InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ "To my friends.... ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: Hey it's been a long time but I have my reasons. But thank you for your continued reading of my story other then that, on with the show or story.

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to my two dear friends V and Kay for always being my buddies through thick and thin. ^_^

Chapter 15:

Kagome turned her head and looked over to her left. There lying down next to her was Inu Yasha with his face relaxed andin a deep sleep. She started to sit up but a clawed hand that happened to be on her waist tightened it's grip and drew her closer to it's owner. She was about to push it off her until she noticed the slight smile on his face until his face relaxed again into it's sleep. She adjusted her eyes to the dark and notice that they were once again in Inu Yasha's room. But this time she was laying in the bed next to him instead of by herself, dazed and confused. She nestled back into the pillows andstared into his face. He really was a handsome man especially now in deep sleep with some of his white hair cascading over his face. She lifted up a hand and pushed one of his silver locks behind his shoulder. A smile crept up on her face as she slowly relaxed more in his embrace and fell back to sleep contently in his arms.

Sango gave death darts through her piercing gaze at Miroku. He smirked slightly and shifted under her penetrating gaze.

"My, my Sango, why the look?"

"Because I can't believe I am dating you, you lecherous monk!!!!"

Miroku chuckled to himself then got up from his seat on the other side of the kitchen table and walked over to her.

"But Sango my dear we do much more then dating... don't we...?"

Sango blushed a deep red as she looked away from him. She closed her eyes as she felt his warm breath against her skin.

"Sango does it matter how I was in the past? Even if I still act that way, do you still love me?"

She felt herself relax in his presence and open her eyes to look deeply into his. "I do love you. It seems we were destined to be together. Even 400 years ago."

She lifted up her head and kissed Miroku on the lips. She could feel the smirk on his lips but paid it no mind as she pressed into him some more and open her mouth. He tasted the inside of her mouth until she broke away.

"When is your father and uncle coming back?"

Miroku's eyes lit then he said, "They have a poker game tonight so they won't be back until late tonight."

"Well then do you want to finish this up stairs?"

Without even saying a word Miroku swung Sango into his arms and nearly tripped down the steps as he ran to his room with her in tow.


"FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!!"

Kanaru stood in front of a punching bag with sweat glistening off his body as he stared down at the ground. For some reason he felt like something inside of him was burning. Was he constipated or did he have heartburn? He fell down to his knees and clutched at his chest as the burning increased. He felt wind blowing around him suddenly, he looked up to see a woman standing in front of him. She knelt down and said, "Oh my God Lord Naraku, we have finally found you. It took us forever to find you and now we have. Who would of thought that you traveled 400 years into the future."

Kanaru stared at her then screamed as he tried to back up from her as fast he could while still in pain. She stopped in front of him and grasped his shoulder, "What's wrong? Your acting like you don't remember me." The woman turned around and said, "Kanna come here and help me with Lord Naraku. I think something is wrong with him."

A young girl ran into the room and looked down at Kanaru with blank eyes the slowly leaned down to help him up.

Kanaru stared at the two the said, "Who the hell are you two and how did you get into my house?"

The woman gasped and said, "You truly don't remember?"

"All I know is alot of shit has been happening recently. First I have been have dreams with this beautiful girl and all I ever do is think about her. Then I just happen to meet this dream girl that I never knew was actually real. Then this guy that just appeared started talking shit to me about me hooking up with his girl. I don't even know what that was all about but I know for one thing I hate his guts yet I really don't know why. Then I have been getting pain all of the sudden and now you guys appear. Can anything else go wrong???!!!"

"Well yeah, you lost your memory."

Kanaru threw his arms up in the air and turned away from them heading to the towel rack. Swinging a towel around his shoulder he turned around and said, "I don't care, but whatever way you got in here leave. I don't feel like being bother."

The woman and Kanna looked at each other then the woman said, "And to think he lost his memory with Inu Yasha and Kagome not being to far from here you would think he would remember everything."

