InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bad Influences ❯ Bad Influence # Eighteen: Forgetting the Seatbelt ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am just itching to write a fanfic where the two most POWERFUL egos collide! Have you ever wondered what would happen if the two most famous boys from Romiko Takahashi met? That's right! I'm talking about Ranma and Inuyasha. I was going through some old favorites in my you-tube account when I found them and I remembered how much I LOVE Ranma and Akane, and all the time she bashes his head in.
Should I go for it? I'm still debating who would win in a fight. I'm a geek, I know.
Unfortunately guys, this isn't much of a happy chapter, but I had to write it since it was necessary for the plot. The next chapter will be better. Anyway, enjoy, I hope you do since this was another challenge to write.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor did I have the genius to come up with him like that of Romiko Takahashi.
Bad Influence # Eighteen: Forgetting the Seatbelt
Kagome sat at her desk, tapping her pencil impatiently as she stared at the clock. Three more minutes, she thought. Three more annoying minutes and she would be dismissed for the day but not before checking her overall scores to see if she would need to do a make-up test. This past week had been enough to make her mind explode. At the very least, with Inuyasha's math notes, she didn't pull any all-nighters this time. The classroom was quiet. No student moved, possibly as apprehensive of the results as usual. It had been a grueling week of final examinations. Kagome had no idea how she had managed to get through it this time without going completely mental!
She somehow managed to get through her writing and practical test for cooking without writing down the wrong ingredient or setting her meal on fire. Her English language exam was the easiest, so at least she didn't worry about that one. The hardest test she had taken was for math. Even though she had followed Inuyasha's advise and memorized the unit circle, she still couldn't help worrying that she messed up somewhere. A small smile spread across her face when she remembered the end of their study session a week ago.
“I'm beat!” Inuyasha put his head against the table, closing his eyes.
Kagome closed all their books and gathered the papers off of the desk, sneaking a peak at him as she did so. If she didn't know any better, she'd say that he had bags under his eyes; he looked so tired. They'd been studying for another hour after dinner. It was a miracle they were finally done. Since Inuyasha was too full to go back up to Kagome's room, they had decided to study in the living room instead.
“I am never studying with you again!” He complained. “If I knew it would have taken this long, I wouldn't have agreed to it.”
Kagome gave him a look. “Gee, if you were going to complain like that maybe I shouldn't have asked for your help. I could have gone to another guy and asked for math tutelage.”
Inuyasha suddenly sat up straight, glaring at her. “Excuse me? What the hell's that supposed to mean?”
Kagome tilted her head to the side, frowning. “What's with you all of a sudden?”
“Oh nothing. If you're dead set on getting another tutor, be my guest.” He crossed his arms and looked away.
Kagome almost hiccupped out a giggle. Was it…jealousy? She couldn't believe it. “What are you smiling about?” Inuyasha grouched at her when he noticed the satisfied grin on her face.
Kagome shook her head. “Nothing. Hey, have you ever gotten jealous?” Kagome asked teasingly.
“I am not jealous!” Inuyasha growled, catching on.
“I never said you were.” Kagome smirked. “I was just asking if you ever would. If say, hypothetically, a girl you liked was talking to another guy and laughing, what would you do?”
“Why do girls always ask those kinds of questions?” Inuyasha huffed.
“Just answer it!” Kagome snapped.
“Yes, hypothetically.”
“I'd blow the his guts out.” Inuyasha wrinkled his nose. Kagome laughed. She knew he'd say something like that. “That's just like you, Inuyasha.”
Since he didn't have two classes at the end of the day, Kagome wondered if he would come back from work to see his final scores. Why was it taking so long? She looked back up at the clock again. One more minute, she sighed. Once the school semester was over, she would have two weeks for vacation and then her summer preparatory classes would start, which reminded Kagome that she should find a job. The money her parents had put away for her in the bank wasn't going to last forever, and Kagome had her own savings to add to for college, not to mention that her prep classes weren't going to pay for themselves.
She'd been so wrapped up in her plans that she didn't notice the class had been dismissed until Sango patted her on the shoulder. “You'd better go if you want to get through the crowd to see your results.” Kagome flinched when she noticed that half the class was already out the door.
“Oh brother, thanks Sango.” She said as she began stuffing her things into her book-bag. “How do you think you did on the finals?” She asked.
“Fairly decent. I think I passed most of them.” Sango smiled. “No worries about summer school here.”
