InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are teh property of Rumiko Takahahi.

Sitting for breakfast Inuyasha started to make quick work of his food as did the rest of the regular's at his table. Inuyasha was the Taiyoukai of the Americas but, to those who were pack he was, at least in private, just Inuyasha.

"Yo, dog breath...pass the eggs," Kouga requested.
"So Kouga, how long are we going to play slumber party?" Inuyasha asked passing the plate of eggs.
"Till Ayame comes to her senses."
"Well, if we're having a slumber party then manicures are in order, are they not Sango?"
"No way, I ain't doing no bodies nails!" Kouga whined.

Years ago Sango had pulled the manicure joke on the men after a New Year's Eve party. The men had gotten very sauced so to teach them all a lesson she had painted their nails. She had said it was a custom if you had a sleep over then the guest had to paint the other's nails. Because the youkai's had such sensitive noses, they had to wear the paint off instead of using the chemical remover.

"How bout it Sango, what color you want?" Inuyasha asked as he winked at her.
"Well I've always liked pink," Sango said "how about you guys?"
"Oh green is my favorite color," Shippou answered.
"I prefer a clear coat myself," Miroku stated.
"What? Not secure in your manhood to sport a color for the night bouzo?" Inuyasha teased, "how about you Rouyokan?"
"Oh, I could never ask Kouga to give me a manicure Lord Inuyasha."
"Finally someone in this house with some sanity left." Kouga huffed.
"But, I could really go for a pedicure!" Rouyokan remarked.

Toutousai entered the dinning room to join breakfast as the room erupted into laughter.

"Oh I just love indoor baths, I remember when you had to cut wood, start a fire and haul water just to have a bath. Now just turn a knob and you can bathe, it's wonderful." Toutousai happily said.
"Feh, ya I rember what it takes for you to get a bath," Inuyasha reminded him, thinking back to a time Toutousai had fooled him into drawing his bath for him.
"Inuyasha are you ever going to let that go?"
"That reminds me, I have a message for you Inuyasha."
"Well, what is it?"
"Whats what?"

At the other end of the table sat Shippou, on his left sat Rouyokan and Kouga on his right sat Miroku and Sango with Kirara.

Even though Shippou had reached full maturity long ago, he promised his self he would not leave Inuyasha until after they could bring Kagome back into the family. He was a youkai after all, what was 500-years to him.

Inuyasha had taken care of him as a kid and taught him everything he knew, as well as allowing him to take his last name basically giving him the rights of a son. he was no dog though, Shippou was all kitsune and his personality proved that; he loved magic, slide of hand and anything with comedic value. Right now the scene playing out between Inuyasha and Toutousai was better then any comedy act you could pay to see.

Leaning forward Shippou whispered to the other's "who's on first."

Rouyokan, who was the closest, threw his hand's over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud, then replied "what's on second."

Not to be left out of the joke, especially at Inuyasha's expense, Kouga added "I don't know's on third."

At this time Miroku received a bath of orange juice from Sango.

It was an old joke Shippou started after listening to Abbott and Costello on the 'Katie Smith Radio Show' back in 1936. The skit had reminded the kitsune of Toutousai so much that anytime a conversation was needed with the old youkai Shippou always muttered the three catch phrases.

Even though a good laugh was often at Toutousais expense everyone knew he was part of their pack. Inuyasha had personally thrown the old man over his shoulder and shanghighed him from Japan after Sesshoumaru named Inuyasha Taiyoukai of the Americas and second to him at the World Youkai Council that was set up about 300-years ago. Inuyasha had insisted the Toutousai was to old and needed looking after and he was the one to do it.

Inuyasha slowly shook his head, he knew what was coming. Getting anything out of Toutousai was worse then pulling teeth and from the snickering he heard his pack was enjoying this just a little too much. Raising his eyes to the heavens, Inuyasha prayed for patients.

"What is the message you have for me?"
"I have a message for you?"
"That's what you said old man, now do you have a message or not?"
"Oh yes, now I remember, that toad called," Toutousai said taking a seat at the table.
"Toad? Which toad? I know several toads."
"The one you had looking for something for you," Toutousai reminded him.
"Fuck Toutousai that doesn't really narrow things down," Inuyasha rubbed his temples "did the toad say what he was looking for? Did he find it?"
"Let me think....oh yes, he said he found it."

Inuyasha sighed, this was going to be harder then he thought.

All present went on with their breakfast's as best they could and continued enjoying the verbal ping pong match.

"What did he find?""What did who find?"
"THE. TOAD. What did he find for me?" Inuyasha asked trying to hold his temper.
"Oh, well you don't have to what was it he found?" Toutousai sat back to think, then smacked his fist to his hand he proclaimed, "that's right, he said he found your kimono for you!"
"My kimono? What kimono?"
"You know the short little kimono you were wanting."

Inuyasha shifted his eye's side to side looking for the answer but, none were to be found. "No, what kimono?"
"That short little kimono like your miko wore..the alive one not the dead one. Though for the life of me I don't understand why you'd want one, I mean if you tried to wear it you'd show your tally whacker." Toutousai sagely remarked shaking his head.

'Well, so much for the juice,' Miroku thought as he wiped not only his mouth full off but, also the four other mouth fulls of juice he was now wearing.

Ring, Ring, Ring....

"Saved by the bell, I'll get it." Running out of the dinning room Inuyasha went to his study to get his private phone, "Taisho Inuyasha"
"Lord Inuyasha, this is Jaken and Myogua calling from Tokyo. Your miko has returned to her family and reproted that the quest has ended and the well sealed, it is time my lord."
"It's time?" Inuyasha breathlessly asked.
"Yes my lord?"

Taking a deep breath Inuyasha tried to calm his nerves, "alright, let Sesshoumaru and Rin know what's going on and to expect us there within a day or so, I'll call back and let you know when we are prepared to leave for Japan."
"Yes my lord," Jaken replied.

Thinking of the celebration he knew they would probably have when they all were reunited Inuyasha figured he better warn Sesshoumaru, "also let Sesshoumaru know to be prepared for a party. You two did great, now continue to watch Kagome. She always gets into trouble, I will have another job for you both soon."
"Yes my lord, we live to serve."

Back in Tokyo

"Well what did he say Jaken?" Myogua asked.
"We are to continue watching Lady Kagome to make sure she stays' out of trouble until we hear from Lord Inuyasha. Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Rin are to be notified of Lord Inuyasha's up coming arrival and we are to prepare for a party." Jaken listed off their duties.
"A party? Inuyasha said a party?" Myogua asked.
"Yes he did. Why?"
"Well I know of a few others that must be contacted if a party is in order, let us get to work Jaken."
"Of Course, Myogua."

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