Kanaru stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the two, "How do you know those two names? I never told you their names..."

The woman bowed and said, "My name is Kagura and...."

"WAIT! I know that name!"

"Well there is much to tell you about Lord Naraku."

Kanaru stared at the two then said, "Want to know what's going on. Let me go take a shower and then I want you to tell me everything."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Miroku sucked in a nipple as she listened to Sango moan his name out loud.

"God Miroku I want you inside of me..."

Miroku smirked on her breast and continued sucking on it while he tried to hold down Sango's hips from grinding against his hard erection. Sango grasped Miroku's head and brought it up to her face, "I said I want you inside of me right now!!!!!"

"Aren't you impatient... Well if you wish..."

Sango smiled, "Your such a tease I don't think I can deal with your teasing after all we went through today, well actually in these past few days."

Miroku lifted himself up above Sango and said, "Well let me take that off your mind." He kissed Sango on the lips and then moved his one hand down to guide himself into her passage. They both gasped as they slid together until he sunk all the way into her and they both hissed in pleasure. She wrapped her legs around him to get closer to him. He slowly slid out and then sunk back in to her as he watch her face changed with the throes of passion.

"Faster Miroku, I want you so much... I need all of you right now..."

Miroku lifted himself more so that he had a better angle to move into her then he started moving his hips in a steady pace. She learned his rhythm and they started moving together. She started tossing head back and forth. Miroku raised his one hand and pulled her hair out of her bun letting it fall down around her. He watched as his angels moved in a erotic dance beneath him with her hair already starting to stick to her face.

"Oh god... Sango... you are so beautiful..."

Sango brought her face up to his and said, " I am always beautiful for you and you alone..."

Miroku smiled at her and kissed her lips as he bucked his hips harder into her making the bed squeak. Their eyes both widened as the heard the front door downstairs open and Miroku reached over to his radio blasting Linkin Park songs. "Oh God your uncle and father must've got back early."

Miroku whispered into her ear, "But we're gonna finish this I don't care what happens." He peeled her legs off from his waist then he lifted them up to his shoulders and started moving into her so fast that she had to grip onto the head board to steady them.


Miroku grabbed the top of the head board and steadied his voice, "YEAH I AM. BUT I AM GETTING DRESSED JUST GIVE ME A FEW MINUTES!!!" He used his other hand and started toying with Sango's one nipple in between his fingers. She closed her eyes and arched up into him some more. Miroku was about to hit his peak but he didn't want Sango not to cum. So he move his hand down in between her legs and started toying with her bud. She gave a silent scream signaling the start of her orgasm. Miroku gripped the top of the head board with both of his hands as he hit his own orgasm. He felt his strength wane and then he fell on top of her. Sango grasped him around the shoulders as she let his weight settle on her.

There was a loud knock on the door then they both looked as the door knob jiggled but they sighed in relief as they realized the door was locked. "MIROKU WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE THAT LOUD ASS MUSIC ON!!! TURN IT OFF! I WAS JUST STOPPING BUY TO SEE IF YOU HAD A EXTRA PACK OF CARDS!"

They both smiled at each other then Miroku said, "I HAVE A PACK IN THE END TABLE DOWNSTAIRS. JUST TAKE THOSE!"

They heard the footsteps retreat and started to snuggle up next to each other.


Inu Yasha opened his eyes and looked down to see if Kagome had run away yet. His eyes widened as he noticed that she wasn't in the same position as she had been when he first laid her down. But instead she had her hand wrapped around his waist also and a leg of his. He smiled and then slid closer to her. He felt himself start to get hard but willed it way so as not to surprise her into waking up and then killing him. He tucked her head under his and breath her hair smelling the vanilla that he so loved.

"I love you Kagome Higurashi..." He closed his eyes as he started to fall back to sleep in his more comfortable position.


YaY! I finally finished a chapter! I also had a little lemon in it! YaY! Well anyways I am going to type a lemonade and lime story next so look into that one too. ^_^ Songie