They walked out into the hall to see that a crowd of students had already assembled around the opposite wall where the final scores had been posted. Kagome heaved a huge, annoyed sigh. This was going to take longer then she expected. Finally the crowd began to thin, satisfied and humiliated faces came and went as the students passed by. As Kagome got closer to seeing her scores, a familiar face appeared in the crowd.
“Hey!” Kagome called, catching his attention.
Inuyasha stopped, looking at her over his shoulder. “Hi.”
“So you came back to see the results?” Sango asked.
“Yeah…” He said quietly.
“Why are you so glum? Did you fail a test?” Kagome asked.
“No, I passed everything.” He replied with a frown.
“Did you get back scores?” Sango asked him.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, “I'll have you know I got four A's and one B.”
“Then why are you so grouchy?” Kagome pressed.
“Let's just say, I got a really bad letter this morning.” He grumbled.
“What happened?” Kagome asked.
“My old man is being a pain in the ass, that's what happened.” He growled.
Kagome was about to ask him what was wrong when she finally reached the front of the crowd. Overcome with the excitement of learning her results, she ignored Inuyasha and Sango as she traced her finger down the sheet for her class, till her hand crossed her name. Her eyes skimmed through the grades before she turned back to her friends excitedly.
“Yes! I did great! All A's, well except for math. I got a B. Thanks Inuyasha!” She added as an afterthought.
He shrugged, not wearing his usual smug smile. “It was your studying that got you such a good grade.”
He hadn't given her the egotistical answer she was expecting. “You're not yourself today.” Kagome mused, confused as to why he looked so put off.
“Damn right I'm not myself, I'm pissed as hell!” Inuyasha replied.
Several of the students turned around, giving them annoyed looks. “Why don't we go outside, there's no point staying here since we know our scores already.” Sango suggested, ushering Kagome and Inuyasha outside.
“So, why so mad today?” Sango asked when they were away from prying ears.
“I told you, my old man is being a dick!” Inuyasha snarled.
“Well, what did he do?” Sango asked.
Kagome suddenly paused, her head downcast. Neither Inuyasha nor Sango had noticed that she'd stop walking till they were a few good steps ahead. Then they stopped Sango turned and, noticing the distant look on Kagome's face, asked, “Kagome, are you okay?”
Kagome looked back up, smiling weakly. “I'm fine. I just remembered.”
“Remembered what?” Inuyasha raised a brow, coming closer.
Kagome sighed, her eyes lowering. “Today makes it six months.”
“Six months since what?” Inuyasha said.
“Oh.” Sango began sympathetically, understanding. “Inuyasha, could you leave us alone for a bit.”
“I can't believe I forgot. I have go.” She passed between Sango and Inuyasha. Either he was imagining it, or her eyes were glassy. Kagome retreated from the school grounds, disappearing after she crossed a nearby street.
“Look you did you insensitive jackass.” Sango huffed, passing by him.
“What the hell did I do?” He said, rushing to catch up to her. It was bad enough that his old man was getting on his case; he didn't need Kagome and Sango badgering him too.
Sango rounded on him, pointing to his chest accusingly. “Don't you know? Her dad died a three months before school started.”
Inuyasha stared at her for a few moments. “She never said anything about that.”
Sango rolled her eyes. “That's the thing about Kagome. She doesn't like people to know that she's hurting. At the start of the school semester, you could see in her eyes that she was secretly depressed but she'd always push it aside when I asked her about it.”
Inuyasha considered this. Come to think of it, when Kagome was having problems with the rumors, she tried to handle things herself, avoiding him without telling him why. She never spoke about her father so he had assumed he died long ago. They must have been close for her to so upset. And here he was complaining about his old man.
He heaved in a big sigh. “Aren't you going to comfort her?” He asked Sango.
“I would, but isn't that more like your job these days?” Sango smirked.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh you're such a dunce, both of you! If you are not going to apologize for being a jackass, fine! I'm supposed to meet Miroku anyway.” Sango huffed and walked off.
Inuyasha stood there in the schoolyard for a few minutes, repeating her words in his head. Women: they really knew how to put him on the spot. And he though he felt bad before Sango yelled at him. He stole a glance at his phone. He really had to get back to work, and his phone was running out of charge too. Inuyasha growled. This was not his day. First the fiasco with his father in the morning, then he was late for work and now he had unwillingly offended Kagome. Groaning out of exasperation, he pulled his keys out of his pocket.
