InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

I do claim rights to any orginal characters that appear in this chapter.

A/N: Adrienne Hamilton has made a couple of drawings for this story, here are the links to view them. Thank you Adrienne!! Any one else interested in making drawings based on the story go right ahead, contact me and I'll put the information up for the pictures. http(colon)(dblslash)img(dot)photobucket(dot)com(slash)albums(slash)v601(sl ash)BlueDragon(slash)inuyash1(dot)jpg
and http(colon)(dblslash)img(dot)photobucket(dot)com(slash)albums(slash)v601(sl ash)BlueDragon(slash)inuyash2(dot)jpg
A/N: To all of those who have been praying for my father, I want to thank you. We were able to finally bring dad home on June 1st! He is weak and sore but, well enough to come home.

"He goes to such lengths to prove his worth and honor. Far beyond what is necessary."
"Yes, I know my lord mate."
"It must be his human side that confuses him so. His youkai side would have acted without hesitation."
"Hmmm, like you did? My dear mate."
Clearing his throat Sesshoumaru eyed Rin with a slight smile gracing his face. "This Sesshoumaru knew what he desired and made it so. I do not recall hearing you object."
Rin swung her legs back and forth, much like a young girl of sixteen would. "Hmmm, I've never been able to decline you anything you wanted, my lord." Rin replied slyly smiling back at her mate who sat behind his desk in his study.
"Rin you understand my brother better then I. Is it some hanyou problem that makes him go to such lengths and question who he is." Sesshoumaru asked still confused over the phone call he had with Inuyasha last night.
"Hanyou problem? You act like it's a disease, we do have three sons who are hanyou." Rin reminded him.
"Yes and I do not recall them being.... so indecisive."
"Inuyasha for all his foul mouthing and denial does care that he is honorable."
Sesshoumaru nodded, "he holds himself to a higher code."
Rin smiled, "Inuyasha, like you, is his father's son. How could he be anything but, honorable."
"This is not honorable though, he denie's himself that which he desires and for what? To follow some human right of passage."
"It's called dating dear."
Sesshoumaru huffed, "Inuyasha had spent three years with the miko and now he wants to court her?"
Laying her hand on his Rin explained. "Kagome is from a different time, this time. During Sengoku Jidai it may have been fine to move on to the next phase when Naraku was defeated. Though I can still see Inuyasha wishing to build his relationship with her even then. He simply wishes to make sure she is comfortable with what changes have occured."
"Inuyasha is the same baka he has always been. He is no different today then he was at the defeat of Naraku."
"Are you certain? I believe his appearance has changed slightly with age and there is the fact of his age."
"Those things are trival." Sesshoumaru remarked.
"Then prehaps he wishes to introduce her slowly into his life how it is today. His life is truly different then it was at the defeat of Naraku. You and I sitting here discussing our concerns of him is proof enough, is it not?" Rin asked.

Rin sighed as she looked out the window of the limo. Sesshoumaru had spoken to Inuyasha last night, which had prompted their talk that morning. Rin could understand Inuyasha wanting to take things slow with Kagome. His life after her loss was so different then what he had lead before she came into his life. She did wish though that Inuyasha would at least work out a way that Kagome could be with him. Of course her dear brother was to stubborn to do so, he was so worried about making up for taking Kagome away from her family during the quest and courting her properly that he was hurting himself and everyone else. 'Can he see that though? No.' Rin thought sighing. 'Can Sesshoumaru see that there has been changes to Inuyasha's life that he worries might scare the girl away? No...their both bakas.'

Sesshoumaru's concern had came from the fact Inuyasha's temper was starting to get the best of him. He had lost his temper with Sesshoumaru last night while they had been discussing issue's Xipe had insisted on being addressed and the sounds of things being broken could be heard in the back ground. 'His temper hasn't been an issue in so long. Only when the madness had been bothering him past the point of control. That hasn't happened in a long time and Inuyasha had said that the madness was gone now.'

Rin knew Sesshoumaru at one time held a lot against Inuyasha. He had confided in her after their mating and she had bestowed him with three hanyou sons that Inuyasha being hanyou had only bothered him because his father had died defending Inuyasha and his mother, leaving him completely alone. Sesshoumaru had said he felt his father had chose them over him. Not understanding his father's need to protect them because he did love them all and not one over another.

