InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket discliamer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

With concealment spells released it was a tearfully happy reunion in which Kagome picked up Jaken to hug him and even let Myogua have a suck of blood. She was so happy to see someone from Sengoku Jidai.

"How wonderful to taste you again Lady Kagome!" A roly poly Myogua said.

Mama Higurashi entered the living room with more refreshments, "more tea? Oh my, what is this?"

Where she had left two older gentlemen sipping tea in her living room was now two even strange looking people with her daughter who was finally wearing a smile for the first time in days.

"Mama, this is Myogua." Kagome introduced pointing to the flea demon, "he is Inuyasha's retainer and this is Jaken," now pointing to the toad imp, "he is Inuyasha's older brother Sesshoumaru's retainer. They are friends from Sengoku Jidai!"

"Well it is wonderful to make your acquaintance". Mama Higurashi said as she bowed to the newly revealed youkai's. "But, how was it you appeared as two older gentlemen earlier and how have you come here? We thought the well closed. Is Inuyasha with you? We have all been so worried about the dear boy."

"It is a long story Mrs. Higurashi but, Lord Inuyasha will be here by tomorrow at the latest. He has sent Myogua and myself, his faithful servants, to let Lady Kagome know everything is all right." Jaken replied.

'Faithful servants, Lord Inuyasha?' Kagome eyed Jaken and Myogua over carefully, especially Jaken. "Jaken, last time we met up with you Inuyasha had to beat information out of you and you called him a lowly half-breed. What's going on? I thought you followed Sesshoumaru?"

"uh..ummm," Jaken looked back and forth between Kagome and her mother. Kagome eyed him with suspicion and her mother seemed shocked at the information of his past behavior towards 'the dear boy'. "Well, that is to see.." The more Jaken stumbled with his words the more cross the expression became on the ladies faces, "things change my mean I still follow Lord Sesshoumaru but, I ...that is Myogua and I, we serve the whole family as it were, for some time now." Jaken sputtered rubbing the back of his neck.

"The whole family, what family? I know very well you get Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru together and the fur flys." Kagome said shaking a finger at Jaken.

"As Jaken said Lady Kagome, things change..."Myouga tried to explain.
"Things change? How it's only been a couple of days?" Kagome was getting confused and angry now, ' who do they think they're fooling?'

Hopping up on the coffee table Myogua, in his unconcealed youkai form, made his self comfortable to begin his tale. "My lady for you it has been a few days, for us it has been 500-years." Myogua gently told her. "The well is closed for all."
"Five....hundred.....years?" Kagome sank to the floor, "how is it possible, you have been alive all that time? There aren't any youkai's left in my time."

"Well I think us sitting here prove's there are." Jaken huffed, "what, did you think we just stopped existing?"
"Now Jaken in a way we did. You see that is why we had the concealment talisments, all mystical beings have these. This is how we were able to merge into human society."
"Oh I see, " said Mrs. Higurashi, "you disguised yourselves so as to live peacefully. Is this right?"
"Correct Mrs. Higurashi, like your family there are those who know of our kinds existance and we allow them to see us as we are but, not all would understand. Unfortunally the human species is usually easily frightened and when frightened they can cause many problems." Myogua informed them.
"Well, yes I suppose that would cause problems for you." Mrs. Higurashi said.

"But, if youkai's still exist then why is it none have ever came for the Shikon except for the Noh mask?" Kagome asked.

"I'm trying to tell you, sigh, you see Kagome Lord Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru decreed about a hundred years ago that any with youkai blood were to avoid shrines in Japan. Then about 20-years ago only members of the royal family or personal servants with expressed permission of the family were allowed near any shrines as to protect you." Myogua explained. "The Noh mask was a rouge creature, sometimes youkai don't obey the decrees hence why Jaken and myself have been watching the shrine since the problems with the Noh mask."

"Why didn't Inuyasha ever say you guys were watching the shrine?" Kagome asked.

"Well, simply the Inuyasha that came through the well with you is the Inuyasha from the Sengoku Jidai, he had no knowledge of us, we hid ourselves with different concealment spells so young Master Inuyasha did not know we were here."

"So Mr. Myouga, your saying Inuyasha didn't find away through the well, he survived all this time? I agree with Kagome, how is it possible that he lived so long?" Mrs. Higurashi asked, trying to make sense out of the information.

"You see higher youkai's are unlike mortals in they do not have a set life span, unless killed we live. Nor do youkai's age as mortals do, we age about the same till we reach adolescences then it slows down, when a youkai reaches full maturity then the aging process basically stops." Myogua said.

"Myouga? You and Jaken both look older then you did. Were you not fully matured back then?" Kagome remarked.

"Aaak, well I never!" Jaken huffed.
"Really Lady Kagome, no are as bad as Inuyasha." Myogua reprimanded, " Besides Inuyasha had only just reached full adolescence at the end of the quest and he is the son of Inu No Taisho so he has blood of the highest powers. So Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru will always keep their youghful apperances unlike us lower youkai's."

"Sorry, so where is Inuyasha?" Kagome asked trying to change the subject as not to offend them any more.

"He is on his way as we speak," Jaken replied, "he told us to request your forgiveness that he was not present when the well closed but, he knew not the correct date on this side of the well for the end of the quest. He also commands that you do not cry anymore."

Kagome shook her head as she giggled, "commands me huh?"
"Yes and his commands must be followed." Jaken informed her.

"Wait a minute, you never did answer my question. What is up with all this Lord Inuyasha, him making commands and decree's? what aren't you telling me?" Kagome asked eyeing Jaken again.
"Well, where to begin? I mean it has been 500-years." Jaken said.
"Okay, I'll ask, you explain. Short direct answers." Kagome instructed, "first why do you keep calling Inuyasha lord and actting like he has some power over you?"

"Because he is a Taiyoukai of course." Jaken answered.

"Allow me," Myogua said, " it happened about 300-years ago, Lord Sesshoumaru named Inuyasha Taiyoukai of the Americas and his second at the World Youkai Council."
"Sesshoumaru did what? Inuyasha is a what?" Kagome tried to grasp what they were telling her.

Seen that the information Kagome was being given was just what her daughter needed Mrs. Higurashi excussed her self from the room to allow Kagome to speak to her guest. 'Inuyasha is alright and on his way, that is all that matters.' Mama thought as she now had the heart to finish her house work.

"Let me explain the council to you. About 300-years ago youkai and hanyou beings from all over the world began to mingle with one another and also seen the need for a ruling council for all the mystical beings. Especially if we were going to live peacefully with mortals, they had become quite a force to deal with so that is when the talisments were created to hide our true selves from those who were not interested in peaceful co-existance. Lord Sesshoumaru became the top leader of the council, with Inuyasha's help, as well as the Taiyoukai of the Eastern nations." Myogua explained.

"Inuyasha helped Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked.

"Well of course by this time he and your pack had been living and helping Sesshoumaru-sama with the Western lands for around 200-years." Jaken stated.
"How'd that happen?"
"That Lady Kagome is another long story." Jaken informed her.
"Alright,'s going to be hard to get answers isn't it?" Kagome asked as she made her self more comfortable.
"Well if you want answers you'll just have to accept certain facts and let Lord Inuyasha fill in the gaps later, there is much that has happened in 500-years." Jaken instructed Kagome taking another sip of tea.

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