How could she have forgotten! Kagome cursed her luck as she raced down the road. She hadn't been to the graveyard in two months. School, track, Souta, taking care of things at home, and Inuyasha had gotten in her way. It was half a year ago today that she held her father's hand for the last time. How dare she forget to visit his grave! She felt terrible.
Her legs heaved, but she ignored it, demanding that the light change from red to green before she got there. The cemetery was twenty blocks away from her school, but she didn't care. As soon as she reached the intersection, the lights had changed, and Kagome raced across, bumping into a woman on the street.
“Sorry!” She said breathlessly, hastily. Unfortunately, by the time she had crossed two more blocks, she was out of energy. She slowed down and then leaned against the wall of the building, holding to her side. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to run all the way to see her father, but Kagome felt that if she didn't rush there, it would mean admitting that she forgot about him. How could she? She felt like she betrayed him. No wonder her mother, brother and grandfather looked so forlorn these last few days.
Kagome clutched the stitch in her side, straightening, preparing to run. “Are you torturing yourself again?”
She frowned, stopping in mid-step, and turning to look about the street. Inuyasha was leaning against his black Lexus, watching her. “How did you get here?” Kagome asked impulsively.
“I was on my way to your place when I saw you on the street. Need a ride?” He offered.
“Not from you!” Kagome growled.
Inuyasha shrugged. Strange, Kagome thought, he'd usually retort by now. “Suit yourself.” He turned and walked around to the driver's side. When Kagome heard the click of his door open she suddenly shouted, “Wait!” Inuyasha paused for a moment, looking at her.
“Do you think you could drive me to the graveyard?” She said.
He gave her a sardonic look. “I thought you said you'd rather jump onto a speeding train when sit in the same car as me.”
Kagome fumed, puffing up with annoyance. “If you don't want to give me a ride then…”
“I never said that!” Inuyasha cut across her in instant defense.
Kagome narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms and irately said, “You were thinking it!”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Do you want a ride or not?” He asked, impatience marring his voice.
Kagome sighed, and uncrossed her arms, walking toward his car. “Yes…please.” She added. He nodded and slipped into the driver's seat, waiting for her to enter the vehicle. Kagome sat on the warm seat and clicked her seatbelt. She looked down at her hands, breathing in. She heard the engine come to life and jumped in her chair when the car moved.
“You act like you've never ridden in a car before.” Inuyasha huffed and Kagome could hear the amusement in his voice.
“I haven't. At least not for half a year.” She said.
She turned to look out the window. “You're not driving super fast.” She commented.
“There are a lot of drivers on the road.” He paused. “Can I ask you how your father died?”
Kagome took a deep breath. “Car accident.” She said.
Inuyasha sighed. No wonder she had been so nervous about his driving. No wonder she was so frantic when she found out about her brother. He couldn't blame her for getting emotional when she came to thank him for telling the hospital about her. Reluctantly, he took his right hand off the wheel and pulled his seatbelt across his chest, clicking it into its place. Kagome must have heard the sound because she next said in outraged surprise, “You weren't wearing your seatbelt? What if we had an accident?”
“I forgot.” He lied.
“You forgot to wear your seatbelt?” Kagome repeated disbelievingly.
He didn't reply, not really in the mood to get into an argument. Kagome huffed out of annoyance and, thankfully, let it drop as she returned to look out his window. He looked at her from the corner of his eye. Her shoulders were slumped and she was quiet. It didn't seem like her at all. He looked back ahead. So she was afraid of cars. It made sense. She didn't drive, preferring her feet, she lost her father in a car accident, and her brother hadn't been far from dying the same way. He wondered if she ever would dare to drive.
“Are you okay?” He blinked and smiled grimly; he hadn't known she was watching him.
“I'm fine.”
Somehow Kagome didn't believe him. “Is this about your dad?” She asked.
He frowned. “Not really.”
“What did he do?” Kagome pressed, seeing right through him.
“He wants me to move back in with him, even though I kept up my end of our deal.”
“Which is?”
Inuyasha clicked his teeth. “Why do you need to know?” He snapped, louder then he had intended. Kagome frowned and looked out the window. He cringed. Maybe he shouldn't have yelled at her.
“I asked him if I could move out. The deal was that I don't come to him for money, and that I get decent grades.” He said.