That issue was completely the past now. Inuyasha had proven his blood. Suffering from the youkai madness had showed his blood was purer then first thought. Youkai madness, unlike the blood rage hanyous went into when their lives were in danager, was a madness that would effect in times of grief causing the youkai to desire the spilling of their own blood.

Rin still remembered the day Kagome disappeared, it was a terrible day. The off cast Mouryoumaru had captured her and was using her as bait to lure her Lord Sesshoumaru to him. She had awoke to find Kohaku laying beside her, dead his back ripped open and lifeless eyes staring at her. Sesshoumaru had fought his way to the cave and when the battle was over she had begged him to save Kohaku as he had her. Sesshoumaru had silently regarded her then removed Tenseiga from it's scabbard. The magical blade had plused to life as he swung at Kohaku's body. Kohaku had been healed, the boy had blinked his eyes, the life returning to them. When they exited the cave Rin saw Inuyasha beating his head off a large boulder, the strange yellow bag the girl called Kagome carried was in his mouth and he was making sounds like a wounded animal. Sesshoumaru had seemed surprised and reacted quickly to stop him, knocking Inuyasha unconscious.

"So long ago..." Rin sighed again. Rin had decided it was time to pay Kagome a visit as the limo pulled up to the shrine's steps. 'Maybe I can talk some sense into Kagome about all this.'

Days had stretched into weeks, weeks had became a month and still the separation continued. Kagome gazed up into the branches of Goshinbuko, taking a break from sweeping the shrine courtyard. She was lonely and bored.

Having already graduated from high school before the final battle with Naraku, Kagome found her self with nothing to do now. She had decided to sit out a year before making any other decision on her life, in hopes the Shikon No Tama quest could be finished. Then everything would have been in Inuyasha's hands. Depending on what wish he made and if he went to hell with Kikyou or not. Those events would have gone into her decisions on what to do with her own life.

Kagome smiled at her own thoughts. 'I was so worried about making sure I was available to be at his side.' Kagome lost her smile, 'then the well closed.' Kagome sat down on the stone bench by the Goshinbuko. She had been completely devastated when she found herself at the botttom of the well with it closed. Kagome never dreamed things would have turned out how they did.

So here she was with no real plans, no quest and nothing to do but, wait for Inuyasha and help with chores around the shrine. As days passed Kagome found her self becoming more and more melancholy. She was beging to wonder which was worse on her, thinking the well was closed and she'd never see anyone again or knowing they were alive and well but, not being able to be with them.

Of course without having the quest or high school to keep her busy she also found herself terribly bored. She had started to entertain the idea of getting a job and had mentioned it to Inuyasha during one of their nightly phone calls but, he had vehemently shot the idea down. "I gave your family two chest of gold. Why would you need to work? If you need more money, I'll wire you some!" He had acted so hurt by the idea of her getting a job Kagome just dropped the subject.

'At least I get to talk to him every night. Hmmm, the talks.' The talks, as Inuyasha refered to the meetings with the youkai spirits as, were proceeding. Inuyasha had determined they were proceeding in circles. He had told her the whole thing was being held up by Xipe, the leader of the Chupacabras. The meeting in the begining was suppose to be about the Chupacabras taking responsibility for the death of the young Thunder Bird and making restitution to the tribe for the death. Xipe had decided that instead he wanted to fight about the old decrees and agreements that had been made about the land where the incident occured. Inuyasha explained he had no choice but, to work on the issues Xipe had introduced being he did so during an actual executive meeting and it was part of the governing rules that any issues brought up doing an executive meeting had to be addressed. "Bastard's got me back into a corner here Kagome. I don't have a choice but, to listen and we've got to come to an agreement before the meeting can end. This asshole is tricky." Inuyasha had explained to her. Kagome could tell by their nightly chat's that the talks and being a part was taking a toll on Inuyasha and truthfully the separation was hard on her too.

