InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ "I'm trying to explain things to you..." ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 14: "I am trying to explain things to you..."

A/N: I don't have much of authors note except I have to use my crappy pc to type. So enjoy the story. ^_^ Songie

P.S. I know there be typo mistakes in here but I really can write I just type to fast to realize I made a mistake and since I read just as fast I don't catch all my mistakes when proof reading. SO sorry about all my chapters having issues. T_T

Disclaimer: I am tired of doing disclaimers. I will only write them when i feel like it because it's a waste of typing energy for something you guys should already know. ^_^

Last Chapter:

Kagome rolled out of bed. She walked to her window and looked out it at the shrine's surroundings, she looked at the old shed that held the well and smiled at if for some reason. `Why am I smiling at a stupid shed?' She shook herself and walked away from the window. A whooshing sound crossed her ears and she turned back to the window to see Inu Yasha jumping through it.

"Why are you looking so shocked it's not like it's the first time I have done that."

This Chapter:

Kagome screamed and fell back on to her bed with her legs sprawled. Since she had on a long pajama shirt Inu Yasha tilted his head as he took in the view of her cream legs and red underwear. But then he shook his head immediately when he realized he was staring at her like that but it was too late Kagome saw his look.



Kagome narrowed her eyes, " Then why are you here? I mean you just jump in my room say you've done it before and then look at me when I am most vulnerable. So what do you expect me to think."

Inu Yasha blushed, "Well I wanted to talked to you."

Kagome stared a t him waiting for him to speak, when he didn't then she said, "Sooo... are you going to tell me or are we going to have a staring contest all day."

Inu Yasha smiled at how she snapped at him, "I want to show you something."

Kagome gasped, "NOOO!"

"Feh, not that!"

Kagome took her eyes away from his pants front, "Oh gosh you scared me."

"...Not unless you want me to show you."


"Ok, ok I was just playing."

Kagome narrowed her eyes, "So what is it you want to show me?"

"This..." Inu Yasha walked over to her bed and sat down next to her pulling something out of his pocket.

"Your not pulling out a condom are you?!"

"GAH!, no I want to show you THIS." .

Kagome looked down at it as he dumped it into her hand. It look like a sundial with symbols around it. She could of sworn they looked like rune symbols. It had a gold chain hanging from the top of it for it to be worn as a necklace it look like it was supposed to be heavy because it seemed to be made out of pure gold but it was light as a feather. She was entranced by it for a minute then looked up at Inu Yasha, "Leave."




"Because you bust into my room to show me a old necklace? I thought you had something important to tell me since you got all serious on me. But this is all? You can leave then,' she said that as she put the item back into his hands.

"Wench would you listen!" She stared at him expectantly and he took a deep breath then sighed, "Ok this necklace I showed is called the time talisman of the past and future. There are three others like it but their scattered around the world. But this one tells us about any past events that happen in the past that correspond with another person. I mean that is all I know how to do to work it. If I had a past with another person and I want both of us to see it then we would have to get together, put out minds together and search for that past. This talisman has more powers but it is the strongest when it is combined with the other three and in the hands of someone who knows how to use them."

"So your saying that this thing can show me a past or future that I might or might've had with someone as long as their with me at the same time I am using it?"


"...So are you looking for the might or might've?"

"As much as I want to look at the might I want to look at the definite."

"The definite?"

"Our past together. Put both your hands on my hand with the talisman and concentrate all your energy on your hands. This will show use an image of the past."

Kagome looked at him like he had just lost his mind but curiosity got the better of her and she put both her hands on his one, closing her eyes.

She felt her hair start to float around her and then a wind blasting past her face she felt like she was about to fall back on the the bed but her hands were glued to the talisman keeping her upright. She wanted to say something to Inu Yasha about why these things were going on but she felt like she couldn't speak during all that was going on. This sensation that was going through her lasted for a few moments and then she felt everything stop. She opened her eyes and looked at Inu Yasha only to notice that not only was she looking at him she was looking at a huge tree behind him and whe she looked around some more she realized that she was in a forest.

"What's... going on...?"

Inu Yasha smiled and said, "You will see..."

Just as he said that she heard voices coming from behind her and she turned around.

"Inu Yasha you don't care about anything. All you do is care about yourself... I... I don't think I want to be bothered with you anymore."

