InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ "You guys should know this..." ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12: `You guys should know this…'

Disclaimer: Do you really think I own Inu Yasha?

A/N: Hello all my readers! Thank you for the continuing reading of my stories. I am sorry about the continued slow updating but my finals are finally over and I have a three-week break so I can keep up now. Plus my laptop is getting fixed so I should be on a roll now. On with the story!

"I am so freakin' tired." Kagome rolled over in bed into the exact same position that she had just rolled from a moment ago. She wiped at the eye buggers in the corners of her eyes and rolled over again.

The only that was keeping her up was the thoughts of everything that happened to her going on a three day time period. First she was having a perfectly good day in school on Thursday until she met these two boys that just happened to be super rich brothers who could've brought out the entire school and turned everyone in the school into slaves if they wanted too. Then she ended up having to tutor them, but it wasn't like any ordinary tutoring session where you just taught some dummy something and maybe they might of picked up on it. It was more like they were on some kind of horny kick. Then after getting out of the atmosphere of that the younger one hits on her in a bathroom nonetheless and tells her he would never lose her again. After that confession the make out session happens and then she beats on him. But of course while running out of the mansion the older one does some kind of I like you too thing on her and that made her retaliate. While running madly out of there her common sense hits her and tells her to get her crap or she would never get back to her house by sunrise. With all that going on of course there happens to be some corn of the children kids telling her they miss her and that she forgot everything about them. Like she would forget something like that! But then the two numbskulls do this thing after that and transform into… so thing she couldn't even comprehend which made her pass out! Then of course her dreams start warning her to stay away from them. Waking up from that she gets memories of the color red and smells of a forest. She couldn't take it anymore! Even the older one who wasn't pushing onto her as much mad her so angry she had to push him off the stairs railing. This all happens in ONE DAY! Then the real kicker is when the man from her dreams is really real and was kind of hitting on her too. Then the fact that Miroku and Sango are saying they are remembering stuff too just threw her through the loop.

She took a deep breath as if she said all that but she was only thinking to herself, "I wonder what Sango and Miroku are doing right now? I mean if they are remembering things that haven't even seen like those kids then something must be going on in here…"

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"Ugh… what the hell… my head hurts…" Miroku lifted up his head but it hurt. He tried to lift up his hand to feel the pain but then realized his hands were tied down. "What the fucks going on here?!"

"We're… tied down by that little thing."

Miroku looked to his side and saw Sango with one of the angriest faces he'd ever seen in his life staring into the distance. He followed her gaze and set his eyes upon the little girl Rin sitting on a stool on the other side of the room smiling a tooth grin with her head cocked to the side.

Miroku looked around the room and noticed they were in a nice sized room with barely any light and a table sitting in front of them. For some reason he felt like he was sitting in a police station waiting to get interrogated and that little twerp was the police officer about to interrogate them.

"Yay! Your both awake!"


Rin giggled, "Silly if you would of let me finish you would know why you're sitting there right now tied up."

Miroku smiled then said, "This is actually kind of funny well ok tell us your story."

Rin slid off the stool and walk up to the table standing on her tiptoes and said, "Do you remember anything about your past?"

Miroku and Sango looked at each other then back at Rin.

"Of course we do, why would we not," Sango said in a disgruntled voice.

"So then tell me about it."

"Will this make your twisted little game go a little faster?"

"Yeah I just want to know if you guys know your past like you think you do…"

Sango sighed, "Ok I live with my father and my uncle. I lived in Kyoto before I came here and started going to middle school here when I met Kagome," a soft smile came to her face, "we have been friends ever since the first day I met her. I remember how she took me around the school and chattered away about herself. Nobody had ever warmed up to me like that. She was the one who actually introduced me to the school pervert sitting right next to me," She looked over at Miroku, "We walked up on him gazing into the girls locker room. Even though he grabbed on every girls butt for some reason I fell in love with him even after I found all those smutty magazines in his locker."

Miroku smiled at her, "I lived in this area all my life with my father and his girlfriend of month, I have know Kagome since elementary school. Even though she knew how perverted I was (a/n: isn't it sad that he even admits it) she still was my friend then the day she introduced me to Sango everything changed for me. She introduced me to someone I fell in love with instantly."

