiting for a ride or something."

They walked over to the little girl and Sango spoke up, "Hey cutie, how come your sitting there all alone by yourself?"

The little girl looked up at them with watery eyes, "I was waiting for a ride home, but nobody came for me yet. I don't know what to do. It takes a long time to walk home. I have been waiting here since eight fifteen."


The girl sniffled, "I don't know what to do."

Miroku knelt down onto his knees, "Ok we're going to give you a ride home ok. I know your not supposed to take rides with strangers but this is a special occasion. Do you know your address?" She nodded. "Alright come on. You tell Sango the address and we'll do the rest."

The little girl smiled at them and said, "Um... Well so you guys won't be strangers to me anymore... what's your names?"

Sango smiled as she lifted the little girl off the bench, "Well as my boyfriend said my name is Sango, and his name is Miroku."

"San..go and Mir..oku. Those are odd names. Well my name is Rin."

Miroku turned around, "So Rin isn't a odd name?" He smiled at her, come on Rin we need to get you home."

She smiled at him and took his and Sango's hand, "Thank you, you guys."

They smiled down at her the Sango said, "SOOO... about those directions."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What the... Isn't this like where we took Kagome? Yo this is so Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru's place."

Miroku shrugged his shoulders as they pulled up to the front gate of the mansion. As before when Kagome stuck out her head, Rin stuck out her head for the camera and the rot iron gates opened.

"This is so not cool Miroku. Why are we back at Inu Yasha's?"

Rin spoke up and said, "Yeah I live with Sesshomaru-sama and Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha is always talking about a Kagome and he forgets about me. It's so sad isn't it."j

They looked at her and gave her the, "Awww that's really fucked up to do to a little girl," look. They got to the front of the driveway near the front door then Sango turned to Miroku, "We should walk her to her door and all, you know, so we can talk to Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru about leaving kids at a high school of all places for hours at a time."

Miroku nodded his head, they got out the car and knocked on the door. The door swung open at their light knock and noticed that it was pitch black inside the house., "What the hell..." They both stepped in at the same time and felt something trip them. They looked around for the source of what tripped them but the front door was slammed shut leaving them with no source of light.

Sango spoke up, "Um... hey Rin... This isn't funny... Why did you close the door... Rin? Miroku why are you all close to my head like that?"

"Hun, I am no where near you. I am searching for you now."

"Well... then what is that next to my he... Ahhh!" BAM


The lights came on and Rin stood above the two with a pot in her hand. Shippo stood near the light switch giggling, "Wow I can't believe a monk and a demon exterminator got duped by two kids like that. I can't wait to tell them when they finally understand stuff."

"You did a good job setting up everything. Is all the other stuff in place?"


"Well then lets go to plan b!"

"Right-o captain Rin!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sesshomaru looked over the side of the balcony and shook his head. "Well now that they finished their plan I wonder if Inu Yasha spoke to Kagome yet..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inu Yasha looked back up at Kagome's window, "Ok I think I should talk to her now. She should be awake by now." He walked over to the tree that was next to her window and jumped it. Then he leaned over and pushed the window open and climbed in. 'Here goes nothing.'

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A/N: Hey ya'll! Ok the next chapter is going to be the interrogation Rin and Shippo give Miroku and Sango. Then Inu Yasha finally talking to Kagome. Will she believe? Or is this another cruel joke? Or is he really sneaking into her room on a dare to get her panties? Well of course you guys know the truth but I am just humoring myself. Anyways the next chappie should be up in a few days. Sorry this was short but sometimes I can't help it. I wanted a cliffie. Latah days ^_^

p.s. please review and check out other story called Lemonade and Lime: Book of Lemons ^_^. I put up a new chappie along with this one.