As Rin topped the stairs she noticed Kagome sitting under the Goshinbuko. "Kagome! Hi, how are you?"
Kagome was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of someone calling her name. "Rin? What are you doing here?" Kagome asked standing and walking to greet her.
"Well, you know it's been awhile since you had come and it has been such a long time since I had a girl friend that lived here. I was not going to let the opportunity to have girl time get away!" Rin said.
Kagome looked at the young women in front of her. If Kagome didn't know better she would not have given Rin a second thought if she were to pass her on the street. Rin was wearing blue jeans and a pink tee shirt with American writing on it. Rin noticed Kagome reading her shirt so she pulled it down for her to get a better look. The shirt simply said, 'I only look sweet and innocent'.
"Shippou's idea of a gift." Rin explained.
"Inuyasha said most of his were from Shippou as well."
"Yes, Shippou loves anything that brings a laugh. I wouldn't be surprise if a few ended up on your door step. Anyway are you busy? Thought we could go get a bit to eat together, have some girl time." Rin asked.
"Girl time?"
Rin grabbed Kagome's hand and began to drag her to her house. "Yes, since Inu nii-chan took Sango with him to the Americas I haven't had any one to pal around with."

Going inside Kagome introduced Rin to her mom and Rin explain how she wanted to take Kagome out for lunch at Waldonald's. Kagome's mom was more then happy to see her daughter doing something besides waiting by the phone or moping around the shrine and wished them fun. Kagome took Rin upstairs and pick out some clothes to change into while Rin waited.
"So you and Sango became good friends then?" Kagome asked as she changed.
"Yes, it was so nice to have the house full of family. I grew up with them all looking after me. I've missed them since they went to the Americas. The servents are nice but, it just not the same. Our children are all grown up and have kids of their own and even grandchildren. We don't get to see them alot, everyone is so scattered. We have one another now though, right?" Rin asked hopefully.
"Of course Rin, it's nice to have someone who knows the truth about everything. My friends from school, they think I'm sickly because Jii-chan always made up illness to get me excused from school while I was hunting the Shikon No Tama with Inuyasha."
"What would they think if they knew you really had been running around with a good hanyou fighting an evil hanyou?" Rin laughed.
Having finished changing clothes Kagome laughed as she lead Rin out of the house on their way to Wadonald's for some girl time. "If I told them something like that they would probably think I really was sick, sick in the head."

