InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back to Where I belong ❯ Unfinshed Buisness ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: You have no idea how proud I am of myself at this moment. I am so far ahead of my fan fiction right now it looks as if I might finish it. I’m really enjoying the story so far, and I hope you are too.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Inuyasha or any of the other characters. I wish I could, but I can take no credit for them.


I was trying to conserve all the energy I could for when I jumped into the well and let it feed off me, so basically all I had done for the last three days was watch old romantic movies and lay around. I not only felt like the worst person in the world after having to break up with Hojo, but I know feel like the laziest person on the planet. The only reason I moved was to go to the bathroom and go up to my room.

Hojo had taken the break-up better then I had thought he would, but I could still tell that I had hurt him, and it wasn’t fair. I loved a guy who for the most part doesn’t know how to open up and spent most of his days calling me a bitch, among other things. Hojo on the other hand had probably never sworn in his life. He was one of the sweetest, kindest, men you would ever meet, and everyone loved him. He was cute and popular, and he knew how to communicate with others well…. And thinking about this was sending me into depression.

The truth was that I would be happier with Inuyasha then with any other guy out there. He might not be the most understanding, kind person on the planet, but he knew me better then anyone else ever would. He knew that there was something wrong with me even before I did most of the time. We both knew each other so well that it was amazing that I had even kid myself into thinking that we weren’t meant to be together when he was really my other half. I couldn’t live without him.

And there were moments when I thought that he felt the way I did to. One day I would remember most was one of our more peaceful days together. We had been taking a break from shard hunting and we had both just been laying down on a hill, staring up at the sky.


I sat up, “Inuyasha?”

Inuyasha grunted, “What Kagome.”

“How come you know me so well?”

“Well that’s a stupid question, don’t you think?” Inuyasha said sarcastically.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Because…,” he said irritated, “Don’t you even know how to shut up?”

After that I lied back down on the grass, and I started to absentmindedly pick at the blades. It was so hard to talk to Inuyasha when he didn’t want to ever talk about anything. He liked silence when I had to talk. It was really amazing that we hadn’t killed each other yet. We agreed on nothing. Not even whether communicating or silence was better.

“It’s because we’ve spent so much time together. I know you because I’ve come to know your scent changes,” Inuyasha said finally.

I wrinkled my eyebrow, “I don’t understand. You understand my what?”

“When any of you get upset or angry, or hell any emotion your scent changes, and that’s how demons can tell if something is wrong with someone else.”

“Oh.” I said finally.

“Yeah, oh.”

I looked down at the ground uncomfortable, “You know it sort of bugs me when you know what’s wrong before even I know that something’s bothering me,” I stated finally.

“I don’t understand how I know you that well either. Trust me it bugs the hell out of me,” he muttered under his breath.

To bad for him that I heard him when he said that. For awhile I just lied there and tried to figure out if I should say anything about it, but I was reluctant. I had gotten more out of him then I could ever have hoped in a day. Did I really want more? Maybe I was to pushy. Finally I sat up and looked down at him laying there.

“What did you mean by that?” I asked.

“I mean that when you don’t realize that’s something is bugging you then I can’t sense that. Your act funny, but your scent doesn’t change. I don’t know why, but that’s just how it works.”

I giggled, “Do you know how weird this sounds?”

Inuyasha snorted,” Thanks a lot!”

“Oh, don’t be so grumpy. I like that you know me well enough that you can tell when something is on my mind,” I reassured him.

“You just said that it made you uncomfortable.”

I shrugged, “I’m a girl. What can I say.”

He snorted at my comment, but didn’t say anything. He did relax a little and close his eyes again. I lied back down and we just both relaxed for awhile. That is until Inuyasha brought it up again.



“Nothing.̶ 1;

“Inuyasha I know that’s something is on your mind.”

“It’s just that…. Kikyo and I were in love with each other.”

I ignored the twinge in my heart and tried not to flinch at his words and nudged him on.

“It’s just that… When something was bothering me Kikyo never noticed. And obviously something was always bothering her because we know now that it bothered he that I was a half demon….”


“How come we never noticed? You know when something’s on my mind and I know if something is bothering you, but I never noticed with Kikyo.” he said sounding bothered.

“I don’t know Inuyasha,” I lied.


I’d never know how Inuyasha really felt about Kikyo, and that bothered me. If they loved each other so much they should have been able to tell when the other had something on their mind? Did Inuyasha feel something for me and I just never saw it? Grandma and grandpa used to be that way. Mom and dad. Even Sango and Miroku always knew when something was bugging the other. If Inuyasha had such a deep love with Kikyo why couldn’t they read each other?

I was brought out of my thoughts by my brother coming into the house.

“I’m home!” Souta shouted.

I winced and I wondered if I was ever like my brother at that age.

“I’m in the living room!” I shouted back.

Obviously, I was.

Souta ran into the room waving a paper in front of my face, “I passed with an A+!” he exclaimed jumping around the room.

I looked at the paper and saw that it was math. I winced inwardly. My brother had always been better at math then I was. I never got A’s in that class.

“You did great Souta!”

“Where’s mom? I want to show her,” he said excitedly, looking around.

I laughed, “Slow down. Mom and grandpa went to the store.”

“When does mom take grandpa shopping with her?” he looked confused.

“Since grandpa has been trying to lock me in the house so I can’t leave,” I announced, fake cheer lacing my voice.

It was hard to be happy about leaving when I knew that I was never going to see my family again. Ever. Souta sat down on the couch with me and it was silent for awhile.



“Do you have to go?”

“I wish I didn’t,” I admitted sadly.

My brother looked up at me with tears in his eyes and I almost cracked, “I’m going to miss you a lot.”

“I know,” I cried.

My brother and I put in a movie and watched it together until everyone got home and then we went up to my room and played cards until it was bed time. There was a sadness in the air that we both had to ignore, but it was better then crying.

A/N: How was it?