InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights over the original characters that will appear in this chapter.

WARNING: this chapter contains a lemon, it is m/m lemon. if you are not over 18yrs old or are offended by homosexual acts please do not read. an edited version will be posted on fanfiction-http(colon)(double slash)www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net(slash)s(slash)2276808 under the R rating if you are interested. once again if this is something you are uncomfortable with do not read, no offense meant. It is between two original character. NOT AN INUYASHA LEMON, don't worry this story is Kagome/Inuyasha only.

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The next day as the morning came up, Inuyasha was once again out in a tree to 'greet the day' as he had for almost 500-years and just for a moment he seen Kagome smiling up at him again. "Soon Kagome, soon I will hold you and we will greet the day together." He promised hopping out of the tree.

He went to reexplore his brother's grounds as he had not been at the estate for 18-years. Walking towards the servants area, Inuyasha thought he would see if the same lot was still working for his brother. Though he had lived with his brother until 300-years ago when Sesshoumaru named him Taiyoukai, Inuyasha had simply felt more at easy with the servants.

As he came towards the common grounds the scent of barbecued pig roasting in plantain leaves and grilling green plantains reached him. "What the fuck? They don't serve lechon asado in Japan."

Picking up the pace to investigate this out of place cuisine another smell hit him. "Caribbean bird youkai?" Bounding the rest of the distance Inuyasha was shocked at the sight of at least ten Caribbean bird youkais along with the makings of one big island paradise party.

"No fucking way!" Inuyasha exclaimed with a fang bearing smile that lite his face.

As Inuyasha's happy exclaimation reached the visiting youkais many happy squeals went out.

Inuyasha quickly found himself surrounded by several female bird youkais and their happy squeals at his arrival.

"Oh Lord Dog, we so happy to see you." Aurelia, the tallest female said.
"You be as handsome as ever." Ezola, the youngest told him.
"Give your chicky girls some luv Dog Man." Tychell, the eldest said reaching to hug him.

Inuyasha chuckled at the chicky girls, they were so full of life and ready for fun ' just like Kagome, probably why I enjoy their company.'

"You chickies, get away from my Dog Man...if anyone gets luvings from Lord Dog its going to be me!"
"Mankee, what in the seven hells are you and the gang doing in Japan?" Inuyasha asked.

Through the group of youkais came the man known as Mankee. He was shorter then Inuyasha only 5' 8" with black hair and dark olive colored skin with rainbow colored swirled markings on his body, which were visible because he was only wearing a pair of turquoise spandex biking shorts. He also sported several piercings. Mankee had his pointed youkai ears, his eyebrow, nose and tongue all pierced. Mankee also professed to have his manhood pierced. Thankfully Inuyasha had no first hand knowledge on if that was true or not and wanted to keep it that way. It wan't like Mankee had not tried to show him over the last 300-years of their strange friendship. Inuyasha's mind wondered back to the time he almost seen those piercings.

Flashback to the early 1900's in the Caribbean islands

Inuyasha, Shippou, and Myogua had just landed on the island. Usually only Inuyasha and Myogua went on the yearly trek to visit the Caribbean bird youkai for the yearly celebration of their rescue by Inuyasha.

This year though Shippou had begged to go until Inuyasha finally allowed it but, not until after alot of head thumping and yelling on Inuyasha part.

As they approached the settlement Inuyasha recognized a young female his friend Mankee had been pursueing last year.

"Yo! Aurelia, how are you?" Inuyasha yelled.
"Lord Inuyasha?" The young bird youkai named Aurelia asked. "You are early for the celebration, Lord Dog."
"Yep, we made good time. This is my friend and ward Shippou." Inuyasha introduced, "Shippou this is Aurelia."
"Hello, welcome to the island Shippou." Aurelia said giving Shippou a hug.
"Hi." A stunned Shippou answered.
"So, have you seen Mankee?" Inuyasha asked
"Last I seen him he was heading towards his shack on the edge of the settlement, same one he had last year Lord Inuyasha." Aurelia informed him.
"Thanks Aurelia see you at the celebration." Inuyasha replied.
"Bye!" Aurelia said turning to continue on her way.
"She was friendly." A happy Shippou said.
"Yes, they are very friendly." Inuyasha said, "wait till you meet Mankee."

They made their way through the settlement to Mankee's shack Shippou commented, "I can't smell anything but, food."
"I know, they don't use as many spices when they cook the celebration food. They know I can't stand spicey foods. We're early, so their everyday cooking is overwhelming."

Coming to Mankee's shack Inuyasha heard his voice coming from behind the shack. Walking around they were greeted by a sight none were ready for.

"Mmaaannn," Mankee moaned.

There in the bright of day behind his shack stood Mankee completely naked. He was standing at an angle to them, a young male bird youkai also naked in front of him leaning over a barrel.

Luckily for Inuyasha and his crew not a lot was visible to them but, one did not need to see to know what was happening.

Mankee had braced his hands on the barrel beside his newest partner.

Being of the ruling class family made finding new partners very easy. Mankee's colorful markings showed his place among their tribe and he knew he was an attractive male. For many females and males had told him so.