Finding a back table Kagome and Rin sat down with their trays. "So Rin what was it like growing up with everyone?" Kagome asked taking a bit of her hamburger.
"I can honestly say I am blessed to have lead the life I have. I loved traveling with Sesshoumaru but, as I when the insurgents came after your loss it was too dangerous for me to go with him. Inu nii-chan was very good to me, of course so was very one else, Shippou, Kohaku and I played everyday under his watch. I learned what it was to be a women from Sango and Miroku was a wealth of knowledge for me." Rin replied grabbing up a fry to eat. "After the evening meal, we all gathered around Inu nii-chan and he would tell us stories of his visits to your time beyond the well and would even show us the books you had left at Kaeda's from before the fight with Naraku."
"I wondered where those books got off too. That's right, I studied for my tests in Kaeda's hut then went the next morning for my test. I forgot all about I left them their. We took off when I got back from the tests, I never got to take anything back."
"Well I'm glad you didn't take them, they made for wonderful stories and they proved helpful over the years as things changed. It made life easier for all of us because we had knowledge of what was going to happen. I can honestly say I'm glad I had everyone with us, it made life easier to have family."
"I'm glad they had you as well Rin." Kagome said truly thankful her friends didn't have to hide themselves from everyone. 'They at least were able to make a family, I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had mine to turn to.'
"How are you handling all this Kagome?"
"What do you mean Rin?"
"Inuyasha and everyone else being gone. Are you doing alright being separated from Inuyasha?" Rin asked popping a fry into her mouth.
"Oh, well you know..." Kagome began twirling her drink between her hands.
"Miss him, huh?" Rin said giving her a knowing look.
Kagome sighed letting her smile fall. "Can you tell that easily?"
Reaching over Rin gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You know you can talk to me about anything."
"I'm begining to wonder which is worse. When I thought I'd never see him again or knowing his alive and not being allowed to see him."
"I can see where that would be hard."
"This is really the longest I've been a part from Inuyasha for the last three years."
"Do tell." Rin said putting her elbow on te table and resting her chin in her hand.
" the most I was a way from him before was maybe a week. Inuyasha would always come to see me if it was more then that. I catch myself sometimes watching the well, I just keep expecting him to slide that door open and come demanding where I've been. I can't explain it but, I feel so lost right now." Kagome said picking up her drink.
"Could it have something to do with the fact everything in this time is completed for you?" Rin asked.
"Well, school is done, right?" Rin asked taking a drink.
Kagome frowned at her tray. "Yes..I graduated before the final battle with Naraku."
"Did you set in motion anything to do?" Rin asked watching Kagome intently.
"Any other schooling, any type of plans you made for when the quest was done?"
" didn't want to start anything when the Shikon No Tama still needed completed. I didn't know what would happen in the end or how long it would take. I was waiting to see what would happen and if Inuyasha would still need me."
"Well seems to me you did make plans. You made plans that your life would be in the past and instead you found yourself in your own time with all your duties done." Rin explained. "Could it be your heart knows where it wants to be and your not there?"
"That's the problem, I'm just so confused." Kagome admitted.
"I always knew Inuyasha and I were friends...and I thought I knew my heart...I was just never sure of his. Now he seems so different at times. He has the life I'd always hoped for him but, does he still really need me?" Kagome asked.
Rin smiled, "are you sure he's different?"
"That's the thing I don't know. Very thing is just happened so fast. In a span of a week I went from graduating high school and deciding to stay in the past with Inuyasha to finishing the quest and being in the bottom of the well." Kagome sighed as she brought her hands up to rest her forehead in her hands. "Just as I was starting to come to terms that I'd never see anyone again, there everyone was. I find out they lived all this time waiting to see me again. Inuyasha had changed in looks and personality some. First his here saying he loved me then gone again and he's been gone for so long." Kagome look up at Rin "I'm just not sure..I mean 500-years is a long time. He has to have change some right? Everyone told me how much he suffered with that madness. "
"Kagome what's really worrying you about Inuyasha?"
"I guess Kikyou."
"Kikyou? That priestess died 50-years before you released Inuyasha from the Goshinbuko. How could you be worried about her?" Rin asked scrunching up her face in confusion. "Didn't Inu nii-chan explain the only feelings for the priestess he has is regret he was unable to protect her? He told me many times you were the one who showed him the true meaning of love and friendship. Until you he had never known it except the love his mother had for him."
"That's not what I mean. Inuyasha had a hard time letting go of Kikyou. Even when she was one the the undead walking the Earth living on souls, he still couldn't let go. I just don't want him to have out grown his need for me and not be willing to let go."

Rin tried she really did try not to laugh. She knew the young women sitting with her was really worried about that but, the thought of Inuyasha having out grown his need for this women was well funny. Rin wiped her eyes as she got her laughter under control.

Ayumi picked up her tray and looked for a place for the three of them to sit. Eri and Yuka were still getting their orders when Ayumi noticed a person she had not seen since graaduation. "Hey's Kagome." Ayumi said pointing their friend out.
Eri and Yuka turned with their trays to where Ayumi was pointing. "Who is that she's with?" Eri asked noticing Rin.
"Well let's go find out." Yuka said leading the way.
"Kagome." The three friends said together placing their trays down at the table. "Who's your friend?" Eri asked. Kagome flushed as her three friends joined them. 'They don't know the truth about Rin, they just see how young she looks.' Kagome thought trying to figure out what to tell her friends.

