InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket diclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

Shippou walked away from the party, he wasn't sure if he was more mad, hurt or worried by Inuyasha actions. 'He acts like his suffering with the youkai madness or is that just stupidity? There is no reason for the madness to bother him now, Kagome is here.'

Shippou shook his head, Inuyasha had been even more up tight the closer it got to see Kagome again, he had went as far as not allowing anyone from their pack to visit Japan after her birth 18-years ago, not that they got to visit often until after airplanes were invented anyway but still.

Inuyasha had dissappeared for a couple of weeks around the time of Kagome's birth and when he returned he had seemed to take a turn for the worse. Never would he tell them what was wrong with him, he just sat outside on his hunches his hands planted on the ground between his knees, dog ears drooped, with that lost look on his face. It had taken weeks to get him to come back into the house.

Now here he was only miles away from Kagome, the Kagome they had lost and was Inuyasha by her side. 'No, he's drinking Planter's Punch with Mankee.'

As Shippou came to the stairs leading to the house he sat on the bottom step to think, 'what do I tell Kagome? Sorry Kagome, Inuyasha to busy being a baka to come see you.'

Behind him Rin exited the house, she appeared as she did when she was 16, an effect of being mated to Sesshoumaru. It was not an unheard of thing, especially for the royal to take a mate that was younger and raise them near till they came of age. She came to the bottom step and sat beside Shippou.

They had grew up together after Kaeda's death, they only had three years before Sesshoumaru had asked her to be his mate but, what three years those had been.

"Did you find Inu nii-chan?" Rin asked.
"He's a bigger baka then I ever gave him credit for." Shippou said hanging his head in defeat.
Sighing Rin put her hand on Shippou's shoulder, "don't judge him to harshly, you haven't been through what he has." Rin reminded him.
Shippou smiled back to her, "why is it you learned more from the old man then I did?"
"Probably because I'm just a pathetic human pup and he used to sit and read Kagome-chan's books to me while he took you out hunting."
"That's right, I forgot you were pathetic." Shippou said with a sly smile.
"Hey!" He received a slap for that. "So what happens now?"
"I'm suppose to take Miroku and Sango to go see Kagome, he says as soon as he gets some balls he'll see her." Shippou said shaking his head.

Rin stood up and grabbed Shippou's hand, pulling him up towards the house.

"Where we going Rin?" A shock Shippou asked.
"To get Miroku and Sango, I'll get you guys a driver, you call Myogua and Jaken to get directions for the driver and have them let Kagome know she has friends on the way." She instructed.
"What about Inuyasha?"
"It's fine, he said he'd come as soon as he could, right?" She asked still pulling him.
"Well I guess," Shippou said staring at his human nee-chan's back in amazement of her determination and strength.
"Well Inu nii-chan has never lied to either of us before so if he says he'll be there as soon as he can, then he will." She said over her shoulder with a smile.
'So much like Kagome,' Shippou thought, as they entered the house.

After getting instructions to the shrine from Myogua and relieving the two old youkais from their duties for the day Shippou, Miroku and Sango headed out to see their friend.

While in the limo Shippou made sure he had his concealment spell on. The spell made him appear as an early twenty-something human male with long red hair and green eyes. He hated having to wear the stupid thing.

In Canada it wasn't to much of an issue, their estate was in the back woods so they didn't have many visitors. If someone did come by they had to get past the security around the grounds before they ever made it to the estate, plenty of time to adjust ones appearance.

Besides the humans that lived near the estate and worked for them were the descendants of the Siksika tribe that Inuyasha had helped relocate to their grounds in the 1800's. The ancestors of their workers had helped Inuyasha recover from bullet wounds he had received from some fur traders when he had went to stop the decimation of the red fox tribe in the area.

After the Siksika had helped Inuyasha recover from a gun shoot wounds, he had invited them to return to his grounds in Canada to protect them from the white man. They had took him up on his offer and the rest was history.

They all knew what Inuyasha and his pack were and in fact the Siksika's had been mating with the native youkai types for centuries before Inuyasha had became Taiyoukai of the Americas. The Siksika accepted Inuyasha not only as a hanyou but, also as the Great White Chief of the Spirits. 'Just another title,' Shippou thought.

The limo pulled up and deposited them at the steps of the shrine. Suddenly Shippou became nervous, turning to Miroku and Sango who seemed to be sharing a happy moment about seeing Kagome again.

'Okay, maybe I do understand some of what Inuyasha is feeling,' Shippou looked his human friends over. They had only aged the couple of years between Kagome's loss and Kaeda's death. The talisments Inuyasha had got kept them at the same age they had been when he gave them their gift.

Shippou on the other hand had only been a kid, around 11-years old, when Kagome was taken. Now he was around 511-years old. 'Certainly not a little kid anymore.' But, he knew this was Kagome and she would accept him and they would still be friends. 'Why can't Inuyasha figure that out?'

They were in the shrine grounds now and were making their way to the house, 'not much longer now,' Shippou thought as they approached the house.

Kagome had been pacing ever since breakfast. At first Myogua had said the Inuyasha wouldn't see her then after breakfast he had received a call and happily annouced that her friends were on their way to see her.

Myogua and Jaken had taken their leave right after breakfast and promised to stop back by since they now had permission. Much to her surprise Jii-chan had started a quick friendship with the two youkais. 'Guess they can talk about history and youkais together.' Kagome shook her at at the idea of her Jii-chan, Myogua and Jaken standing around the shrine talking about the history of everything.

Checking out the window again she saw them. Running to the door she threw it open taking in the sight of the friends she had been so sure she would never see again.

Shippou made to knock on the front door only to never get the chance. There she was, just like the day she was taken from them. Shocked Shippou simply stared.

"Miroku, Sango?" Kagome asked with tears in her eyes, she turned to look at Shippou with a questioning look.

"You remember me too, right Kagome?" Shippou asked with the cutest little kit eyes he could muster at his age.

'That look,' Kagome knew who it had to be even with his human disquise, "Shippou?"

Their reunion was full of hug, kisses, and tears. Kagome even overlooked Miroku's grope when they hugged, 'it's been a long time for him, i guess he can have a freebie.'

"Where's Inuyasha?"
"We couldn't get him to come Kagome." Sango told her cringing.

They all recognized the anger and hurt in Kagome's eyes.
"Fine, whatever...."she said sighing, "his loss right?" Kagome asked with a sad smile. "Come on let's go sit in the living room and catch up."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

planters punch-a caribbean drink made with rum
Siksika-translates to Blackfoot
Blackfoot-"moccasins which become black from prairie ash". The Blackfoot tribe is a Native American tribe that historically lived from the Great Lakes area to the lands around what is Montana in the United States also the tribes lived in Canada. This tribe still lives in these areas, reservations located in Montana, USA and Canada areas. I used this tribe because my grandparents (whom passed away long before me) were nonreservation Blackfoot.

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