“Why didn't he offer you financial support?” Kagome asked.
“So I would have a tough time taking care of myself and move back home. He doesn't trust me on my own.”
“Why?” Kagome sounded confused. He supposed it was natural for her not to understand something like this since she was so obviously close to her father. It was something he didn't have.
“I'd rather not talk about him.” He answered.
“Do you…hate him?” Kagome whispered.
The car slowly came to a stop. Inuyasha starred ahead through the glass, and Kagome bit her bottom lip, hoping that she hadn't said something that offended him. He looked at her with a stoic face. “Shouldn't you be getting out?” He asked.
Kagome growled. Was he that angry? “We're here.” He said when he noticed her upset face. She blinked for a moment before looking back out through the window. They were in the graveyard parking lot. Kagome's heart jumped and she fumbled with her seatbelt, springing out of the car.
Inuyasha sighed, getting out as well. He locked his car and followed her as she rushed through the grassy plane. Finally, Kagome came to halt under the shade of a large tree. She kneeled down in front of the gravestone, next to her mother and grandfather. Inuyasha paused when he noticed her family. Souta wasn't there, and Inuyasha thought he must still have been in the hospital, or too weak to travel. He decided against going any further and turned to walk back to his car.
“Oh, Inuyasha dear.” Damn, he thought. “How are you?” Mrs. Higurashi put on a smile when turned.
“I'm fine.” He gave her what he hoped was a convincing grin.
Mrs. Higurashi nodded warmly and turned to her daughter, whom still kneeled in front of her father's grave. “Kagome, are you coming with us?”
She looked up at her and shook her head “No. I'm going to stay a little longer.”
“You're leaving?” Inuyasha asked before he could stop himself.
“Yes, I'm afraid. We've been here for a while. We should be getting back to Souta.” Mrs. Higurashi smiled. Kagome's grandfather nodded in agreement.
“He's out of the hospital?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes, dear. Unfortunately the doctors advised against him walking just yet, so we had to leave him at home.”
Kagome's grandfather walked on ahead but Mrs. Higurashi turned to her daughter one more time. “Are you sure you'll be okay coming home on your own?” She asked.
“I'll be fine, Mom.” Kagome gave her a small smile. Nodding, Mrs. Higurashi followed Grandpa and exited the graveyard. “Hi dad.” Kagome spoke to the gravestone when her mother and grandfather were out of sight.
“You don't have to stay here, Inuyasha. Don't you have work?” Kagome told Inuyasha without turning.
“Is it that you don't want me to stay and be alone, or is that you feel like you're keeping me here?” He replied.
“How very perceptive of you.” Kagome gave a weak laugh. “You don't have to wait for me. I'm going to be here a while. I'd hate to keep you here.” She heard him huff but he walked away nonetheless.
She looked at him over her shoulder as he got smaller with distance. “That's Inuyasha by the way.” Kagome said when she didn't see him anymore. “He can be a real jerk sometimes but he's not that bad.” Kagome stared at the stone. It stood silent.
“I've been really busy, but don't worry, I've got my priorities straight. I've signed up from preparatory classes over the summer and I've been thinking about finding a part-time job. And no one's beaten me in a race. So I'm still the champ.”
Kagome could feel her eyes stinging. Three months after her father's death, before school had started, students that had seen her outside of school flung themselves at her, muttering sympathies for her loss, which only made her feel worse. She had pushed her grief aside and put on a smile, her best effort to move on. Keeping herself busy made it so she wouldn't think about her father, but every so often she'd have a lingering thought and the pain would return again.
Kagome didn't know how long she had spent quietly staring at her father's grave. She knew it must have been long because her eyes were starting to itch with the pain of a hundred tears. “I'm sorry I haven't been visiting often.” She began speaking once more. “I don't even have flowers for you today. Don't worry Dad, I'll be okay.” She whipped a tear from her eye, trying her best to be tough. Her father wouldn't want to see her put her self down constantly because of his loss.
“I'm heading back now Dad.” Kagome said as she gave the tombstone a loving stroke. “I love you.” She said as she stood, rubbing her eyes.
Inuyasha was still there, leaning against his shiny Lexus when she passed by the parking lot. “You're still here?” Kagome gawked, and then quickly covered her eyes, hoping they weren't as puffy and red as they felt. It was embarrassing that he would see her in such a weak state.