They continued gazing at each other then Rin cleared her throat, "Ok guys this isn't a crappy soap opera, but don't you think that it's kinda weird that both of you would talking about Kagome. Has she been that influential to both of you?"

They both smiled at her, "Yes"

Rin smiled, "Well do you guys have any memories of Kagome outside of school?"

Miroku laughed, "Yeah like when went to the ice cream parlor and Kagome put…"

"No not memories like that I mean memories where you guys had to go on a journey with her in search of something?"

Sango and Miroku stared at her, "Why would you bring something like that up?"

"Your telling me you guys don't remember going on a journey with her… and someone else?"

"What do you mean someone else?"

"Gosh you guys are almost as simple as she was that night."

They exchanged looks again then Miroku said, "Your talking about Kagome like she is someone you know…"

Sango gasped, "Because she is that little girl that she was talking about… the other day… she's the Rin that sounded so familiar… I don't feel right Miroku…"

Miroku narrowed his eyes, "So that means that if she is Rin… then that…"


"Oh Yay! Their awake! Hey guys I can't believe you're here! I haven't seen you in such a long time. Inu Yasha is so mean to me and he's still beating on me worse then ever! But now that you guys are going to remember everything then that means he won't beat on me so much because you guys will be around. I can't wait till Kagome remembers then she can tell him to SIT and everything will be alright again!"


"Oh my GOD Shippo! They remember you!" Rin jumped up and down while saying this."

"Why do we know this kid…?" Miroku said.

"Because you guys used to hang out with him and the rest of the gang!"

Sango's eyes were bulging out of her head, "You mean to tell me we all used to hang out in some past your trying to get us to remember?"


Sango and Miroku looked at each other again then Miroku spoke up, "I would say this is bull shit but then again I feel like your telling me something here."

"That's because it is true! I can't wait till you remember you won't believe you guys are together. Well particularly Sango because you was all groping on her back then…"

"I don't believe anything your saying," Sango said now trying to struggle out of the ropes.

"But Sango what we're saying is the…"

"Shut up you don't know what you're talking about. Now let me out of these ropes so I can go home."

"You always used to believe in everything…" Shippo whimpered, "I bet if Kohaku was standing here right now you would believe us…"

Sango stopped struggling in the ropes. There was silence for a moment then Sango sat up staring at them.

"Sango my love, why are you crying? Do you know this Kohaku?"

"I…I … think I do… I… think… he was… my little… brother…"

Shippo walked around the table and grabbed hold of Sango's hand, "Sango please believe me. Let me tell you everything then after that we can get Kagome to remember."

"…Yes… I want… to know everything…"

"What about you Miroku?" Rin said turning to him.

"What every Sango wants to know I want to know too."

Shippo and Rin smiled at each then turned back to them telling them everything they knew.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>

Kagome sat up still thinking to herself, `You know even with all this going on at least the guys who have been bothering me are all cute in their own way. Inu Yasha with his bad boy look, I mean if he worked on his temper he might even be more appealing to me. Even though he does act romantic at times. But since I barely know him it kinda doesn't work. But then I do think he is sexy. I would never admit it to anyone but he is. Then there is Sesshomaru, it's kind of really creepy that both of the brothers are on me like that. Sesshomaru has this cold aura around him that freaks me out, but other then that he is really handsome. Him with his beautiful long white hair that for some reason always billows around him like some kind of cape. Then there's Kanaru. He has such a beautiful long mane of hair also only it's pitch black and reaches his ankles. He could actually use it as a blanket to warm himself up with. He's so nice to me the only thing is just a day ago I thought he was a figment of my imagination and he can read my mine. They're all creepy and I don't know why I am attracting so many longhaired men.'

Kagome rolled out of bed. She walked to her window and looked out it at the shrine's surroundings, she looked at the old shed that held the well and smiled at if for some reason. `Why am I smiling at a stupid shed?' She shook herself and walked away from the window. A whooshing sound crossed her ears and she turned back to the window to see Inu Yasha jumping through it.

"Why are you looking so shocked it's not like it's the first time I have done that."


A/N: Me and my evil cliffies. Mwahahahahahahaha. But seriously I meant to continue on but I thought that was a good place to stop. Well everyone review and tell me what you think so far.