Caribbean bird youkais were not monogamous maters. They came together for awhile, if a chicklet was produced they would remain together for the time to raise it to maturity, at least 12 to 16-years. After that they would go on their seperate ways.

This latest partner was a lower class but, he was young and had not had many others. He was wonderfully tight and being a male Mankee didn't have to worry about being stuck with him when the newness wore off.

A slight sheen of sweat covered both males as Mankee continued to drive his member into his willing young lover. The young male had been pumping himself by hand and both were coming to their climaxes.

Mankee wrapped himself around his lover and grasped the young males manhood in his hand, helping him find his completion as Mankee found his own, empting his seed into his lovers awaiting body.

At that moment Mankee realized he had compay.

"Inuyasha, get your hand out of my face!" Shippou whinned, struggling to remove the hand that was firmly grasping his eyes.
"Fuck no! No way in the seven hells are you looking." Inuyasha told him.

Hearing his lord's voice Mankee knew he was in for it. Trying to be as causal as one can when caught mating another male in public by ones lord. Mankee greeted his friend, who had decided to bring a guest to the yearly celebration it seemed.

"Lord be you man?" Mankee asked pulling himself out of his lover, leaning over and grabbing their pants.

He knew Lord Inuyasha would not be in a good mood. Inuyasha's kind mated for life and he had heard the tale many times of how he was waiting on a young women who would not be born for many years to come and how he would have no other females but her for anything other then friends. Mankee also knew he wouldn't be happy about his companion witnessing what they had just walked upon.

"Inuyasha, I ain't no pup, let me go." Shippou said still struggling with the powerful dog hanyou.
"I ain't even old enough to have seen that, damn it! So you sure as hell ain't!" Inuyasha's reply came from behind his other hand. It seemed his lord had covered his own eyes as well.

End flashback

'Oh, things that make you go yyyuuuck.' Inuyasha shook his self as he thought of the sight of Mankee naked.

Mankee quickly made his way to Inuyasha shooing the chicks away to give his dear friend a hug and kiss on the check.

"Dog Man, how ya been? Mankee has been so worried. Myogua, he called me down at the islands said you were in need of a party and you needed it here in this cold ass place. Not that I don't think this place needs shook up a bit. Our last party was only six months ago, you seemed okay when you left to go home. Your not relapsing and needing Mankee bring you back are you?"

How this whisp of a youkai had the lung capacity to get all that out in one breath Inuyasha doubted he'd ever know, though Mankee did have the stamina to drink and dance him under the table.

"No old friend, I'm fine, I had no idea Myogua called ya." Inuyasha assured him. "But, I'm glad your here...they finally found her Mankee."
"Found her?" Mankee asked.
"Yes, you know, the one I've ben waiting for."
"Oh, your little girl? Man, what you doing here? Where she be? Let's go get her!" Using his long fingers to wipe imaginary tears Mankee continued, "Mankee be so sad to have to share you with your lady but, I know you miss her something awful for so long man. What the hell you still here for man!"

"Ha, ha Mankee, it's still early. To early to go get her. Myogua and Jaken will bring her later." Inuyasha said as he took a cautious look around, "but I'm glad your here. I could really use a drink." He whispered to his friend.
"Dog Man, what be the problem?" Mankee asked eyeing his friend, he knew he had long suffered from the only case of hanyou youkai madness as well as holding him self to a higher code then anyone else Mankee had ever meet.

"Mankee, what if she doesn't want me?" Inuyasha asked bowing his head.
"Not want the great Taiyoukai, Lord Inuyasha? What you trying to blow up my ass?" Mankee asked not believing his friend, 'God I'd take ya in a heart beat.'
Looking Mankee in the eyes Inuyasha insisted, "I'm not Blowing anything up Your ass, you whore."
"Now is that anyway to talk to doctor of love Mankee?" He asked waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "You having that 'I'm not good enough thing' again, huh? Now I know why Myogua called me." Mankee said.

Leading Inuyasha to the tables containing several punch bowls and the the beginning of an island feast Mankee poured him a drink. Mankee handed Inuyasha a large plastic cup with a stupid looking moose on it.

"Oh, you even brought the good partyware huh?"
"Only the best for my Lord Dog." Mankee replied picking up a cup for himself and signaled to one of the others to turn on the music.

"So what we having?" Inuyasha asked sniffing his drink.
"Well it's my new version of Planters punch, I call it a dimaloop punch. It dim your senses and send you on a loop. What do you think?" Mankee asked gulping his drink.

Taking a cautious sip of the drink, Inuyasha quickly figured out the name. "Damn...what's in this?"
"Tsk, tsk, you know I never diclose my receipes. Now drink up and relax my friend, soon we feast and dance!"

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lechon asdo-a caribbean main dish, barbecued pig, usually they use plantain leaves to wrap the pig and roast in the ground.

plantains-like banana's

planters punch-acholic drink made from rum a native drink in the caribbean

dimaloop punch-my own made up drink; names for a recent pain killer my dsil (dear sister-in-law),
received at her last er visit. it comes from the joke between us concerning the drug.

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