Rin smirked and raised her eyebrow at the three friends. Seeing Kagome was having trouble coming up with something Rin stood and introduced her self. "Hi, I'm Rin Taisho. Kagome and I know one another through my brother-in-law, Inuyasha." Rin said taking a seat again.
"Inuyasha, isn't that the violent, rude guy you've been seeing Kaogme?" Eri asked.
Kagome blushed as Rin broke out laughing again. "Don't worry about Inuyasha, he's all bark and no bit." Rin promised waving her hand dismissingly.
'Rin hit that analogy on the head.' Kagome thought as the vision of Inuyasha with his arms crossed saying, "keh can to bite," was going through her mind. That brought a smile to her face.
"Really?" Yuka asked. "Then do you know why he keeps two timing Kagome?"
'Oh kami...I can't believe this.' Kagome sunk down in her chair.
"Two timing? Are you talking about his problems with Kikyou? Inuyasha wasn't really two timing. What had been between them was in the past but, something bad happened to Kikyou and she believed Inuyasha was to blame. He felt honor bound to retify the issues between them, that's all." Rin explained taking a drink of her soda.
"Honor bound? How romantic." Ayumi dreamily said.
'Sure real romantic when you hear it put like that, not when you lived it.' Kagome thought picking up her drink.
"No Inuyasha's real problem with Kagome has been his genetic illness." Rin seriously said to Kagome's friends.
"Illness? Is that how Kagome meet him? Because they both have suffered from different ailments. Did his illness cause his hair and eye color?" Eri asked.
"No, his hair and eye color is a family trait from his father's side. His brother has them as well. No I mean his bakaism."
"Bakaism?" Yuka asked. "I don't believe I've ever heard of that."
"Yes, it's idiot's disease." Rin replied straight faced.
That had been it, Kagome coughed spitting out her drink. Rin handed her several napkins smiling. "Alright Kagome?"
"Never better." Kagme lied wiping her mouth.
"Come on Kagome, I've been married to Sesshoumaru for to long. Trust me it's a family sickness. Sesshoumaru could do no wrong when I married him but, over the years I have seen it is a condition both brothers suffer from in different degrees." Rin explained rolling her eyes.
"Married?" Kagome's three friends gasped.
"How old are you....your married to Inuyasha's brother?" Eri asked.
Rin smiled, "I'm older then I look." She promised as she once again waved her hand to dismiss the question as inconsequential to the three girls. "Yes, I'm married to Inuyasha's older brother."
"Wow how long have you been married?" Ayumi asked.
"Hmmm....long enough to know just how much my Inu nii-chan loves Kagome." Rin replied smiling at Kagome.

The rest of the meal was pleasant, Kagome enjoyed catching up with her friends and even set up to go shopping with them later that week. Rin and Kagome walked back to the shrine while Rin explained about dog demons to her. "They are terribly possessive. I'm sure you've seen that side of Inuyasha before."
"You better believe it, we got in more fights cause of that."
"Well it doesn't change, trust me. As for as him not wanting you to get a job well...that is just an insult to their need to provide. I've never had a job and never will. I do get to do some volunteer things sometimes but, that is about the end of my working."
"Don't you get bored Rin?" Kagome asked as they crossed the streeet to the shrine steps.
"No, Sesshoumaru usually takes me where ever he goes...unless it's dangerous. Another thing about dog demons, they prefer to have their female with them at all times." Rin smirked looking around for the limo. 'Looks like my lord is ready for his female to return.' Turning back Rin said. "In fact it would seem my lord had decided my presence needs to be at his side again."
Kagome turned to see the limo, the driver standing out waiting on Rin. "Will I see you again?"
Rin moved quickly to hug Kagome. "Oh yes, I'll come back. I rather enjoyed being in your company today." Rin broke the hug and turned to leave. "Till then take care Kagome."
"Bye Rin." Kagome replied waving.
Rin stopped before she gotten far and turned back. "Kagome, don't let Inu nii-chan's fears be yours alright. I mean no matter how much time has past it's not like your really strangers."
"What do you think I should do Rin?"
"What you always and follow your heart, it knows the trust even if your mind is confused it isn't. You two are not strangers in your hearts."

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youkai: demon, spirit, ghost, magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
Taiyoukai: demon lord
baka: idoit, stupid
jii-chan: grandfather
Inu nii-chan: dog brother
Goshinbuko: sacred tree of ages
bakaism: idiot's disease, i made this term up awhile back when i was reviewing to a story by the authoress Sueric.
Xipe: 'the flayed' worshipeed in ancient Mexicol Usually depected wearing a flayed human skin as a clock. From the Nahua religion, Mexican Mythology.
Sengoku Jidai: warlord era 1500's
Shikon No Tama: jewel of four souls