Kagome's eyes widened as she looked at a girl that look to be exactly like her only she was wearing the same exact school uniform she used to wear.

"Kagome you know that is not true. Why would I risk my life to save you all the time if I didn't care enough about you." A guy who looked exactly like Inu Yasha emerged from the bushes behind the girl that looked like Kagome. He was wearing the red outfit that Kagome could of sworn she had looked at in Inu Yasha's room.

"Are you sure your just saving me because you care about because you sure enough don't show you care about me. Don't you think you are just saying that because I am your freakin' shard detector. You just keep me around because of that don't you."

Kagome looked at Inu Yasha expecting him to say something but then she gave a small gasp as she saw the startled looked in his eyes as if he had been slapped. "Why would you think I only keep you around because of that? Whoever or whatever put that in your head tell me who it was so then I can go kick their ass now."

"But the way you treat me it just saids alot of things about how you feel towards me... right?"

"Was your first impression of me that damaging that now you feel I don't feel anything other then anger towards you?"

Kagome shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him, "I don't know... I mean... well... *sigh* I don't KNOW!" Her eyes started to tear up at what was going on. Then she felt arms wrapping around her and Inu Yasha nuzzled his face into her neck.

"...Kagome... I know I get angry at you... alot but... I do care about you more then that. More then a shard detector. So please don't say things like that."

Kagome sniffled and gave him a watery smile, "I will try not to next time... you know this is the second time you ever apologized to me about anything."

Inu Yasha looked into her eyes, "What was the last thing I apologized about?"

"For breaking my alarm clock..."

He gave her a sheepish smile then they heard a noise behind them.

"Ok lovebirds stop the bickering and..."

The present Kagomes' eyes bugged out as she looked at Sango, Miroku, and even the little red haired boy Shippo sitting on Miroku's shoulder. They looked exactly like the ones she knew only they were wearing clothes that she could of sworn she had seen in a history book. Miroku looked like a monk. She couldn't believe that that was possible when he was so perverted. Actually at the moment he even had the sly smile he usually would have in school when he thought something was amusing. "I was just joking about the lovebird part. I didn't really mean it."

Kagome and Inu Yasha looked at each other and realized they were still in a tight embrace. The broke apart and looked away from each other.

"Yeah that was convincing," Miroku said as he slowly brought his had out to meet Sango's butt but got slapped in the face instead.

"We just heard a rumor about a jewel shard that's why we came looking for you guys."

The present Kagome looked at Inu Yasha and said, "What's a jewel shard?"

Inu Yasha's eyes flashed then he sighed, "I forgot you don't remember what a jewel shard is or what the shikon no tama is... I was a jewel that was a huge part of your past..."


The group from the past started leaving the forest and Kagome felt she needed to still see what was going on so she followed. She kept behind them for a while as they continued walking until the girl that looked like Kagome and the Inu Yasha stopped just as abruptly.

"Something's coming."

"It... it can't be..."

The past Kagome stared at Inu Yasha, "It's Kikyo... isn't it..."

Inu Yasha turned to look at Kagome, "Yeah it is but I could of sworn that I felt something else besides that but I want to know why Kikyo is coming this way."

The present Kagome could hear the past Kagome's voice laced with sadness, "Because she's coming to see you..."

Inu Yasha looked at Kagome, "No... Her scent is laced with fear. Something is wrong."

Just then a trees adjacent to them rustled and girl who looked surprisingly yet again like Kagome burst through. She looked out of breath and she slid to the ground as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up into Inu Yasha's eyes and said, "Inu Yasha I need you to protect me... Naraku is after me. He's trying to kill but I am not done with what I was trying to do here. I can't die now."

"Why is he after you I don't understand..."

Kikyo gasped and jumped from where she was sitting as a swarm of bees landed exactly where she was. The feeling of fear encased the present day Kagome and she felt her throat constricting. Something so evil was coming there way and she was trying to find a way to breathe. She grasped at her throat and her vision started to blur as it seemed the evil was coming closer. Before she fell unconcious she felt strong arms wrap around then she was out cold.


A/n: Ok hoped u like sorry for the wait. ^_^ Songie

P.S. Sorry about the cliffie. I have to go to work.