“Do you want me to drive you back?” He asked her. Kagome removed her hands from her eyes.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked.
“Don't friends give their friends rides home?” He replied. “Do you want a ride or not?” He asked.
Even though it was mortifying enough for him to see her cry, Kagome preferred him taking her home to walking back. She wouldn't want people to see a sad girl walking down the street. “That'd be nice. Thanks.” She said as she walked toward his car.
The ride home was silent and Kagome was thankful that Inuyasha didn't talk to her. Even if he felt that it would be nice to break the cold stillness and try to make conversation, Kagome wasn't in much of a mood for talking. Plus, she was afraid that her voice would break if she did speak. The quiet made the ride back home longer then it was but before she knew it, Kagome was in front of the steps that led to her house.
“Thanks for the ride Inuyasha.” She said, turning toward him.
He nodded and then smiled suddenly as though he were thinking of his own inside joke. “What?” Kagome asked, confused.
“Do you realize that you haven't been wearing your seatbelt this whole time?” He said, pointing to the unused belt that hung at her side. Kagome looked at it and gasped. So that was why she felt a little odd during the trip.
“Oh my god.” She turned to look out through the windshield. “What if we got pulled over?”
“I'd have to pay for a ticket.” Inuyasha smirked. “My first ever ticket, and it wouldn't even be my fault.” He laughed. “Bet the old man would loved to blame me for it anyway.” He said to himself in a low voice that only he was meant to hear, but Kagome caught it.
Did he really dislike his father? Kagome didn't understand it. She would give anything to hear her father's voice again. She couldn't imagine ever hating him. Why did Inuyasha take his for granted? Kagome could feel the tears coming down. The leaked out of her eyes before she could stop it and she covered her face, trying to hide them. She tried breathing, but it came out as a sob.
“Hey, Kagome?” Inuyasha sounded worried and she felt his warm hand on her shoulder.
“I'm fine. I'm fine, really.” She muffled a choke, her voice didn't sound convincing at all.
“Shit.” Inuyasha sighed, covering his face with his free hand. He definitely shouldn't have opened his mouth. Kagome's grief had made him think about his own Dad. As he stood by his car in the graveyard he reminded himself how much he hated the old man. So what. At least he had a father, and he'd been stupid enough to curse him in front of Kagome. What should he do? Should he apologize? What was he apologizing for? Hating his father? Or making Kagome feel terrible because he hated his father?
“Kagome?” He looked back at her. She still covered her eyes. Sniffing, Kagome gave him a low, “hmm?”
“Are you okay?” He asked.
Kagome finally removed her hands, trying her best to smile. “I'm fine. I'm sorry.” She hiccupped.
He tilted his head to the side. If there was anyone who should feel sorry it should be him. “What for?”
Kagome shrugged. “I know you don't like it when girls cry and all.” She gave him a weak smile. “It's just…I really miss him.” She said, looking down at her hands.
Inuyasha sighed. “Listen, I should be the one to apologize.”
Kagome shook her head, looking back up at him. “No, it's not your fault. It's not my day I guess.” She looked out the window. She must have tried to compose herself before going back to her house because she didn't leave.
Inuyasha closed his eyes for a moment and, making his decision, pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. It was out of charge. It looked like he wasn't having a good day either. He heard his car door opening, and saw Kagome step outside.
“Thanks for bringing me home, Inuyasha. I really appreciate it.” She smiled and it didn't even look like a grin because her cheeks were covered with tear tracks and her eyes looked red and swollen.
Inuyasha slipped out his car. “You're welcome. By the way, can I use your phone? Mine's dead.” Kagome nodded and led him toward her house. As he walked inside, he gave her an appreciative look and headed off to the kitchen where Kagome told him the phone would be.
“Hi, Mrs. Higurashi.” Inuyasha said nervously when he saw her by the sink.
“Oh, hello again.” Mrs. Higurashi smiled. “Thank you for bringing Kagome back.” She said knowingly and gave a low chuckle when Inuyasha blushed slightly. If there was one adult he was afraid of, it was Kagome's mother. He would hate to imagine how her father would have made him feel. On that note, Inuyasha reached for the phone.
Kagome sniffed. She heard Inuyasha slip into the room, picking the phone off the receiver and dialing the number.
“Hey Kaede, is the old man home?” A short pause followed. “Can you put him on the line?”
Kagome frowned, blowing her nose. “Hey old man. I'm coming home.”